11.17 Adoption Reunion Registry

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(11) Adoption

Policy Title:

Adoption Reunion Registry

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

111.5 – 111.10

Effective Date:

April 2024

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. §19-8-23 Where Records of Adoption Kept; Examination by Parties and Attorneys; Use of Information by Agency and Department


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Inform the biological parent(s) about the provisions of the adoption reunion registry.

  2. Through the adoption reunion registry, accept in writing from a parent whose parental rights have been voluntarily surrendered or terminated at any time following the voluntary surrender of parental rights or termination of parental rights (TPR):

    1. A consent to disclose their identity to the adoptee; or

    2. An objection to the release of their information to the adoptee.

  3. Report any pertinent information received following the adoption finalization to the State Adoption Unit.

  4. Maintain a copy and a registry for the recording of:

    1. Requests by adoptees for the name of their biological parent;

    2. The written consent or the written objections of any biological parent to the release of his/her identity to an adoptee upon the adoptee’s request; and

    3. Requests by adoptees for non-identifying information regarding any biological parent.

    DFCS may charge a reasonable fee for the cost of conducting any search
  5. Only be responsible for disclosing information which is kept by DFCS in its normal course of business operations relating to adoption.

Non-Identifying Information - Biological Parent Search Request

DFCS will provide, through the adoption reunion registry:

  1. Non-identifying information from the sealed adoption file regarding the biological parent(s) and information regarding the adopted person’s birth, upon receiving a written search request from:

    1. The adoptive parent(s) on behalf of the adoptee not yet 18 years of age; or

    2. An adult adoptee who has reached the age of 18.

Such information may include the date and place of birth of the adoptee and the genetic, social, and health history of the biological parent. Information released with the non-identifying request shall not include the name or address of either biological parent or the name or address of any relative by birth or marriage of either biological parent.

Identifying Information - Biological Parent Search Request

DFCS will, through the adoption reunion registry:

  1. Release to the adoptee upon receiving a written search request from an adoptee who has reached 18 years of age the following:

    1. The name of his/her biological parent; and

    2. A detailed summary of all information DFCS has concerning the adoptee’s birth, foster care, adoption placement, and adoption finalization if:

      1. The biological parent, whose name is to be released, has submitted written permission, using the Consent to Contact form, to the adoption reunion registry for the release of his/her name to the adoptee; and

      2. The biological parent, whose name is to be released, has not subsequently filed an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure with the adoption reunion registry; and

      3. The adoption reunion registry has records pertaining to the finalized adoption and the biological parent whose name is to be released.

    A deceased adoptee’s child, who has reached 18 years of age, may also initiate a search in place of his/her parent.
  2. Make reasonable efforts to notify each biological parent identified in the original adoption proceedings or in DFCS’ records within six months of receiving a written request from an adoptee who is at least 18 years of age, if the biological parent has not filed either of the following with the adoption reunion registry:

    1. Written consent to disclose via the Consent to Contact form, to disclose their identity to the adoptee; or

    2. Written objection to prevent the release of their information via the Affidavit of Non-Disclosure of their information to the adoptee.

  3. Have a personal and confidential contact with each biological parent to notify him/her of the:

    1. Nature of the information requested by the adoptee;

    2. Date of the request;

    3. Right of each biological parent to file the Affidavit of Non-Disclosure with the adoption reunion registry to prevent the disclosure of his/her identity to the adoptee;

      If within 60 days of the adoption reunion registry notifying the biological parent of the written search request the biological parent files with the adoption reunion registry an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure, information regarding that biological parent cannot be released.
    4. Right of each biological parent to file the Consent to Contact, allowing the adoption reunion registry to disclose his/her information to the adoptee; and

      If during the contact with the biological parent(s) he/she consents to the disclosure in writing, the adoption reunion registry shall release that biological parent’s name to the adoptee with a detailed summary of all information DFCS has concerning the adoptee’s birth, foster care, adoption placement, and adoption finalization
    5. Consequences of failing to file with the adoption reunion registry in writing either their consent to disclose or an objection to the release of their information to the adoptee.

