305 Provider Agency


The provider agency is designated by the SLTCO to house the long-term care ombudsman program and to assure the provision of Ombudsman Representative services in the service area designated by contract with the State agency.


305.1 Provider agency responsibilities

The provider agency shall:

  1. Be the sole provider of LTCO services in the service area designated through contract with the State agency.

  2. Operate the LTCOP in accordance with the provisions of the contract for LTCO services with the State agency.

  3. Assure that the LTCOP performs the Program Components (III-100).

  4. Require the Ombudsman Representative Coordinator to submit a LTCOP Annual Plan (III-100.1, a, i), to the area agency on aging, if applicable, and to the SLTCO for approval.

  5. Provide an Ombudsman Representative Coordinator, who:

    1. Meets the applicable minimum qualifications (see II-203.2).

    2. Has no duties in the agency outside the scope of the LTCOP.

    3. Is employed full time.

  6. Provide resources for Ombudsman Representative staff and/or volunteers in addition to the Ombudsman Representative Coordinator as necessary to:

    1. Fulfill the Program Components (III-100),

    2. Maintain or exceed the level of services provided in the service area during the previous fiscal year; Such staff shall meet the applicable minimum qualifications (see II-203.3).

  7. Assure that LTCOP data is provided to the OSLTCO in the format required by the State agency and in a timely manner.

  8. Prohibit inappropriate access to LTCO files, records, or other information located with the provider agency (II-500).

  9. Assure Ombudsman Representatives attendance at certification training and all statewide LTCOP trainings.

  10. Provide professional development opportunities for Ombudsman Representatives.

  11. Provide administrative support as needed for the operation of the LTCOP such as custodial, fiscal management, clerical, technology support, and telephone coverage.

  12. Provide the Ombudsman Representative Coordinator with information about and opportunity to make requests regarding the use of funds designated for LTCOP use.

  13. Request a waiver from the SLTCO if, due to demonstrable and unusual circumstances, it anticipates it will be unable to comply with any of these responsibilities.

  14. Perform each of its responsibilities in administering the LTCOP in accordance with all applicable federal and state law, regulations, and policies.


OAA §§ 306; 712(a)(4), (5)(A)