5.4 Notifications in Investigations

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(5) Investigations

Policy Title:

Notifications in Investigations

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

November 2023

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 19-7-5 Reporting of Child Abuse
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-8 Powers and Duties of Department of Human Services
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-40 Definitions; Confidentiality of Records; Restricted Access to Records
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-41 Persons and Agencies Permitted to Access Records


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Provide notification of the investigation to the military at any point during the case it is discovered that the parent/guardian of the alleged victim child(ren) is on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, and the notification was not completed by the CPS Intake Communications Center (CICC).

  2. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome within five calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation to the:

    1. Parent(s) of the alleged victim child, if he/she is not the substantiated maltreater, via the Notification of Child Protective Services Investigation Outcome to the Parent/Legal Custodian Not Alleged as a Child Maltreater.

    2. Alleged maltreater, only if the allegations are unsubstantiated, via the Notice of Unsubstantiated Child Protective Services Investigation Outcome.

    3. Minor (under the age of 18) named as the alleged or substantiated maltreater via the Notification of Child Protective Services Investigation Outcome to a Minor outlining procedure for appeal if he/she disagrees with the decision.

    4. Mandated reporter (school personnel) who made the report via the Mandated Reporter Investigation Outcome Letter. Send the notification to the school counselor for the school the child was attending at the time of the reported child abuse. If a school does not have a school counselor, send the notification to the principal.

  3. Provide notification to the mandated reporter (non-school personnel) of the investigation outcome, upon request, regarding the child concerning whom the report was made and disclose only whether the investigation of the reported abuse is ongoing or completed, and if completed, was substantiated or unsubstantiated.

  4. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome within ten calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation to the substantiated maltreater via the Notice of Child Protective Services Investigation Substantiation outlining procedures for appeal if he/she disagrees with the decision.

    This notification does not apply to minors named as the substantiated maltreater as they receive a separate notification.
  5. Upload notifications into Georgia SHINES External Documentation within 72 hours of the occurrence.


Social Services Case Manager

  1. Provide notification of the investigation to the military at any point during the case it is discovered that the parent/guardian of the alleged victim child(ren) is on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, and the notification was not completed by CICC. The military notification should be conducted in accordance with 3.25 Intake: Sharing Intake Reports with Law Enforcement, District Attorney or the Military.

  2. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome to the parent(s) of the alleged victim child, if he/she is not the substantiated maltreater, within five calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation:

    1. Launch the Notification of Child Protection Services Investigation Outcome to the Parent/Legal Custodian Not Alleged as a Child Maltreater in Georgia SHINES, identifying the child by initials only.

    2. Obtain supervisor approval and signature on the notice.

    3. Send the notice to the parent via first-class mail.

  3. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome to the alleged maltreater when the investigation is unsubstantiated, within five calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation:

    1. Launch the Notice of Unsubstantiated Child Protection Services Investigation Outcome in Georgia SHINES, identifying the child by initials only.

    2. Obtain supervisor approval and signature on the notice.

    3. Send the notice to the unsubstantiated alleged maltreater via first-class mail.

    This notification does not apply to minors named as the substantiated maltreater as they receive a separate notification.
  4. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome within five calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation to the minor named as the alleged or substantiated maltreater:

    1. When the alleged victim child is the minor’s biological child:

      1. Complete the Notification of Child Protective Services Investigation Outcome to a Minor, identifying the alleged victim child by initials only.

      2. Obtain supervisor approval and signature on the notice.

      3. Send the notice and the Guide to Child Protection Services Administrative Reviews to the minor via first-class mail.

    2. When the alleged victim child is not the minor’s biological child:

      1. Complete the Notification of Child Protective Services Investigation Outcome to a Minor, identifying the alleged victim child by initials only.

      2. Obtain supervisor approval and signature on the notice.

      3. Send the notice and the Guide to Child Protection Services Administrative Reviews to the minor via first-class mail.

      4. Send a copy of the notice and the Guide to Child Protection Services Administrative Reviews to the minor’s parent via first-class mail.

  5. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome to the mandated reporter (school personnel) who made the intake report, within five calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation via mail, email, or fax.

    1. Launch the Mandated Reporter Investigation Outcome Letter in Georgia SHINES.

    2. Obtain supervisor approval and signature on the notice.

    3. Send the notification to the school counselor for the school the child was attending at the time of the reported child abuse. If a school does not have a school counselor, such disclosure shall be made to the principal.

  6. Upon request, provide notification (verbal or written) to the mandated reporter (non-school personnel) who made the intake report, within five calendar days of the receipt of the request. The notification will include the:

    1. Information only concerning the child for whom the report was made;

    2. Status of the investigation (completed or ongoing); and

    3. If completed, the investigation conclusion (substantiated or unsubstantiated).

  7. Upload all written notifications into Georgia SHINES External Documentation within 72 hours of the occurrence.

Social Services Supervisor

  1. Upon the conclusion of the investigation ensure notifications of the investigation outcome are provided to the parent(s), alleged maltreater, minor (under the age of 18), or mandated reporter (school personnel), as applicable within five calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation.

  2. Upon request, ensure mandated reporters (non-school personnel) are notified (verbal or written) of the status of the investigation and/or investigation outcome within five calendar days of the receipt of a request.

  3. Review the written notifications and ensure:

    1. Accuracy;

    2. Only the child’s initials have been used as identification; and

    3. Upon approval, provide signature on the notification.

  4. Ensure all written notifications are uploaded to Georgia SHINES External Documentation.

Investigation Outcome Notification System (IONS) staff will:

  1. Review information for accuracy upon the notification of a substantiated case of child abuse.

  2. Provide written notification of the investigation outcome to the substantiated maltreater within ten calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation:

    1. Complete the Notice of Child Protective Services Investigation Substantiation letter.

    2. Send the Notice of Child Protective Services Investigation Substantiation and the Guide to Child Protective Services Administrative Reviews to the substantiated maltreater via first class mail.

  3. Upload a copy of the notice into Georgia SHINES External Documentation.

This notification does not apply to minors named as the substantiated maltreater as they receive a separate notification from the County Department.

Practice Guidance