  4. If at least six months has passed since the written request was received by the adoption reunion registry, and the adoption reunion registry is unable to notify the biological parent or able to notify a biological parent(s), but has not obtained a Consent to Contact or an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure then the adoption reunion registry shall only disclose the identity of the biological parent(s) if:

    1. The adoptee petitions the Superior Court for the release of information and the court grants that request; or

    2. It is verified that the biological parent of the adoptee is deceased.

    DFCS will release the place of burial of the deceased biological parent (if known) and a detailed summary of all information DFCS has concerning the adoptee’s birth, foster care, adoption placement, and adoption finalization.

Sibling Search Request

DFCS will, through the adoption reunion registry:

  1. Upon receiving a written search request for information on his/her siblings from an adoptee who is 18 years of age or older or an adoptee’s sibling who is 18 years of age or older, attempt to notify the sibling(s), if that sibling is at least 18 years of age. Upon locating the sibling, notify the sibling:

    1. Of the inquiry; and

    2. With written consent, provide the requesting sibling’s name and address.

    With further written consent from the sibling, the adoption reunion registry shall provide the requesting sibling with the name and address of the sibling.
  2. Notify the requesting sibling of the circumstances but shall not disclose any names or other information which could identify the sibling, if unable to identify or locate the sibling.

  3. Provide the requesting sibling the following information if the sibling is deceased:

    1. Name; and

    2. If known, place of burial of the deceased sibling.

  4. If at least six months has passed since the written search request was received by the adoption reunion registry, and the adoption reunion registry is unable to notify one or more of the requesting siblings or able to notify a sibling, but has not obtained a consent to disclosure from the notified sibling, then the adoption reunion registry shall only disclose the identity of the sibling(s) if:

    1. The adoptee or adoptee’s sibling petitions the Superior Court for the release of information; and

    2. The court grants that request.

A deceased adoptee’s child who has reached 18 years of age may also initiate a search for the sibling(s) of his/her deceased parent in the same manner as the deceased adopted sibling.

Adoptee Search Request

DFCS will, through the adoption reunion registry:

  1. Attempt to notify the adoptee upon receiving a written search request from the biological parent of an adoptee who is at least 18 years of age. Upon locating the adoptee, the adoption reunion registry shall notify the adoptee:

    1. Of the inquiry; and

    2. With written consent from the adoptee, provide the biological mother’s name and address to the adoptee and a detailed summary of all information DFCS has concerning the adoptee’s birth, foster care, adoption placement, and adoption finalization; and

    3. With an additional written consent from the adoptee, provide the biological parent the adoptee’s name and address.

  2. Provide the biological parent the adoptee’s name, and if known, place of burial if the adoptee is deceased.

  3. If at least six months has passed since the written search request was received by the adoption reunion registry, and the adoption reunion registry is unable to notify the adopted person or able to notify the adopted person, but has not obtained a consent to disclosure, then the identity of the adoptee may only be disclosed if:

    1. The biological mother petitions the Superior Court for the release of information; and

    2. The court grants the request.

If the biological parent is deceased, a parent or sibling of the deceased biological parent or both may also initiate a search for the adoptee.

Medical Information Search Request

DFCS will:

  1. Access sealed DFCS records on finalized adoptions, upon receipt of request from a party of interest (adoptee, adoptive parents, health care agent of the adoptee, or a provider of medical services to a party of interest) when the information would assist in the medical care, a medical emergency, or medical diagnosis/treatment of the adoptee:

    1. DFCS records prior to the adoption to release non-identifying medical and health history on the adoptee, biological parent or relatives of the biological parent(s); and

    2. DFCS records on finalized adoptions to obtain medical information received following the adoption.

      Medical information obtained following adoption finalization shall be added to the sealed adoption record.
  2. Upon receipt of medical information relevant to the adoptee, use reasonable efforts to contact the adoptive parent(s) if the adoptee is under 18 years of age, or the adoptee if the adoptee is 18 years of age or older to provide the documented medical information.


