1.1 Access, Distribution and Review of Child Welfare Policies

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(1) Administration

Policy Title:

Access, Distribution and Review of Child Welfare Policies

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

June 2023

Manual Transmittal:





The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Maintain a Child Welfare Policy Manual (CWPM) that:

    1. Defines and affirms child welfare program requirements, procedures and practices in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, and best practice;

    2. Guides child welfare staff in the provision of effective child welfare services.

  2. Utilize the CWPM to promote staff proficiency in obtaining current and accurate information on the agency’s child welfare policies essential to the successful operation of the child welfare programs.

  3. Provide notification of new and updated policies electronically via Child Welfare Services Manual Transmittal (CWSMT), Child Welfare Services County Letter (CWSCL) or Child Welfare Services Memorandum.

  4. Ensure that child welfare policies are formally reviewed within 30 calendar days of the release date to promote consistency in knowledge and application.

  5. Ensure a record of the policy review is maintained for each policy release.

  6. Seek policy clarification, consultation, and support as needed to ensure staff proficiency.

  7. Monitor the implementation of child welfare policies to ensure integration into practice.


Child Welfare Manager / Administrator / Supervisor

  1. Ensure staff have access to electronic releases of child welfare policies.

    Regional and County managers should ensure that all staff under their direct supervision are included in the DFCS-All email listing so they receive such communication directly.
  2. Ensure staff are knowledgeable on how to access child welfare policies and how to seek clarification when needed.

  3. Review each CWSMT, CWSCL, or Child Welfare Services Memorandum with each employee within their oversight within 30 calendar days of issuance (see Practice Guidance: Types of Policy Correspondence).

    Policy review may occur during individual supervision, during monthly unit or other team meetings.
  4. Maintain a record of policy review for each child welfare policy release.

  5. Coordinate with the Lead Field Program Specialist (FPS) or designee to:

    1. Conduct policy trainings and case reviews;

    2. Disseminate and discuss policy updates in meetings (e.g. regional and county supervisory team meetings, summits, county staff meetings or meetings of multiple social services units) as long as:

      1. The meeting takes place no later than 30 calendar days from the date the policy correspondence was issued;

      2. The meeting agenda includes the name or number of the correspondence;

      3. A list of attendees is maintained by the meeting facilitator; and

      4. Information in items i-iii is distributed to the County Director/Designee responsible for such record maintenance.

    3. Seek policy clarification, consultation, and support from the FPS.

      The FPS may seek clarification from the Policy and Regulations Unit, as needed.

Office of Provider Management

  1. The Office of Provider Management will:

  2. Provide notification of new and revised policies to Child Placing Agencies (CPAs) and Child Caring Institutions (CCIs).

  3. Ensure CPA and CCIs know how to access to the CWPM to review policies.

  4. Maintain a record of all policy correspondence to providers to include the date received and the date(s) provided to ensure implementation.

County Director / Designee / State Level Director

  1. Encourage supervisory/management staff to review child welfare policies with their staff.

  2. Provide opportunities for staff to read and discuss application of policies within 30 calendar days of release.

  3. Engage local partners and stakeholders to share applicable policy changes.

  4. Maintain a record of reviews for each policy release.

Practice Guidance

Accessing the Child Welfare Policy Manual

DFCS child welfare policies are housed in the DFCS Child Welfare Policy Manual (CWPM) which is managed at the DHS Online Directives Information Systems (ODIS). To access the CWPM:

  1. Go to the ODIS homepage at: https://odis.dhs.ga.gov/General

  2. Select “Division of Family and Children Services”

  3. Select “MAN3000 - Child Welfare” to download the “Table of Contents”

  4. Select the specific policy from the “Table of Contents”, which includes hyperlinks for:

    1. All child welfare policies by Chapter and Section

    2. An Appendix Section that has:

      1. Child Welfare Services Manual Transmittals

      2. Child Welfare Services County Letters

      3. Forms and Tools

Searching the Child Welfare Policy Manual

The Child Welfare Policy Manual allows a user to search the manual using a key word or phrase.

