7.1 Conducting Family Support Services Assessments

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(7) Family Support Services

Policy Title:

Conducting Family Support Services Assessments

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

March 2023

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 15-11-2 Definition
O.C.G.A. § 19-7-5 Reporting of Child Abuse (e)(f)
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-8(a) (2) Powers and Duties of Department of Human Services
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-40 Definitions; Confidentiality of Records; Restricted Access to Records
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-41 Persons and Agencies Permitted to Access Records
Title IV-E of the Social Security Act §§ 471(a) (9)(c) and 475 (9)
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
Public Law 104-191 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Prepare for the Family Support Services Assessment (FSS) to direct and focus case management activities.

  2. Complete a FSS assessment within 45 calendar days of the receipt of the intake report to:

    1. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the allegations of child abuse, including child safety;

    2. Take action when a safety threat is identified; and

    3. Determine whether service provision is needed to address any developmental challenges which comprise family functioning and/or well-being.

    4. Determine whether further DFCS involvement is required.

    Complete the FSS Assessment within three business days of identifying a safety threat to initiate an investigation.
  3. Adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and confidentiality provisions outlined in policies 2.5 Information Management: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 2.6 Information Management: Confidentiality/Safeguarding Information.

  4. Keep the identity of the reporting source confidential (see policy 2.6 Information Management: Confidentiality/Safeguarding Information).

  5. Analyze DFCS history to ensure a thorough assessment of safety and family functioning.

  6. Engage household members face-to-face as a group in the home to discuss the maltreatment allegations and assess child safety and family functioning. This includes the following individuals:

    1. Alleged victim child(ren)

    2. Other children in the home

    3. Parent(s)

    4. Other adult household members

    5. Alleged maltreater(s)

    Family members shall be engaged privately when they were not interviewed during the Initial Safety Assessment (ISA) or if during a family group purposeful contact, it becomes apparent that a private interview with any household member is needed to assess child safety.
  7. Inform the individual subject to a child abuse report (alleged maltreater) of the allegations made against him/her at the time of initial contact, whether face-to-face or by telephone.

    The Social Services Case Manager (SSCM) must be certain he/she is speaking to the alleged maltreater. To protect the confidentiality of the family, if the identity of the alleged maltreater cannot be confirmed, do not discuss specific allegations.
  8. Conduct a visual assessment of all children to determine if any injuries or signs maltreatment exist.

  9. Observe the physical home environment, including every room in the home to determine if it is safe and appropriate to meet the needs of each child.

  10. Assess and discuss safe sleep practices with any caregiver who has an infant (up to one year of age) in the home. Take action to remedy unsafe sleeping situations prior to leaving the home (see Forms and Tools: Infant Safe to Sleep Guidelines and Protocol).

  11. Make a safety determination in consultation with the Social Services Supervisor (SSS) prior to concluding each purposeful contact with the child, parent, adult household member, and/or alleged maltreater; and take immediate action to control the identified safety threats if the child is unsafe.

  12. Progress the Family Support Services case to an Investigation in Georgia SHINES within three business days of the identification of a safety threat.

  13. Engage any child(ren) in the legal custody of the parent(s) in a face-to-face purposeful contact(s) who do not reside in the home concerning child safety and family functioning.

  14. Engage collateral contacts who can provide relevant information for assessing maltreatment allegations, child safety and family functioning.

  15. Obtain, review, and analyze reports, professional evaluations and assessments, pictures and other physical evidence gathered during the FSS assessment.

  16. Develop an Agreement Strategy with the family within five calendar days of identifying a need to address developmental challenges that compromise family functioning and/or well-being.

    An Agreement Strategy should not be developed when safety threats are identified. The case must be transferred to an Investigation.
  17. Request state criminal history record information of adult household members when criminal history may impact child safety, in accordance with policy 19.8 Case Management: Criminal Records Checks.

