12.2 Adoption Assistance Application

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(12) Adoption Assistance

Policy Title:

Adoption Assistance Application

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

109.4 – 109.5, 109.8, 109.15 – 109.16

Effective Date:

September 2018

Manual Transmittal:



45 Code of Federal Regulations §205.10(a)(4)


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Submit and consider an Adoption Assistance Application for each child in foster care, who:

    1. Will remain in DFCS permanent custody until adoption finalization:

      1. At the earliest after the petition for Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) has been filed with the court or a voluntary surrender of parental rights has been validated.

      2. Up until the Placement Agreement is signed with the prospective adoptive parent(s) (see policy 11.9 Adoption: Adoption Placement Signing).

    2. Is scheduled to be transferred out of the custody of DFCS for the purpose of adoption:

      1. At the earliest after the petition for TPR has been filed with the court or a voluntary surrender of parental rights has been validated.

      2. Up until the child is transferred out of the custody of DFCS and into the custody of the specified relative/individual for the purpose of adoption.

      When a child is to be transferred out of the custody of DFCS for the purpose of adoption, the Adoption Assistance Application shall be submitted, and a determination rendered by the Social Services Administration Unit (SSAU) prior to the transfer out of custody.
  2. Submit and consider an Adoption Assistance Application for a child involved in a private/independent adoption when requested by the pre-adoptive parent(s) at the earliest after the petition to adopt the child has been filed with the court of jurisdiction up until adoption finalization.

  3. Render an eligibility determination decision on each Adoption Assistance Application of:

    1. Approved;

    2. Denied/Deferred.

  4. Provide timely and adequate written notice to the pre-adoptive parents of the adoption assistance eligibility determination indicating:

    1. The reason(s) for denial

    2. The right to request a fair hearing (see policy 17.16 Legal: Fair Hearings); and

    3. The circumstances under which adoption assistance is continued if a fair hearing is requested.

Only DFCS-involved adoptions are eligible for deferred adoption assistance.


Child in Permanent DFCS Custody

The Social Services Case Manager (SSCM) of the child’s legal county will:

  1. Enter the legal action into Georgia SHINES when a petition for TPR has been filed with the court or voluntary surrender of parental rights has been validated and request the Social Services Supervisor (SSS) to manually open the ADO stage in Georgia SHINES.

    When entering a legal action type of voluntary surrender into Georgia SHINES an ADO stage will automatically be generated. Once an ADO stage has been created, Georgia SHINES will automatically send a task to notify the Revenue Maximization Unit (Rev Max) to validate the adoption assistance funding type as either Title IV-E or state funded. Once the funding source has been validated by Rev Max, the SSCM will receive a system generated alert in Georgia SHINES.
  2. Review the following pages within three business days of creating the ADO Stage in Georgia SHINES to ensure the child’s information is accurate and complete:

    1. Placement information;

    2. Current foster care per diem amount;

    3. Legal information;

    4. Person detail information (date of birth, etc.); and

    5. Adoption Information Detail page.

  3. Complete the Adoption Assistance Application in the ADO Stage in Georgia SHINES upon receipt of the system generated alert that the Adoption Assistance Funding Summary page has been validated by Rev Max:

    1. Special needs type requested - select one of the following two special needs criteria, where applicable.

      1. A child who has been in the care of a public or private agency or individual other than the legal or biological parent for more than 24 consecutive months; or

      2. A child who is a member of a sibling group of two or more placed in the same home.

        If a basic rate is requested and the child does not meet one of the special needs criteria above or the application will include a specialized rate request, select “A child with a physical, mental or emotional disability, as validated by a licensed physician or psychologist” and indicate the type of disability and the specific diagnoses.
    2. If the child’s special need(s) is based on a physical, mental, or emotional disability verify or upload the following supporting documents into Georgia SHINES External Documentation and associate the document(s) with the child:

      1. An Adoption Assistance Treatment Professional Report form completed and signed by the child’s treatment professional and dated within 90 days of the Adoption Assistance Application.

        Upon request from the SSCM, the SSAU Program Consultant will consider accepting an Adoption Assistance Treatment Professional Report form dated within 180 days, if the SSCM can verify that the child’s level of needs and treatment services have not changed since the date the form was completed.
      2. The most recent psychological evaluation(s) to support child’s diagnosis, unless such evaluation(s) has been deemed not medically necessary by Amerigroup;

      3. The most recent developmental evaluation(s) to support developmental diagnosis, unless such evaluation(s) has been deemed not medically necessary by Amerigroup;

      4. The most recent medical evaluation(s) to support any significant medical diagnosis; unless such evaluation(s) has been deemed not medically necessary by Amerigroup:

      5. Other current relevant supporting documents such as the Trauma Assessment, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Babies Can’t Wait assessment (if applicable).