  1. From the ODIS homepage, click on the Search tab;

  2. Enter a key word or phrase in the Search bar;

  3. Select the “Division of Family and Children Services” from the drop-down menu, and click “Go”;

  4. A list of documents will be provided that match the key word or phrase.

Child Welfare Policy Format

The child welfare policies format is as follows:

  1. Codes/References: Applicable federal and state laws.

  2. Requirements: Policy statements/actions/directives based on the federal/state law or practice. Federally mandated requirements from title IV-E of the Social Security Act are italicized. Requirements set forth by federal law included in this section are stated exactly or as close as possible to the language in the law.

  3. Procedures: A series of steps to accomplish the requirements.

  4. Practice Guidance: Thoughtful and practical guidance on how to effectively integrate best practice into child welfare service provision to achieve positive family and child outcomes. This section also provides definitions and clarification of complex matters.

  5. Forms and Tools: Applicable tools, forms and resources to support child welfare practice. These are also published in Appendix C of the CWPM.

Types of Policy Correspondence

  1. Child Welfare Services Manual Transmittal: Provides the purpose and a brief overview of new or revised child welfare policies that are published on ODIS. CWSMTs are disseminated electronically to all DFCS staff and is accessible in Appendix A of the CWPM.

  2. Child Welfare Services County Letter: Provides new or revised child welfare policy in advance of a CWSMT when there is a need to communicate more immediate policy changes to staff. CWSCLs are published in Appendix B of the CWPM.

  3. Child Welfare Services Memorandum: Provides clarification or reinforces policy and/or practice.

Policy Dissemination

Uniform dissemination of policy is critical for consistency and integration of policy into practice. The three primary reasons for dissemination are:

  1. Awareness: staff are aware of any changes to the work, as well as required activities and outcomes.

  2. Understanding: staff fully understand the scope of the policy and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to carry out their responsibilities.

  3. Action: staff take necessary actions to implement the change in practice resulting from new or revised policy.

Each manager/supervisor should ensure that policy dissemination efforts are providing information not only for awareness, but for understanding and action. The most successful dissemination strategies actively engage staff and deliver what they need in a clear and concise manner. The strategies should vary to suit different learning styles. Therefore, trainings, case reviews and summits can be developed differently and delivered in various formats to adjust to the policies being disseminated, and to achieve the biggest impact.

Policy Guidance and Consultation

All staff are responsible for reviewing policies to gain an understanding of the provisions and seek clarification when needed. Staff should seek policy guidance and clarification through their regular supervisory channels, and then through the Regional FPS who have policy expertise. The Regional FPS provides policy guidance within each program area, advise how policies impact the work, and support integrating new policy into practice. To obtain further policy clarification or support, the Regional FPS should contact the Policy and Regulations Unit at PPPDUnit@dhs.ga.gov.

Policy and Regulations Unit (PRU)

The PRU is responsible maintaining and disseminating child welfare policies. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. Publishing and maintaining the CWPM on ODIS.

  2. Researching, analyzing and interpreting relevant state and federal laws, regulations and guidance for applicability to child welfare policy and practice.

  3. Developing and updating child welfare policies to align with state and federal laws as well as best practices.

  4. Maintaining a transparent, collaborative and consensus-based policy development process through the engagement of subject matter experts, internal and external stakeholders, focus groups, workgroups, the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), and policy surveys.

  5. Disseminating policies statewide via the CWSMT or CWSCL.

  6. Partnering with the Regional FPS to disseminate newly released policies via their regional dissemination procedures.

  7. Partnering with Training and Professional Development to support updates to the training curriculum or other training materials/tools.

  8. Partnering with Georgia SHINES to support system enhancements.

  9. Providing targeted policy training and ongoing policy consultation and support for all levels of staff.