105 Routine Visits | LTCO-5100-MANUAL
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program shall have a regular presence in all long-term care facilities in order to monitor the condition of residents, provide information regarding the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, and ensure resident access to an OR.
The LTCOP shall monitor the condition of residents during routine visits.
Routine visits to facilities shall be unannounced.
Timing of routine visits shall be staggered so that facilities have no basis to predict the timing of the visit.
The OR shall document observations during or immediately subsequent to the routine visit and maintain such documentation with OR records.
OR observations of conditions in the facility which adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, or rights of residents and which the OR takes action to resolve shall be documented as ombudsman-generated complaints if no other person has reported the complaint to the ombudsman.
The LTCOP shall provide information regarding the LTCOP during routine visits.
The OR shall indicate his/her presence in the facility to the administrator or other person in charge as soon as practical after entering the facility.
The OR shall wear a visible OR identification badge and carry his or her certification card while visiting the facility.
The OR shall assure that the facility posts the LTCOP poster in the facility so that it is readily visible to residents, families, and staff. Depending on the facility floor plan, several posters may need to be posted to meet this requirement. The poster shall include current contact information for the LTCOP assigned to serve residents of that facility.
The OR shall assure that the facility has an adequate supply of LTCOP brochures to provide to all residents and their representatives. The OR shall encourage the facility to include the brochure in its admission packets to assure that residents are aware of their right to access the OR.
The OR shall introduce himself or herself and explain the purpose of the LTCOP to residents in the facility, making special efforts to visit residents who have been admitted since the OR’s last routine visit.
The OR shall have business cards and/or brochures available to provide to any residents who wish to receive them.
The OR shall offer any resident who speaks with the OR the opportunity to speak privately and confidentially.
Prior to leaving the facility, the OR may meet with the administrator and/or department heads to provide information and recommendations based on his or her observations. Information regarding specific complaints shall be disclosed only with resident consent.
Frequency of Routine Visits
The LTCOP shall ensure resident access to an ombudsman as follows:
OR presence in facilities should be as frequent as possible in order to assure residents have access to an ombudsman.
OR presence should be increased in facilities in which there is a history of serious or frequent complaints.
Nursing homes: The LTCOP shall visit every nursing home in the service area at least one time per calendar quarter. More frequent visits are encouraged as resources permit.
Personal care homes: The LTCOP shall visit every personal care home in the service area at least one time per calendar quarter. More frequent visits are encouraged as resources permit.
Assisted living communities: The LTCOP shall visit every assisted living community in the service area at least one time per calendar quarter. More frequent visits are encouraged as resources permit.
Community living arrangements: The LTCOP shall visit every community living arrangement in the service area at least one time per State Fiscal Year. More frequent visits are encouraged as resources permit.
Intermediate care facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: The LTCOP has authority to visit residents of every intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities in the service area, but are not required to make regular visits. Annual visits are encouraged as resources permit.
A visit for the purpose of taking action on a complaint may be made simultaneously with a routine visit to maximize efficient use of time and resources.