  18. Conduct a purposeful contact with the parent(s) and all children in the household every 30 calendar days that the FSS assessment remains open.

  19. Immediately report any new, known, or suspected instances of child abuse to the CPS Intake Communications Center (CICC) as outlined in policy 3.24 Intake: Mandated Reporters.

  20. Conduct efforts to locate a family when they cannot be located or have moved to an unknown location in accordance with policy 19.21 Case Management: Unable to Locate.

  21. Make the FSS determination in consultation with the SSS at the conclusion of the assessment.

  22. Arrange individualized services for the family to address the developmental challenges they are experiencing in their everyday life when a need is identified.

  23. Discuss the FSS determination with the parent of the alleged victim child and the alleged maltreater.

  24. Provide written notification of the FSS assessment outcome to the parent(s) within five calendar days of closure.

  25. Document case activities in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of occurrence.


Social Services Supervisor Manager

  1. When case responsibility transfers from a different SSCM:

    1. Prepare for the FSS assessment to direct and focus case management activities.

    2. Participate in the case transfer process in accordance 19.4 Case Management: Case Transfer.

  2. Contact the reporter, if known, when clarification and/or additional information related to child safety and the allegations of maltreatment is needed.

  3. Complete attempts to locate the alleged child victim(s) to assess child safety including:

    1. Visiting the location where the child is believed to be; and/or

    2. Contacting persons that could help verify or help locate the child or family, including but not limited to family members, neighbors, childcare agencies, school system, law enforcement, and other agencies that may be involved with the family.

  4. Inform the alleged maltreater of the child abuse allegations during the initial contact with him/her via telephone or through face-to-face contact (when applicable).

  5. Schedule a home visit when all household members will be present.

  6. Engage household members face-to-face as a group in the home to discuss the maltreatment allegations and to assess child safety and family functioning in accordance with policy 7.2 Family Support Services: Purposeful Contacts During Family Support Services. This includes the following individuals:

    1. Alleged victim child(ren)

    2. Other children in the home

    3. Parent(s)

    4. All adult household members

    5. Alleged maltreater(s)

  7. Conduct a visual assessment of all children to determine if any injury or signs of maltreatment exist as outlined in policy 7.2 Family Support Services: Purposeful Contacts During Family Support Services.

  8. Observe the physical home environment, including every room in the home to determine if it is safe and appropriate to meet the needs of each child in accordance with policy 7.2 Family Support Services: Purposeful Contacts During Family Support Services.

  9. Make a safety determination in consultation with the SSS prior to concluding each purposeful contact with the child, parent, adult household member, and/or the alleged maltreater in accordance with policy 19.11 Case Management: Safety Assessment. Take immediate action to control the identified safety threats if the child is unsafe:

    1. Develop and implement with the parent(s) a safety plan in accordance with policy 19.12 Case Management: Safety Plan & Management; or

    2. Initiate court/legal intervention in accordance with policy 17.1 Legal: The Juvenile Court Process.

  10. Submit the FSS assessment to the SSS in Georgia SHINES for stage progression to investigations within three business days of identifying a safety threat in accordance with policy 7.3 Family Support Services: Making a Family Support Services Determination.

  11. Engage any child(ren) in the legal custody of the parent(s) in a face-to-face purposeful contact(s) who do not reside in the home concerning child safety and family functioning (see policy 7.2 Family Support Services: Purposeful Contacts During Family Support Services).

  12. Engage collateral contacts that are knowledgeable about the allegations of child abuse, child safety and family functioning in accordance with policy 19.16 Case Management: Collateral Contacts.

  13. Obtain, review, and analyze reports, professional evaluations and assessments, collateral statements, pictures, and other physical evidence gathered during the FSS assessment.

  14. Consult with subject matter experts as necessary (medical, behavioral health, DFCS staff, children’s advocacy center, etc.).

  15. Develop an Agreement Strategy to address developmental challenges that compromise family functioning and/or well-being in accordance with policy 7.4 Family Support Services: Agreement Strategy.

