900 Grievance Procedure

How to use this Chapter: This Chapter sets forth procedures for grievances related to Ombudsman Representative and Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman actions as follows: 1) grievance intake and response, 2) confidentiality, 3) types of grievances, 4) intake procedure, 5) response time frames, and 6) completion of the process. Each section describes how the process works through resolution of the grievance including the process for appeal and the final decision.


The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) provides a process through which grievances regarding the determinations or actions of the Ombudsman Representatives (OR) or the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (SLTCO) are addressed. This policy establishes a system for the receiving, assessing, investigating, resolving and completing the processing of grievances.