3060 Documentation Standards

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Public Guardianship for Adults Manual


3000 Case Management

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Documentation Standards

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2023-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2022-01

Summary Statement

All Department of Human Services (DHS) adult guardianship cases shall have an open case record with ongoing documentation. Public Guardianship Office (PGO) staff shall document all actions, conversation and correspondence taken with or on behalf of the person under guardianship in the case record in accordance with this and related policies.

A guardian shall at all times act as a fiduciary in the ward’s best interest and, exercise reasonable care, diligence, and prudence. O.C.G.A. § 29-4-22.

An accurate, up-to-date case record is essential for diligent and prudent case management, as well as case continuity, case coverage in the absence of the case manager, supervision, data collection and program evaluation.

Basic Considerations

Originals or copies of all related letters, reports and court documents should be included in the case record.

The “Guardianship Checklist” is a tool to help ensure all areas of guardianship responsibility are addressed. If used, a copy of the checklist shall be placed in the client’s case record.

The checklist is found in Appendix “B”, Forms and Templates.

Basic Requirements

Case notes must be:

  • Person-centered

  • Professional

  • Descriptive and explanatory

  • Accurate

  • Timely.

Documentation should reflect a person-centered approach to case management as required by Georgia law, which states that a guardian consider the expressed desires and personal values of the person under guardianship and to encourage the person under guardianship to participate in decision-making, to the extent feasible. O.C.G.A. § 29-4-22 (a).

Person-Centered Documentation

  • Records the input, participation, or leadership of the person under guardianship in case plan development

  • Uses language that emphasizes personhood; the words used to describe a person’s disabilities or illnesses are secondary to the person

  • Presents the person’s choices, feelings, or behaviors factually and not judgmentally

  • Includes the person’s perspective, not just the perspectives, opinions, or concerns of service providers, professionals, or loved ones


Professionalism is reflected in the style in which the documentation is written. PGO documentation must be formal and well-written. For PGO documentation standards, “formal and well-written” means:

  • Meeting all requirements in the DHS Office of Communications MAN1501 – Stylebook and Communication Policy Guide

  • Avoiding colloquialisms, slang, and jargon other than those that represent a direct quote from person under guardianship or other participants

  • Using correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

  • Supporting all opinions, conclusions, or judgments with evidence

  • and reasoning

  • Writing without biased, discriminatory, or pejorative words or tone.

Descriptive and Explanatory

Documentation that is a straightforward, concise recitation of circumstances or events is also permitted.

Descriptive information is the “who, what, when, and where” details. Explanatory information is the “how and why” details. Description gives the note reader a mental picture of what the author experienced, but the reader also needs explanations to understand the significance or relevance of what the author experienced.


PGO documentation must be factually correct. PGO staff must ensure that all documented information is factually correct, but staff must use special care to guarantee the correctness of:

  • Dates

  • Names

  • Medication, including the correct spelling of the medication and the dosage

  • Diagnoses.

Other aspects of accuracy are:

  • Completeness or thoroughness

  • Clarity, or precision, so that the reader understands what the author has written

  • Avoidance of the use of vague or subjective words

  • Avoidance of the overuse of pronouns such that the reader cannot determine to whom the pronouns refer

  • Provision of adequate information to identify people, such as titles, relationship to the guardianship client, etc.

  • Write out the full words for any acronym or abbreviation with the acronym or abbreviation in parenthesis the first time the acronym or abbreviation appears in the note.


Timely documentation is documentation that meets all standards of promptness as spelled out by is this chapter.


DAS Database Case Notes

All case management activities shall be entered into the DAS database system (DDS) case notes and marked complete no later than five business days after the activity.

PGO staff shall:

  • Categorize the note by selecting the correct note type and subtype

  • Fill the “Description” box with summary details, for example: Call to (from) Townville Regional Medical Center Social Worker Regarding Discharge

  • Write the narrative as detailed in basic requirements.

Documents – Electronically Attached to Client Record

When attaching documents, images, or other electronic files into the case record, PGO staff shall:

  • Categorize the note by selecting the correct document note type and subtype

  • Identify the document or file in the “Description” box, for example: Copy of Conservator’s 2019 Verified Return

  • Write the narrative, which shall describe and explain when, how, and from whom the documents were received (or from where the documents were obtained)

  • Write a summary of the information contained in the documents.

Separate Notes for All Case Management Activities

PGO staff must enter a separate note for each discrete case management action.