  16. Make an FSS assessment determination in consultation with the SSS in accordance with policy 7.3 Investigation: Making a Family Support Services Determination.

  17. Upon SSS approval of the FSS assessment determination, engage the family in a discussion of:

    1. The FSS assessment determination (safety);

    2. Any safety plan to address safety concerns; and

    3. Service provision (see policy 7.4 Family Support Services: Agreement Strategy).

  18. Provide written notification of the FSS assessment outcome to the parent(s) of the alleged victim child within five calendar days of case closure:

    1. Complete the Notification of Child Protective Services Family Support Services Case Closure identifying the child by initials only.

    2. Obtain supervisor approval and signature on the notice.

    3. Send the notification via first class mail.

    4. Upload FSS assessment outcome notifications into Georgia SHINES External Documentation.

  19. Submit the FSS assessment to the SSS for approval within 45 calendar days of the receipt of the intake report.

Social Services Supervisor

  1. When case responsibility transfers from a different SSCM, participate in the case transfer process in accordance 19.4 Case Management: Case Transfer.

  2. Consult with the SSCM after each purposeful contact with child, parent, adult household member, and/or the alleged maltreater to:

    1. Make a safety determination in accordance with policy 19.11 Case Management: Safety Assessment;

    2. Discuss safety interventions to control any identified safety threats including safety planning in accordance with policy 19.12 Case Management: Safety Plan & Management; and

    3. Discuss any inconsistencies identified and follow up needed.

  3. Ensure the FSS assessment is stage progressed to the Investigations stage in Georgia SHINES within three business days of identifying a safety threat in accordance with policy 7.3 Family Support Services: Making a Family Support Services Determination.

  4. Review the sufficiency of any Safety Plan for managing or controlling threats to child safety in accordance with policy 19.12 Case Management: Safety Plan and Management.

  5. Ensure an Agreement Strategy is developed with the family to address developmental challenges that compromise family functioning and/or well-being in accordance with policy 7.4 Family Support Services: Agreement Strategy.

  6. Review documentation and professional assessments to provide guidance regarding the FSS assessment.

  7. Make the FSS assessment determination in consultation with the SSCM in accordance with policy 7.3 Family Support Services: Making a Family Support Services Determination.

  8. Review the FSS assessment and make an approval decision in Georgia SHINES within 45 calendar days of receipt of the intake report.

  9. Review the Notification of Child Protective Services Family Support Services Case Closure:

    1. Ensure only the child’s initials have been used as identification; and

    2. Upon approval provide signature on the notification.

    3. Ensure the notifications are uploaded to Georgia SHINES External Documentation.

Practice Guidance

A FSS assessment must reflect a continuous, and comprehensive assessment of child safety and family functioning. The assessment should focus on identifying the problem task or situation that led to DFCS involvement and exploring the underlying causes of the problem. In addition, explore exceptions for when the situation was managed more appropriately, to assist the family in recognizing that they can deal with difficulties in a more suitable manner. Once consensus is reached on the issue(s) case management activities can focus on further evaluating the family’s strengths, including caregiver protective capacities, support systems, and other services available that can assist in managing or controlling the difficulties the family or individual is facing.

Working in partnership with the family is an effective way to achieve buy-in regarding the need for change, as well as maintain the motivation to complete and sustain the behavioral change necessary to ensure child safety. FSS assessments should not be closed without making efforts to engage the family in reaching consensus on the benefits of recommended service provision. When consensus is not reached, the family is provided with a list of formal and informal services for use now or in the future.

Any inconsistencies noted must be addressed and clarified with the family prior to case closure, as they may be related to the identification of a safety threat. Additionally, if a family is not engaged or unwilling to participate in the services recommended this information must be considered when making a case determination. When safety threats are determined to exist, a safety plan must be implemented, and the case progressed to an Investigation.