3.19 Special Circumstance Intakes Involving Voluntary Placement Agreements (VPA)

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(3) Intake

Policy Title:

Special Circumstance Intakes Involving Voluntary Placement Agreements (VPA)

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

December 2021

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 15-11-130 (a) Emergency Care and Supervision of Child Without Court Order
Title IV-E of the Social Security Act Sections 472 (a)(2)(A)(i)


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Receive intake reports involving a request for a voluntary placement agreement to place a child in foster care, when the following criteria is met:

    1. The parent(s) has expressed their willingness to execute a voluntary placement agreement to place a child in DFCS custody;

    2. The family is experiencing a short-term crisis with an anticipated end date within 90 calendar days; and

    3. No safety issues or imminent risk of child abuse exist.

  2. Gather the information surrounding the voluntary placement request from the reporter.

  3. Screen-in Intake Assessments that meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

  4. Screen-out Intake Assessments when the information gathered does not meet the criteria for Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    Intake Assessments that do not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement must be processed and assessed in accordance with policies 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports and 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.
  5. Notify the County Department of the Special Circumstance within two hours of receipt of the Intake Report.


Centralized Intake Specialist

  1. Complete the Intake Assessment information gathering process with the reporter.

    1. Obtain the name, address, date of birth, demographics, and current location of all children in need of voluntary placement;

    2. Obtain the name, address, date of birth, demographics, and current location of all parents (mother(s) and father(s)) and legal guardians, regardless of where the child(ren) reside;

    3. If the child and/or parent have or is believed to have, American Indian heritage (see policy 1.6 Administration: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Transfer of Responsibility for Placement and Care to a Tribal Agency);

    4. Confirm the parent, guardian, or legal custodian’s willingness to execute a voluntary agreement to place a child in DFCS custody.

    5. Obtain the circumstance surrounding the need for voluntary placement.

    6. Determine the estimated length of the short-term crisis.

    7. Gather the names and contact information for any relatives, friends, or fictive kin.

    8. Inform the reporter of the next steps in the intake process;

  2. Conduct safety screenings in accordance with policy 19.9 Case Management: Safety Screenings.

  3. Thoroughly evaluate the information gathered:

    1. Determine if the Intake Assessment meets the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    2. Analyze DFCS history in accordance with policy 19.10 Case Management: Analyzing DFCS History.

    3. Evaluate for indicators of child maltreatment and safety issues.

  4. Input the Intake Assessment into Georgia SHINES:

    1. Classify as a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    2. Document the justification to support case assignment recommendation.

  5. Recommend the Intake Assessment is:

    1. Screened-in when the information gathered meets the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    2. Screened-out when the information gathered does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

      Intake Assessments that do not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement must be processed and assessed in accordance with policies 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports and 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.
  6. Participate in a supervisory staffing to discuss the intake disposition. Be prepared to discuss how the information gathered meets or does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

  7. Notify the County Department’s CICC POC(s) of any assigned Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

  8. Submit the Intake Assessment to the Centralized Intake Specialist Supervisor for approval.

Centralized Intake Specialist Supervisor

  1. Thoroughly evaluate all information gathered and review the Intake Assessment in Georgia SHINES.

    1. Determine if the circumstances meet the criteria for Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    2. Confirm the Intake Assessment is classified as a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement.

    3. Document a justification to support the case assignment decision.

  2. Staff the Intake Assessment with the Centralized Intake Specialist in accordance with policy 19.6 Case Management: Supervisor Staffing.

  3. Screen-in the Intake Assessment when the information gathered meets the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    1. Stage progress the Intake Assessment to a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    2. Assign the Special Circumstance to the County Department’s CICC POC.

  4. Screen-out the Intake Assessment when the information gathered does not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement.

    Intake Assessments that do not meet the criteria for a Special Circumstance Voluntary Placement Agreement must be processed and assessed in accordance with policies 3.1 Intake: Receiving Intake Reports and 3.2 Intake: Making an Intake Decision.

Practice Guidance

In limited circumstances, DFCS may use a voluntary placement agreement to support families experiencing a short-term crisis that cannot be met by their own resources. An executed voluntary placement agreement allows DFCS to provide care and supervision of the child for a time-limited period without court action to help stabilize the short-term crisis. When a child enters foster care via a voluntary placement agreement, DFCS maintains the same rights and duties as if DFCS had a court order for temporary custody. The parent, guardian or legal custodian has the right to have the child returned upon submitting a written request.

DFCS is under no obligation to accept a voluntary placement agreement. DFCS may execute a Voluntary Agreement to place a child in foster care when:

  1. The family is experiencing a short-term crisis with an anticipated end date within 90 calendar days.

    Voluntary placement agreement may be in effect a maximum of 90 calendar days with the possibility of one additional 90 calendar day extension.
  2. No safety issues or imminent risk of child abuse exist.

    DFCS must not accept a Voluntary Placement Agreement if family circumstances clearly indicate that the child is in imminent danger of child abuse and/or court involvement is necessary.

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