104 Training for Facility Staff | LTCO-5100-MANUAL
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program shall provide training for facility staff to long-term care facility staff regarding resident rights, abuse reporting, and related issues.
number of training for facility staff sessions
Each LTCOP is expected to provide annually, at a minimum, training for facility staff sessions:
For nursing home and ICF/IID staff—sessions equal to 50% of the number of nursing facilities in the service area.
For personal care home, assisted living community and/or community living arrangements staff—one (1) session, preferably a session made available to a large number of providers.
The ORC shall periodically review the number of training for facility staff sessions provided by the LTCOP to determine whether:
The number of training for facility staff sessions is so high as to impact the ability of LTCOP to adequately fulfill the other program components, particularly complaint processing.
The number of training for facility staff sessions is below the average number of training for facility staff sessions per program statewide.
Or, the number of training for facility staff sessions is approximately the same as the projection in the LTCOP Annual Plan (III-100.1, b, i).
IF the number of training for facility staff sessions is… | THEN the ORC shall take the following steps… |
low for the LTCOP, indicated by:
high for the LTCOP, indicated by: