102 Information and Assistance (I&A)


The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program shall provide information and assistance regarding long-term care and related issues as requested.


  1. timely responses

    1. The LTCOP shall respond to a request for I&A during the same day the request is made whenever possible and, in all cases, within two working days.

    2. The LTCOP shall provide adequate telephone coverage to accept I&A requests immediately and confidentially during business hours. Adequate coverage may include: OR staff or volunteers providing constant phone service, frequent checks of telephone voice mail by staff, and/or use of pagers, cell phones or other technologies.

  2. number of requests for information and consultation

    1. The ORC shall periodically review the number of I&A requests brought to the LTCOP to determine whether:

      1. The number of I&A requests is so high as to impact the ability of LTCOP to adequately fulfill the other program components, particularly complaint processing.

      2. The number of I&A requests is below the average number of I&A requests per program statewide.

      3. The number of I&A requests is approximately the same as the projection in the LTCOP Annual Plan (III-100.1, b, i).

Table III-G Information and Consultation

How to use this table: This table is designed to assist ORCs, the SLTCO, and provider agencies in LTCOP evaluation and planning. It suggests strategies to use in impacting I&A numbers which appear unusually high or unusually low. It also provides guidance in evaluating program performance related to I&A. The LTCOP is not required to provide a particular number of I&A activities.

Table III-G Information and Consultation
IF the number of I&A activities is: THEN the ORC shall take the following steps…

low for LTCOP, indicated by:

  • more than 10% below the statewide average, or

  • more than 10% below the projected number of I&A requests in the LTCOP Annual Plan

  • review ways to ensure that residents, families, and staff are familiar with the existence of and purpose of the LTCOP

  • increase community outreach or education regarding the purpose of the LTCOP

  • review whether I&A activities are being accurately recorded by all ORs

high for the LTCOP, indicated by:

  1. more than 10% above the statewide average,

  2. the projected number of I&A requests in the LTCOP Annual Plan, and

  3. impacting the ability of the LTCOP to adequately fulfill the other Program Components

  • review ability of LTCOP to respond to requests in timely manner

  • determine what information is most commonly requested and provide written or on-line resources to reduce time spent on I&A responses


OAA § 712(a)(5)(B)(ii)