Separate Notes By Each PGO Employee

PGO staff must enter a case note on all case management activity they perform, even if not the primary worker assigned to the case. For example, if a supervisor receives an emergency call on the weekend about a case or a lead worker makes a client visit for a case manager who is on sick leave, the supervisor and lead worker must enter notes about the call or the visit.


After documentation has been entered and saved as complete in the case record, it shall not be deleted or altered. Documentation with errors, such as incorrect dates, misspelled words, grammar errors, etc., shall not be deleted; however, material errors must be corrected. A material error is one that is factually incorrect or changes the meaning of the documentation. Minor errors do not require corrections. Examples of minor errors are misspelled words still recognizable as the intended word or grammar errors that do not change the meaning of the documentation.


Corrections shall be made by entering a new note that states that it is a correction to a previous entry and that references the date and description of the incorrect note.


  • Material error – wrong date, for example:

    Correction to Guardianship Client Contact Note from 02/01/2019; Incorrect Home Visit Date Entered; Correct date of home visit was 01/28/2019.

    Correction to 01/23/2019 Stakeholder Note called “Interview of Client’s Sister Maria Morrison;” Client’s sister’s name is Martha Morrison, not Maria.

Exception: entering client information into the wrong record. PGO staff must notify the supervisor of this type of error, and the supervisor shall then notify PGO management. Only PGO management may request removal of the note from the case record.


PGO staff are required to complete assessments contained in the DDS on all persons under DHS guardianship.

Initial Assessment

The Initial Client Assessment must be started within 10 calendar days after initial contact with the person under guardianship and completed no later than 30 calendar days after assignment. Update when needed.

Determination of Need-Revised (DON-R)

The Determination of Need-Revised (DON-R) must be started within 10 calendar days after initial contact with the person under guardianship and completed no later than 30 calendar days of assignment.

Case Plan

The Case Plan is due and should be documented DDS within 30 calendar days of case assignment for permanent guardianships. For temporary guardianships, the due date will be determined by the length of the guardianship as stated in the court order. The annual case plan is due within 30 calendar days of the anniversary of the guardianship appointment.

Critical Incident Report (CIR)

A Critical Incident Report (CIR) must be made in DDS no later than five business days of the date of the incident. The CM’s supervisor must be notified immediately of the death of a person under guardianship and within 24 hours of the occurrence of all other critical incidents. As appropriate, regulatory bodies must be notified in accordance with Section 4006.

Other Documentation

In addition to documents identified in other sections of MAN5800, PGO Staff are required to obtain and upload into DDS a client’s:

  • Snapshot/photo

  • Resident Inventory Form (for clients in facilities)

As well as copies of the:

  • Birth certificate

  • Insurance card(s)

  • Social security card

  • End of Life and Pre-Needs documents as they are available. If an item exists but is not available, a case note must be entered documenting the attempt to obtain the item.

A Death Certificate or Pronouncement of Death shall be uploaded into DDS by the Section Manager at case closure for deceased clients.

PGO Staff are required to complete other documents not contained in the DDS system but related to legal and reporting requirements, as well as the care and, well-being of the person under guardianship.

Personal Status Report (PSR)

The initial PSR must be submitted to the probate court within 60 calendar days after the appointment of guardianship and then annually within 60 days after each anniversary date.

When a client has a successor guardian appointed, has his or her rights restored, or dies, a final PSR must be completed and submitted before the case is closed.

Client Notification

The Client Notification letter must be mailed to the client and copy uploaded in DDS no later than five business days after receiving a new case assignment.

All documents completed outside of the DDS must scanned and attached to a DDS case note and saved as complete within five business days of completion of the document.


The resources listed below offer information that may help PGO staff meet documentation standards or improve business writing skills.


Purdue Online Writing Lab:

Joe Schall, Pennsylvania State University e-Education Institute, Effective Technical Writing in the Information Age, available at www.e-education.psu.edu/styleforstudents/node/1787

Medical/Health Information

U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Drug Information for Consumers, available at www.fda.gov/drugs/resources-you/drug-information-consumers

National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus, Trusted Health Information for You, available at medlineplus.gov/


Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc., Lighting the Way to Guardianship and Other Decision-Making Alternatives, based on Florida law but sections on the concepts of person-centeredness and self-determination in guardianship are applicable, available at www.fddc.org/sites/default/files/LTW_FamilyManual2017%20-%201.pdf