2.7 Contact with Media, Legislators, County Officials

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(2) Information Management

Policy Title:

Contact with Media, Legislators, County Officials

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

2109.10, 2109.11

Effective Date:

June 2021

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 49-5-40 Definitions; Confidentiality of Records; Restricted Access to Records
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-41 Persons and Agencies Permitted Access to Records


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Protect the privacy of the children and families served by preventing the unlawful disclosure of confidential information in accordance with federal and state laws (see policies 2.5 Information Management: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 2.6 Information Management: Confidentiality/Safeguarding Information.

  2. Manage media requests in the following manner:

    1. Forward all media requests to the DFCS Office of Communications for handling.

      Only the DFCS Office of Communications is authorized to grant permission for media interviews.
    2. Coordinate and obtain authorization for all planned events or other contact with the media from the DFCS Office of Communications.

      Planned media event may include but is not limited to solicitation of advertising for DFCS events or DFCS sponsored events.
  3. Forward all requests from legislators to the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs for handling.

  4. Notify the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs and/or the DFCS Office of Communications of requests from county officials.

  5. Notify the Regional Director immediately of any requests from the media/planned events/contact with the media, legislators or county officials. The Regional Director shall ensure the DFCS Office of Communications/DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs is notified of such requests.


Media Requests

DFCS staff will:

  1. Obtain the following information:

    1. Name of requestor, title and organization

    2. Requestor email and/or telephone number

    3. Deadline (if applicable)

    4. The nature of information requested

    Do not provide any information or confirm and/or deny any statements to the requestor.
  2. Immediately notify:

    1. The County Director if the request is made to the county department.

    2. The Section Director if the request is made to a state office staff.

The County/Section Director will immediately:

  1. Inform the Regional Director of the request (if the County Director) and provide information obtained from the requestor.

  2. Notify the DFCS Office of Communications of the media request and provide information the following information:

    1. Name of requestor, title and organization

    2. Requestor email and/or telephone number

    3. Deadline (if applicable)

    4. The nature of information requested

    5. A draft response, when requested by the DFCS Office of Communications

Planned Media Events or other Planned Media Contact

DFCS staff will:

  1. Inform the County Director/Section Director of the planned event/contact needed.

    1. Name of media contact, title and organization, if known

    2. Email and/or telephone number for the media organization, if known

    3. Date of planned event/contact

    4. The nature of the planned event/contact

The County/Section Director will:

  1. Inform the Regional Director (if the County Director) of the planned media event/contact.

  2. Forward the information regarding the planned media event/contact to the DFCS Office of Communications for guidance, coordination and/or authorization.

Requests from the Legislators

DFCS staff will:

  1. Obtain the following information:

    1. Name and title

    2. Requestor email and/or telephone number

    3. Deadline (if applicable)

    4. The nature of the information requested

    Do not provide any information or confirm and/or deny any statements.
  2. Immediately notify:

    1. The County Director if the request is made to the county department.

    2. The Section Director if the request is made to a state office staff.

The County Director/Section Director will immediately:

  1. Inform the Regional Director (if the County Director).

  2. Forward the information obtained from the requestor to the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs for handling.

Requests from County Officials

DFCS staff will:

  1. Obtain the following information:

    1. Name, title, organization

    2. Email or telephone number for the requestor

    3. Deadline (if applicable)

    4. Nature of the information being requested

    Do not provide any information or confirm and/or deny any statements.
  2. Immediately notify the County Director of the request.

The County Director will:

  1. Inform the Regional Director of the request and obtain guidance regarding:

    1. Whether the County Department, DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs or DFCS Office of Communications should handle the request.

    2. If the county department will handle the request, whether review/approval is needed from the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs or DFCS Office of Communications.

    Confidential information, which includes case specific information cannot be provided.
  2. Notify the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs or DFCS Office of Communications of the request:

    1. Provide contact information for the individual and organization, and the nature of information being requested.

      1. If the county department has responded to the request, indicate that a response was provided and information that was provided to the requestor.

      2. If the county department needs review/approval from the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs or DFCS Office of Communications, include a draft of the intended response.

    2. Provide any additional information requested from the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs or DFCS Office of Communications.

    Requests for comments on legislation are always handled by the DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs.

Practice Guidance

DFCS is committed to transparency and accountability to the residents Georgia through engagement with the public, media, legislators, county officials and other stakeholders. Due to state and federal confidentiality and privacy laws, DFCS cannot confirm or deny involvement with a child or family, and cannot provide case-specific information, except in certain circumstances as specified by law. When inquiries are received from the media, legislators, or county officials, they must be handled in a manner that assures confidentiality while also providing timely and accurate information when disclosure is allowed by law.

DFCS Office of Communications

The DFCS Office of Communications promotes transparency by informing and educating the public, stakeholders, and DFCS employees on the Division’s services and programs through:

  1. The handling of DFCS’ media response, strategic messaging and internal and external communications plan development and execution.

  2. Constituent Services which:

    1. Serves as point of contact for legislators, stakeholders, state agencies, advocates, general public & the families we serve.

    2. Receives and address inquiries, complaints and policy questions related to services provided by the DFCS.

    3. Act as a liaison between the constituent and the county which allows our department the opportunity to reiterate policies and procedures to assure the constituent that the county is handling their case effectively.

DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs

The DFCS Office of Legislative Affairs is responsible for:

  1. Advancing DFCS’ legislative initiatives and other interests relating to the Georgia General Assembly.

  2. Informing and educating the Georgia Legislature on issues related to DFCS’ programs, services and needs of the children and families served.

  3. Coordinating the review and analysis of proposed legislation that impact DFCS programs and services.

  4. Communicating to DFCS leadership team regarding proposed and enacted legislation that impact DFCS’ programs and services.

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