Social Services Case Manager

  1. As part of the planning for the adoption process:

    1. Inform each biological parent(s) of the provisions of the adoption reunion registry.

    2. Provide each biological parent with the information needed to register his/her willingness to have future contact with the adoptee by filing a Consent to Contact.

    3. Provide each biological parent with the information necessary to file an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure if he/she does not wish to have future contact with the adoptee.

    4. Ensure the biological parent is aware that he/she may change his/her mind at any time and is informed of the procedures to update the information.

    5. Inform each biological parent the adoption reunion registry forms may be obtained from the Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry at www.ga-adoptionreunion.com.

  2. Following the voluntary surrender of parental rights or TPR by court order refer each biological parent who contacts DFCS to the adoption reunion registry for the purpose of the following:

    1. Completing a Consent to Contact to allow the release of his/her identifying information to the adoptee; or

    2. Completing the Affidavit of Non-disclosure if he/she does not wish to have future contact with the adoptee; or

    3. Updating the file due to a change in consent or non-consent status.

  3. Refer to the adoption reunion registry any adoptee who contacts DFCS for the purpose of obtaining information on his/her biological parents.

  4. Refer to the adoption reunion registry any sibling of the adoptee who contacts DFCS for the purpose of obtaining information on his/her siblings.

  5. Refer to the adoption reunion registry any adoptive parent who contacts DFCS for the purpose of obtaining information on the biological parent(s), on behalf of the adoptee.

  6. Refer to the State Adoption Unit any medical information regarding the biological family that is relevant to an adoptee to the adoption reunion registry.

  7. Refer to the State Adoption Unit any party of interest (adoptee, adoptive parent, health care agent of the adoptee, or a provider of medical services to a party of interest) who contacts the agency for the purpose of obtaining medical information on the biological parent(s) to assist with medical care, a medical emergency, or medical diagnosis/treatment of the adoptee.

  8. Forward any updated pertinent information received to the State Adoption Unit to be added to the sealed adoption record, such as:

    1. Date and circumstances of the death of an adoptee

    2. Date and circumstances of the death of a biological parent

    3. Date and circumstances of a sibling of an adoptee

    4. Medical Information relevant to an adoptee

Adoption Reunion Registry

  1. Accept from a biological parent, following the biological parent’s parental rights being terminated either voluntarily or through court order and after verifying the biological parent’s identity, a:

    1. Written consent to disclose his/her identity to the adoptee (by use of Consent to Contact form); or

    2. Written objection to the release of his/her information to the adoptee (by use of the Affidavit of Non-Disclosure form).

    Each biological parent shall complete a separate form for each child where parental rights were surrendered or terminated.
  2. Enter the consent to disclose or non-disclosure into the adoption reunion registry.

  3. Inform the biological parent(s) that they may revoke either their consent to disclose or non-disclosure at any time by re-contacting the adoption reunion registry and completing the required form(s).

Practice Guidance

Adoption Reunion Registry

The Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry respond to request from birth parents, adopted individuals, adoptive parents and siblings to obtain non-identifying or identifying information from the sealed adoption record in accordance with Georgia Code 19-8-23. The contact information for the Adoption Reunion Registry is:

Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry
47 Trinity Ave. S.W., 2nd Floor
Atlanta, GA 30334
Telephone # 470-834-0538
Toll Free # 1-800-615-7976

Social Services Administration Unit

Social Services Administration Unit (SSAU) is responsible sealing adoption records in accordance with policy 2.2 Information Management: Adoption Case Records following adoption finalization and adding subsequently obtained information to the sealed adoption record.

Social Services Administration Unit
47 Trinity Ave. S.W. 1st Floor
Atlanta, GA 30334

Non-Identifying Information

Information regarding the adoptee’s birth, which shall include,

  1. Date and place of birth of the adoptee

  2. Genetic, social and health history of the biological parents.

Forms and Tools

Affidavit of Non-Disclosure
Consent to Contact
Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry