108 Resident and Family Councils


The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program shall support the development of resident and family councils in long-term care facilities.


  1. developing active resident and family councils

    1. The LTCOP shall promote resident councils and family councils in long-term care facilities in the service area.

    2. Where any long-term care facility does not have an active resident council, the LTCOP shall offer assistance to the residents and the facility in developing an active resident council.

    3. Where any long-term care facility does not have an active family council, the LTCOP shall offer assistance and encouragement to family members in developing an active family council.

  2. LTCO involvement in council activities

    1. The LTCOP shall inform the presidents of each resident and family council in the service area of:

      1. The purpose of the LTCOP.

      2. Its availability to assist resident and family councils, including offering appropriate resources.

      3. The topics it is prepared to present if requested.

    2. An OR shall make his or her best efforts to be present at resident and family council meetings to which the OR has been invited.

  3. SLTCO role

    The SLTCO shall provide resources and technical assistance to LTCOPs in their efforts to develop resident and family councils.

  4. Standards for resident and family council activities

    1. Each LTCOP is expected to provide annually, at a minimum, involvement with:

      1. Resident councils in 100% of the nursing facilities in the service area.

      2. Family councils in 30% of the currently active nursing home family councils.

        For purposes of meeting these standards, the OR may participate in council meetings or other activities supportive of councils or council leadership.
    2. The ORC shall periodically review the number of resident and family council activities provided by the LTCOP to determine whether:

      1. The number of resident and family council activities is so high as to impact the ability of LTCOP to adequately fulfill the other program components, particularly complaint processing.

      2. The number of resident and family council activities is below the minimum standard.

      3. The number of resident and family council activities is approximately the same as the projection in the LTCOP Annual Plan (III-100.1, b, i).

Table III-J Involvement with Resident and Family Councils
IF the number of resident or family council activities is… THEN the ORC shall take the following steps…

low for the LTCOP, indicated by:

  • less than 100% of the resident councils in nursing facilities, or

  • less than 30% of active family councils in nursing facilities,

  • review whether residents, family members, and facility administration are aware that the LTCOP provides this service

  • initiate regular contacts with resident and family council presidents

  • evaluate previous methods of developing resident and family councils

  • develop presentations relevant to resident and family councils and inform councils of OR availability to provide presentations

high for the LTCOP, indicated by:

  • more than 100% of the resident councils;

  • more than 30% of the active family councils; or

  • more than 10% above the number of resident or family council activities projected in the LTCOP Annual Plan; and

  • impacting the ability of the LTCOP to adequately fulfill the other Program Components

  • limit the number of meetings that an OR will attend of a single resident or family council


OAA § 712(a)(5)(B)(vi)