905 Intake Procedure

The intake procedure for grievances is as follows:

  1. Grievance

    The Grievance Intake Form shall be completed by a certified OR. The grievance may be made in writing or orally. Those filing grievances are encouraged to file them in writing. This can help to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation. In some situations it may be impossible or undesirable for a grievance to be filed in writing. If a report is made orally, the person receiving it must complete the Grievance Intake Form and if possible, obtain the signature of the aggrieved to verify the information. A copy of the grievance form (signed or unsigned) must be faxed to the SLTCO. The primary investigator (OR or SLTCO) shall keep a copy of the grievance form in accordance with the record retention policies of the SLTCO as stated in section 501.5 under the Confidentiality heading of this Policy Manual.

  2. Appeal

    In the event that the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved, appeal may be filed in accordance with these policies. An appeal must be made within fourteen (14) days from the completion of the grievance process. The appeal may be made in writing or orally. Those filing appeals are encouraged to file them in writing. This can help to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation. Situations may arise in which it is impossible or undesirable for an appeal to be filed in writing. If an appeal is made orally, the person responsible for acting on the appeal must make written notation of the appeal on the back of the initial Grievance Intake Form and if possible obtain the signature of the appellant to verify the notation. A copy of the appeal form (signed or unsigned) must be faxed to the SLTCO. The LE entity shall keep a copy of the grievance form in accordance with the record retention policies of the OSLTCO as stated in section 501.5 of the Policy Manual.

  3. Method

    In order to facilitate a thorough investigation of the grievance, when filing a grievance, the aggrieved must give his or her name and contact information. When filing a grievance or appeal, it is best to file it with the person responsible for investigating it, however any grievance or appeal can be filed directly with the SLTCO. Any grievance or appeal filed with the SLTCO for which the SLTCO does not have primary investigative responsibility will be forwarded to the appropriate party prior to any further action by the SLTCO. Although writing is encouraged, a grievance or appeal may be filed using any of the following methods:

    1. By U.S. mail – a grievance may be sent to the party responsible for investigating the grievance in written form to the address listed in the grievance material. The grievance form should contain the name of the person against whom the grievance is being filed, the date of the incident(s) and as much information as necessary to apprise the responsible party of the details of the grievance. The Grievance Intake Form is available on the SLTCO website. The form is also located in Appendix D of this Policy Manual. An appeal should be sent to the person responsible for considering the appeal and may also be sent to the SLTCO.

    2. By fax – a grievance should be faxed to the person responsible for considering the appeal and may also be faxed to the SLTCO using the phone number provided on the grievance material.

    3. By Internet – a grievance can be filed using the SLTCO website.

    4. By phone - grievances against a volunteer or OR can be made by calling the OR Coordinator’s office. Grievances against an OR Coordinator may be made by calling the SLTCO’s phone number. An appeal can be made by calling the party responsible for considering the appeal or may be made by calling the SLTCO’s phone number.

    5. Grievances against the SLTCO must be made in writing and by sending the written grievance to the Director of the State Unit on Aging via fax, internet or U.S. mail.