7.4 Agreement Strategy | CWS
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Chapter: |
(7) Family Support Services |
Policy Title: |
Agreement Strategy |
Policy Number: |
7.4 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
N/A |
Effective Date: |
December 2020 |
Manual Transmittal: |
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:
Work collaboratively with the family to identify tasks or situations that are challenging to manage which compromise family functioning and/or well-being but are unrelated to safety.
An Agreement Strategy is only applicable to address non-safety related needs. When safety threats are identified the case must be progressed to an Investigation. -
Develop an Agreement Strategy with the family to address the challenging tasks or situations within five calendar days of identifying the need. Include in the Agreement Strategy:
A summary of needs identified;
A summary of family supports and resources available
Tasks to be completed who is responsible for completing each task;
Who is responsible for tracking and measuring the change and how these changes will be tracked and measured; and
Service provision (see policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision).
Provide a copy of the approved Agreement Strategy the family within five calendar days of the development of the Agreement Strategy.
Arrange individualized services for the family to address the developmental challenges they are experiencing in their everyday life.
Document case activities in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of occurrence.
Social Services Case Manager
Consult with SSS to develop the agreement strategy.
Conduct a purposeful contact to develop the Agreement Strategy with the family within five calendar days of identifying a need:
Discuss consensus achieved with the family around the challenging situations identified and how the family can benefit from service provision.
Create the Agreement Strategy:
Identify family non-safety related need(s);
Identify family supports and resources available;
Determine task(s) to be completed;
Identify the person responsible for the completing the task;
Determine who will be responsible for tracking and measuring the change and how these changes will be tracked and measured;
Determine how services will be provided (formal or informal services providers); and/or
Resolve barriers that may affect service provision.
Provide the caregiver(s) a Suggestions for Parents/Tip Sheet related to the challenging situation, when applicable.
Document the Agreement Strategy in Georgia SHINES and submit to the SSS for approval:
A summary of needs identified;
A summary of family supports and resources available
Tasks to be completed who is responsible for completing each task;
Who is responsible for tracking and measuring the change and how these changes will be tracked and measured; and
Service provision (see policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision).
Provide a copy of the approved Agreement Strategy the family within five calendar days of the purposeful contact.
Implement service provision to address the identified need which compromise family functioning and/or well-being in accordance with policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision.
Monitor service provision to ensure the effectiveness of service/supports implemented as a part of the Agreement Strategy in accordance with policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision.
Engage collateral contacts to obtain information related to the accomplishment of the Agreement Strategy task(s) in accordance with policy 19.16 Case Management: Collateral Contacts.
Notify the SSS of any safety issues observed during purposeful contacts or identified by providers, family supports or collateral contacts.
An Agreement Strategy is only applicable to address non-safety related needs. When safety threats are identified the case must be progressed to an Investigation. -
Discuss and celebrate the specific and measurable progress that has been achieved with the family based on observations, interviews, and collateral information.
Social Services Supervisor
Ensure the Agreement Strategy is developed within five calendar days of the identifying a need.
Review and approve the Agreement Strategy in Georgia SHINES to ensure it address the identified need and focuses on the challenging situations which compromise family functioning and well-being.
Ensure the family is provided a copy of the Agreement Strategy within five calendars days of the development.
Ensure service provision is implemented timely and monitored in accordance with policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision.
During supervisor staffing with the SSCM, discuss the following to ensure the effectiveness of the Agreement Strategy:
Safety threats and the need for progression to an Investigation
Need for continued monitoring of the Agreement Strategy
Barriers to service provision
Level of engagement of the family in service provision
Effectiveness of the services or supports provided
Level of engagement by service providers (formal and/or informal);
Evidence of behavioral change (positive or negative);
Collateral information, (assessments, reports, tests etc.)
Progress towards the achievement of the task(s); and
Suggestions for recognizing and celebrating change with the family.
Practice Guidance
While the family’s participation in the Family Support Services Assessment is not voluntary; participation in the service provision component (FSS Agreement Strategy) is voluntary. Therefore, it is imperative that DFCS make every effort to engage the family in a way that builds a constructive relationship, in which consensus can be reached and a partnership formed. When DFCS and the family agree, solutions that are suited to the family or individual can be created that facilitate real and lasting change that builds stronger families.
The Agreement Strategy should address tasks or situations identified by the family in their everyday life that are challenging to manage, and which compromise family function and/or well-being, but are not related to present or impending danger. Services are utilized to enhance a caregiver’s protective capacities and improve family functioning. When services are provided during the FSS assessment a review of the sufficiency of services should be completed prior to case closure.
When a family does make a positive change, it is important that DFCS recognize and celebrate this change with the family. This celebration provides an anchor for the family around their progress and encourages them to continue towards building and sustaining a stronger family unit.