403 Procedures to Avoid Conflicts of Interest

403.1 Persons seeking certification as an OR

  1. Identification of the conflict

    The LE shall screen all persons seeking certification as an OR staff or volunteers to identify any actual or potential individual conflicts of interest. Upon request by the SLTCO, the LE shall submit evidence of such screening to the SLTCO. The SLTCO may periodically request the LE to perform a conflict of interest screen of currently certified OR staff or volunteers.

  2. Disclosure of the conflict

    All persons seeking employment or certification as an OR or volunteer shall disclose to the LE all information relevant to past employment, membership, or interests that may affect, or could reasonably be expected to affect, that individual’s ability to carry out duties of an OR without conflicting interests.

403.2 Persons seeking to become Volunteer Visitors

  1. Identification of the conflict

    The ORC shall screen all persons applying to become Volunteer Visitors to identify any actual or potential individual conflicts of interest.

  2. Disclosure of the conflict

    All persons applying to become Volunteer Visitors shall disclose to the ORC all information relevant to past employment, membership, or interests that may affect, or could reasonably be expected to affect, that individual’s ability to carry out duties of a Volunteer Visitor without conflicting interests.

403.3 OR involvement in activities

In determining whether OR participation in community groups, professional associations, or other activities constitutes a conflict of interest, the following questions shall be considered:

  1. Will the LTCOP benefit from OR involvement in this activity?

  2. Will the OR be able to represent and assert the views of long-term care residents in this activity?

  3. Will the role of the OR in the activity benefit residents?

  4. How will participation in the activity affect the public perception and the residents’ perception of the LTCOP?

  5. Will the OR be put in a position of participating in a decision about a resident without the resident’s involvement or permission?