306 Long-Term Care Ombudsman Representative


An Ombudsman Representative is designated by the SLTCO as a representative to provide LTCOP services in the service area designated in the provider agency contract. An Ombudsman Representative may be employed by the provider agency or serve as a volunteer.


306.1 Ombudsman Representative general responsibilities

Ombudsman Representatives are responsible for:

  1. Providing Ombudsman Representative services to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents in accordance with the provisions of the federal and state laws governing the LTCOP and with the provisions of the provider agency contract for LTCOP services.

  2. Fulfilling the Program Components (III-100).

  3. Documenting LTCOP activities and case work in OmbudsManager as required by the SLTCO.

  4. Adhering to the Ombudsman Code of Ethics (Appendix A).

  5. Prohibiting inappropriate access to LTCOP files, records, or other information in the possession of the local Ombudsman entity (see II-500).

  6. Carrying out other activities that the SLTCO deems appropriate.

  7. Performing each responsibility in accordance with all applicable federal and state law, regulations, and policies and OSLTCO Policies and Procedures.

306.2 Ombudsman Representative Coordinator responsibilities

Within the relevant LTCOP, the Ombudsman Representative Coordinator is responsible for:

  1. Overall management and development of the LTCOP, including knowledge of and opportunity to make requests regarding the use of funds designated for LTCOP use.

  2. Supervision of all other Ombudsman Representatives and/or volunteers, Volunteer Visitors, Associate Certified Ombudsman Volunteers and Senior Certified Ombudsman Volunteers.

  3. Assuring that non-certified staff and volunteers work under the direct supervision of a certified Ombudsman Representative and do not process complaints.

  4. Ensuring that administrators of long-term care facilities in the service area are aware of the names and contact information for the Ombudsman Representatives assigned to serve residents of the facility. This requirement may be met through communication by letter, phone call, e-mail, or visit to the facility. The Coordinator shall ensure that this information is updated due to change in staff or volunteer assignment or withdrawal of designation of an Ombudsman Representative.

  5. Submitting to the SLTCO and provider agency a LTCOP Annual Plan (III-100.1, b, i) for each fiscal year indicating program goals and objectives relating to the Program Components (III-100) and other program activities.

  6. Assuring that the LTCOP satisfactorily accomplishes Program Component performance goals in the local Ombudsman entity LTCOP Annual Plan.

  7. Arranging, in consultation with the SLTCO, for provision of LTCO services in the service area when the LTCOP is temporarily unable to provide coverage.

  8. Regularly reporting on Ombudsman Representative activities as required by the provider agency, and SLTCO, including:

    1. Assuring that accurate data is provided in a timely manner.

    2. Regularly reviewing summary reports to check for accuracy in data entry.

    3. Regularly comparing local Ombudsman entity LTCOP complaint and activity data with statewide statistics and the local Ombudsman entity LTCOP Annual Plan for use in program management (see III-100.1).

  9. Developing procedures for daily operation of the LTCOP, including procedures for documenting and filing documents related to complaint investigations.

306.3 Responsibilities of staff and volunteers not designated as Ombudsman Representatives

Persons who are either hired or have volunteered for the LTCOP, but who have not completed the requirements for designation as an Ombudsman Representative, may provide LTCOP services as follows:

  1. Non-designated staff and volunteers may assist in the provision of LTCOP services under the direct supervision of a designated Ombudsman Representative. They may not have sole responsibility for the provision of any LTCOP service and may only participate in complaint processing by assisting Ombudsman Representative staff with specific, limited functions.

  2. Only designated Ombudsman Representatives may process complaints. If the Ombudsman Representative Coordinator is the only staff person, he/she shall work towards completion of certification and, until certified as an Ombudsman Representative, is responsible to request SLTCO supervision for the processing of all complaints.


OAA § 712(a)(5); O.C.G.A. §§ 31-8-50 et seq