109 Volunteer Management | LTCO-5100-MANUAL
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program shall utilize volunteers to maximize its resources to benefit residents.
LTCOP role
The LTCOP shall propose its procedures for recruitment, training, and use of volunteers in the LTCOP Annual Plan (III-100.1, b, i).
Such proposal shall be consistent with policies and procedures, including training and certification requirements, set forth by the SLTCO.
SLTCO role
The SLTCO shall provide resources and technical assistance to assist each LTCOP develop and maintain its volunteer program.
The SLTCO shall provide the curriculum and supervision of training provided by the LTCOP to volunteers.
The SLTCO shall administer written and oral examinations for volunteers who seek certification.
LTCO Volunteer role
Volunteers are designated by different titles depending on their level of training to act as a volunteer on behalf of LTCOP. All volunteers shall:
Work under direct supervision of an OR as designated by the ORC or under the supervision of the ORC based on their designation.
Be qualified to perform certain responsibilities, just as an OR staff person does.
Failure to follow the direction of the OR staff person may be grounds for de-certification as an OR Volunteer. -
Volunteer Visitor role
A volunteer who is not certified, but who visits residents in coordination with the LTCOP, is a “Volunteer Visitor.” A Volunteer Visitor:
Shall work under direct supervision of an OR as designated by the ORC. Failure to follow the direction of the OR shall be grounds for the ORC or the SLTCO to prohibit the individual to serve as a Volunteer Visitor.
Shall visit residents in long-term care facilities in order to:
Build relationships with residents.
Provide residents with access to the LTCOP.
Provide a regular LTCOP presence in the facility.
To the extent determined appropriate by the ORC, may perform any LTCOP activities, as determined by the local LTCOP, except for complaint processing.
Shall not process complaints, but may:
Refer a complaint to a certified OR for investigation.
Under direct OR supervision, perform specific, limited functions to assist the OR process a complaint.
Associate Certified Volunteer role
A volunteer who has achieved limited certification, who visits residents in coordination with the LTCOP, and who is certified to resolve certain types of complaints, is an “Associate Certified Volunteer.” An Associate Certified Volunteer:
Shall work under direct supervision of an OR as designated by the ORC. Failure to follow the direction of the OR shall be grounds for the ORC or the SLTCO to prohibit the individual to serve as an Associate Certified Volunteer.
Shall visit residents in long-term care facilities in order to:
Build relationships with residents.
Provide residents with regular access to the ORs for the area.
Provide a regular OR presence in the facility.
With permission of the resident, resolve certain, specified types of complaints.
To the extent determined appropriate by the ORC, may perform any other LTCOP activities, as determined by the local LTCOP.
Shall only process specified types of complaints.
Shall refer other complaints to a certified OR for investigation, and may, under direct OR supervision, perform specific, limited functions to assist the OR process more complicated complaints that are not within the Associate Certified Volunteer role.
Senior Certified Volunteer role
A volunteer who has met the Certification Requirements for Senior Certified Volunteer OR (Appendix B) shall be called a “Senior Certified Volunteer OR.” A Senior Certified Volunteer OR is certified to process all levels of complaints. A Senior Certified Volunteer:
Shall work under the supervision of the ORC. Failure to follow the direction of the ORC shall be grounds for the ORC or the SLTCO to prohibit the individual to serve as a Senior Certified Volunteer.
Shall visit residents in long-term care facilities in order to:
Build relationships with residents.
Provide residents with access to OR services.
Provide a regular OR presence in the facility.
With permission of the resident, resolve any type of complaint.
To the extent determined appropriate by the ORC, may perform any other LTCOP activities, as determined by the local LTCOP.
Shall resolve and document all types of complaints.
Other types of volunteers
A LTCOP may utilize volunteers to perform other functions to benefit the LTCOP. Such volunteers may perform any LTCOP activities, as determined by the local LTCOP, except for complaint processing.
Requirements for all types of volunteers with the LTCOP
All volunteers shall:
Work under direct supervision of an OR as designated by the ORC.
Failure to follow the direction of the OR may be grounds for dismissal from volunteer duties by the ORC. -
Provide appropriate documentation to the LTCOP of all activities done on behalf of the LTCOP.
Adhere to the laws and policies related to confidentiality of information provided to the LTCOP.
Perform his or her responsibilities in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and these Policies and Procedures.
Reporting volunteer activities
Activities performed by OR volunteers, including Volunteer Visitors, Associate Certified Volunteers, Senior Certified Volunteers, or other volunteers may be reported as LTCOP activities only if:
The requirements of that Program Component are met.
The OR volunteer provides information to the ORC or designated OR after performing the activity.
For further volunteer requirements, refer to the Volunteer Procedure Manual 2020.