3.12 Intakes Involving Public or Private Non-Residential Schools and Overnight Camps

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(3) Intakes

Policy Title:

Intakes Involving Public or Private Non-Residential Schools and Overnight Camps

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

3.3, 3.16

Effective Date:

December 2021

Manual Transmittal:





The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Receive Special Investigations involving:

    1. Children in DFCS custody

    2. Overnight Camps

    3. Schools: Public or Private Non-Residential Schools

  2. Complete the Intake Assessment information gathering process with the reporter.

  3. Screen in Special Investigations Intake Assessments that meet the Georgia statute and DFCS policy requirements for child abuse and accept and assign for response within the following timeframes to ensure child safety, and wellbeing:

    1. Immediate: When a present danger situation is indicated.

    2. 24 hours: When an impending danger safety threat or child abuse (maltreatment) is indicated.

      These reports shall not be assigned to the Initial Safety Assessment track.
  4. Screen-out Special Investigations Intake Assessments that do not meet Georgia statute and DFCS policy requirements for child abuse.

  5. Notify the legal and boarding (if applicable) County Director(s) and the CPS Intake Communication Center (CICC) Point of Contact(s) within two hours of the Intake Assessment screen-out disposition when the screen-out Intake Assessment involves a child in DFCS custody.

    The County Department will conduct a face-to-face purposeful contact with the child and caregiver(s) within 24 hours of being notified of the screen-out intake assessment to confirm child safety in accordance with policy 10.18 Foster Care: Purposeful Contacts in Foster Care.
  6. When the Intake Report involves a Child Death/Near Fatality/Serious Injury (CDNFSI), also adhere to policy 3.13 Intake: Intakes Involving Child Death, Near Fatality or Serious Injury.


CPS Intake Communications Center Social Services Case Manager

  1. Complete the Intake Assessment information gathering process with the reporter in accordance with policy 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports.

  2. Thoroughly evaluate all information gathered to make an intake decision in accordance with policy 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.

  3. Input the Intake Assessment in Georgia SHINES using the guidelines outlined in Maltreatment in Care Georgia SHINES Job Aid:

    1. Classify the intake report as a Special Investigation: Maltreatment in Care (MIC) when the intake report involves a child in the custody of DFCS. See Practice Guidance: Special Investigations – Maltreatment in Care (MIC).

    2. Classify the intake report as a Special Investigation: Maltreatment Not in Care, when the intake report does not include a child in DFCS custody and involves:

      1. Public and Private Non-Residential Schools; or

      2. Overnight Camps

  4. Screen-in all Special Investigations Intake Assessments that meet the Georgia statute and DFCS policy requirements for child abuse and/or neglect and accept and assign for response within the following timeframes:

    1. Immediate: When a present danger situation is indicated.

    2. 24 hours: When an impending danger safety threat or child abuse (maltreatment) is indicated.

  5. Screen-out Special Investigations Intake Assessments that do not meet Georgia statute and DFCS policy requirements for child abuse.

    1. Notify the legal and boarding (if applicable) County Director(s) and CICC POC(s) within two hours of the Intake Assessment screen-out disposition, when the Screen-out Intake Assessments involve a child in DFCS custody. Document in the Intake Assessment the notification to the County Director(s) and the CICC POC(s).

CPS Intake Communications Center Social Services Supervisor

  1. Thoroughly evaluate all information gathered to make an intake decision in accordance with policy 3.2 Intake: Make an Intake Decision.

  2. Staff the Intake Assessment with the CICC SSCM in accordance with policy 19.6 Case Management: Supervisor Staffing.

  3. Review and approve the Special Investigation Intake Assessment in Georgia SHINES using the guidelines outlined in Maltreatment in Care Georgia SHINES Job Aid:

    1. Verify maltreatment in care exist; and

    2. Verify the Intake Assessment is classified as a Special Investigation.

  4. When the screen-out Intake Assessment involves a child in the custody of DFCS ensure email notification is provided to the legal and boarding (if applicable) County Director(s) and CICC POC(s) within two hours of the screen-out Intake Assessment disposition and the notification is documented in the Intake Assessment.

Practice Guidance

Children in DFCS Custody

Children in the legal temporary or permanent custody of DFCS.

Overnight Camps

Programs established solely for recreational and educational programs. Administered by internal policies. No registration, licensing, approval, or oversight authority.


Institutions for educating children.

  1. Private Non-Residential Schools: Administered by internal policies. No requirements for accreditation, registration, licensing, or approval.

  2. Public Non-Residential Schools: Administered by area, county, or independent boards of education (ex: Fulton County Schools, Buford City Schools). Local school districts are supported by Georgia Department of Education (DOE).

Special Investigations – Maltreatment in Care (MIC)

When intake reports are received alleging a child in DFCS custody has been abused, regardless of who has been alleged as the maltreater the intake report must be classified as MIC in Georgia SHINES. Alternatively, when intake reports are received alleging a child in DFCS custody was abused prior to the child entering DFCS custody, the intake report is coded as a Special Investigation-Not Maltreatment in Care.

The relationship of the alleged maltreater may be different from the relationship selected on the Georgia SHINES Allegation Detail page and what is identified on the Person Detail page of the alleged maltreater. For example, the child may be in the foster care kinship placement of his aunt. On the aunt’s Person Detail page, the relationship is primary caregiver; however, if the aunt is the alleged maltreater, the aunt will be identified on the Allegation Detail page as the kin caregiver, not the aunt.

Special Investigations – Case Name

For the protection of individual rights and ensuring confidentiality, case names are based on the placement type or setting and not the alleged maltreater or role of the alleged maltreater to the child.


Overnight Camps

  • When the alleged victim child is in DFCS custody: Place in the name of the respective placement resource caregiver (i.e. DFCS CPA foster or adoptive parent, CPA foster or adoptive parent or foster care kinship caregiver).

    If the alleged victim child is in DFCS custody and placed in a residential facility follow the guidelines listing in residential facility.
  • When the alleged victim child is not in DFCS custody: Place in the name of the alleged victim child’s parent/guardian/legal custodian.


  • When the alleged victim child is in DFCS custody: Place in the name of the respective placement resource caregiver (i.e. DFCS CPA foster or adoptive parent, CPA foster or adoptive parent or foster care kinship caregiver).

    Place in the name of the parent/guardian/legal custodian from whom the child was removed, if the child is placed in a residential facility.
  • When the alleged victim child is not in DFCS custody: Place in the name of the alleged victim child’s parent/guardian/legal custodian.


  • Parenting Youth: Where ever it is listed above to the place the case name in the parent/guardian/legal custodian and that person is a parenting youth the case name can be placed in the parenting youth’s name when he/she is the primary caregiver for the child.

Special Investigations Across County Lines

When an intake report involves an overnight camp or school the case will be assigned to the County Department where the school or camp is located. The assigned County Department will coordinate case management activities with the legal county.

Forms and Tools