3.17 Special Circumstance Intakes Involving Safe Place for Newborns

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(3) Intake

Policy Title:

Special Circumstance Intakes Involving Safe Place for Newborns

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

3.6, 4.1

Effective Date:

December 2021

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 19-10A-1 Short title
O.C.G.A. § 19-10A-2 Definitions
O.C.G.A. § 19-10A-3 Purpose
O.C.G.A. § 19-10A-4 No criminal prosecution for leaving child in custody of medical facility, fire station, or police station
O.C.G.A. § 19-10A-5 Investigating and reporting utilization of provisions


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Receive intake reports involving Safe Place for Newborns when the following criteria is met:

    1. The newborn is no more than 30 days old; and

    2. The newborn was left by the mother in the physical custody of a paid or volunteer agent, employee or member of the staff who is on duty at a:

      1. Medical facility: any licensed general or specialized hospital, institutional infirmary, health center operated by a county board of health, or a facility where human births occur on a regular and ongoing basis which is classified by the Department of Community Health as a birthing center.

        Medical facilities do not include physician’s or dentist’s private offices.
      2. Fire station: a facility of any fire department which is authorized to exercise the general and emergency powers to protect life and property against fire, explosions, hazardous materials, or electrical hazards; or

      3. Police station: a facility of any sheriff’s office, municipal police department or county police department.

  2. Gather information regarding the mother and/or father, when their information is known.

  3. Screen-in Intake Assessments that meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

  4. Assign the Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns for immediate response.

    Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns may be assigned for a 24-hour response when the child is eligible for inpatient admission and not medically ready for discharge.
  5. Screen-out Intake Assessments when the information gathered does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    Intake Assessments that do not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns shall be processed and assessed in accordance with policies 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports and 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.
  6. Notify the County Department of any assigned Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns within two hours of receipt of the Intake Report.


Centralized Intake Specialist

  1. Gather and document information from the reporter regarding the Safe Place for Newborns:

    1. The current location of the newborn and, if known, name, address, date of birth, and demographics.

    2. The name, address, date of birth, demographics, and current location of all parents and legal guardians, if known.

    3. If the child and/or parents have or is believed to have, American Indian heritage (see policy 1.6 Administration: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Transfer of Responsibility for Placement and Care to a Tribal Agency).

    4. The newborns medical status and estimated date of discharge.

    5. Inform the reporter of the next steps in the intake process.

  2. Conduct safety screenings in accordance with policy 19.9 Case Management: Safety Screenings.

  3. Thoroughly evaluate all information gathered:

    1. Determine if the Intake Assessment meets the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    2. Analyze DFCS history in accordance with policy 19.10 Case Management: Analyzing DFCS History.

    3. Evaluate for indicators of child maltreatment and safety concerns.

  4. Input the Intake Assessment in Georgia SHINES using procedures outlined in the Georgia SHINES Job Aid Recording Safe Place for Newborns Short Term Emergency Care Intakes.

    1. Classify the intake report as a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    2. Document the justification to support the case assignment recommendation.

  5. Recommend the Intake Assessment is:

    1. Screened-in when the information gathered meets the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

      Assign Special Circumstance Intake Assessments involving Safe Place for Newborns for immediate response, except for when the child is eligible for inpatient admission and not medically ready for discharge.
    2. Screened-out when the information gathered does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

      Intake Assessments that do not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns must be processed and assessed in accordance with policies 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports and 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.
  6. Participate in a supervisory staffing to discuss the intake disposition. Be prepared to discuss how the information gathered meets or does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

  7. Notify the County Department’s CPS Intake Communication Center (CICC) Point of Contact of any assigned Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    DFCS must take physical custody of the child within six hours of receipt of the intake report, if the child is medically ready for discharge.
  8. Submit the Intake Assessment to the Centralized Intake Specialist Supervisor for approval.

Centralized Intake Specialist Supervisor

  1. Thoroughly evaluate all information gathered and review the Intake Assessment in Georgia SHINES.

    1. Determine if the circumstances meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    2. Verify the Intake Assessment is classified as a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    3. Document a justification to support the case assignment decision.

  2. Staff the Intake Assessment with the Centralized Intake Specialist in accordance with policy 19.6 Case Management: Supervisor Staffing.

  3. Screen-in the Intake Assessment when the information gathered meets the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns

    1. Verify the Centralized Intake Specialist notified the CICC POC(s) within two hours of receipt of the intake report.

    2. Confirm the Special Circumstance is assigned for an immediate response, except for when the child is eligible for inpatient admission and not medically ready for discharge.

      DFCS must take physical custody of the child within six hours of receipt of the intake report.
    3. Stage progress the Intake Assessment to a Special Circumstance.

    4. Assign the Special Circumstance to the County Department’s CICC POC.

  4. Screen-out the Intake Assessment when the information gathered does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns.

    Intake Assessments that do not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Safe Place for Newborns must be processed and assessed in accordance with policies 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports and 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.

Practice Guidance

Georgia’s safe haven law, the Safe Place for Newborns Act of 2002, provides an opportunity for mothers in crisis to safely relinquish their newborn babies to designated locations. The purpose of the law is to protect newborns from endangerment by providing mothers an alternative to abandonment. The Act shields the mother from prosecution for abandonment or neglect if the following requirements are met:

  1. The newborn baby must be no more than 30 days old; and

  2. The newborn is left in the physical custody of a paid or volunteer agent, employee, or member of the staff who is on duty at a medical facility, fire station, or police station.

The mother is not required to provide identification upon leaving the newborn at an approved safe haven location; however, if she is willing, the individual receiving the newborn should obtain her name and address. The Act also has provisions for the medical facility, fire station, and police station to notify DFCS at the time the newborn is left. Upon notification, DFCS shall take physical custody of the child within six hours. Upon taking physical custody, DFCS shall promptly bring the child before the juvenile court.

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