      For a child who requires minimal professional services or evaluations for his/her specific need(s), this should be indicated in the additional comments section of the Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES.
    3. Non-recurring adoption assistance request; and

    4. Specialized rate request (if applicable).

      If specialized rate is requested, select both the basic and the specialized rate radio buttons in Georgia SHINES. For further details on the supporting documentation required when submitting a request for a specialized rate see policy 12.3 Adoption Assistance: Adoption Assistance Application Specialized Rate.
  4. Contact the SSAU Program Consultant for assistance in expediting the Adoption Assistance Application when efforts to obtain required evaluation(s) or statement(s) have failed due to lack of cooperation by the treatment provider or due to Amerigroup not approving an evaluation based on medical necessity criteria.

  5. Review the Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES following the SSAU eligibility determination. If the application is:

    1. Rejected:

      1. Identify what information is required to make a determination by reviewing the SSAU’s documentation; and

      2. Obtain the requested information and resubmit the Adoption Assistance Application to the SSAU.

        The application will remain in PROC status following the rejection until the application is re-submitted with the requested information.
    2. Approved:

      1. Negotiate the adoption assistance rate in accordance with policy 12.5 Adoption Assistance: Negotiating the Adoption Assistance Agreement; and

      2. Review and sign the adoption assistance agreement at the time of the adoptive placement in accordance with policy 12.6 Adoption Assistance: Reviewing and Signing the Adoption Assistance Agreement with the Adoptive Parent(s).

    3. Denied/Deferred:

      1. Send the Notification of Decision Related to Adoption Assistance to the prospective adoptive parent(s); and

      2. Review and sign the deferred adoption assistance agreement at the time of the adoptive placement in accordance with policy 12.6 Adoption Assistance: Reviewing and Signing the Adoption Assistance Agreement with the Adoptive Parent(s).

The SSAU Program Consultant will:

  1. Review the Adoption Assistance Application and supporting documentation for accuracy and completeness.

  2. Reject the application in Georgia SHINES documenting what information is required to make an eligibility determination if the Adoption Assistance Application is incomplete.

  3. Assist the SSCM in expediting the Adoption Assistance Application when efforts to obtain any required documents have failed due to lack of cooperation by the treatment provider or Amerigroup not approving an evaluation based medical necessity criteria.

  4. Within 30 days of receiving the Adoption Assistance Application and all supporting documentation/information determine:

    1. Special needs eligibility; and

    2. Adoption assistance eligibility.

DFCS Transfer of Custody for the Purpose of Adoption

The SSCM of the child’s legal county will:

  1. Enter the legal action into Georgia SHINES that a petition for TPR has been filed with the court or voluntary surrender of parental rights has been validated. Request the SSS manually open the ADO stage in Georgia SHINES.

    When entering an action type of voluntary surrender into Georgia SHINES an ADO stage will automatically be generated. Once an ADO stage has been created, Georgia SHINES will automatically send a task to notify Rev Max to validate the adoption assistance funding type as either Title IV-E or state funded. Once the funding source has been validated by Rev Max, the SSCM will receive a system generated alert in Georgia SHINES.
  2. Review the following relevant pages in the ADO Stage in Georgia SHINES to ensure the child’s information is accurate and complete:

    1. Placement information;

    2. Current foster care per diem amount;

    3. Legal information;

    4. Person detail information (date of birth, etc.); and

    5. Adoption Information Detail page.

  3. Complete the Adoption Assistance Application in the ADO Stage in Georgia SHINES upon receipt of the system generated alert that the Adoption Assistance Funding Summary page has been validated by Rev Max:

    1. Special needs type requested - select one of the following two special needs criteria, where applicable.

      1. A child who has been in the care of a public or private agency or individual other than the legal or biological parent for more than 24 consecutive months; or

      2. A child who is a member of a sibling group of two or more placed in the same home.

        If a basic rate is requested and the child does not meet one of the special needs criteria above or the application will include a specialized rate request, select “A child with a physical, mental or emotional disability, as validated by a licensed physician or psychologist” and indicate the type of disability and the specific diagnoses.
    2. If the child’s special need(s) is based on a physical, mental, or emotional disability verify or upload the following supporting documents into Georgia SHINES External Documentation and associate the document(s) with the child:

      1. An Adoption Assistance Treatment Professional Report form completed and signed by the child’s treatment professional and dated within 90 days of the Adoption Assistance Application.

        Upon request from the SSCM, the SSAU Program Consultant will consider accepting an Adoption Assistance Treatment Professional Report form dated within 180 days, if the SSCM can verify that the child’s level of needs and treatment services have not changed since the date the form was completed.
      2. The most recent psychological evaluation(s) to support child’s diagnosis, unless such evaluation(s) has been deemed not medically necessary by Amerigroup;

      3. The most recent developmental evaluation(s) to support developmental diagnosis, unless such evaluation(s) has been deemed not medically necessary by Amerigroup;

      4. The most recent medical evaluation(s) to support any significant medical diagnosis; unless such evaluation(s) has been deemed not medically necessary by Amerigroup:

      5. Other current relevant supporting documents such as the Trauma Assessment, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Babies Can’t Wait assessment (if applicable).

      For a child who requires minimal professional services or evaluations for his/her specific need(s), this should be indicated in the additional comments section of the Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES.
    3. Non-recurring adoption assistance request; and

    4. Specialized rate request (if applicable).

      If specialized rate is requested, select both the basic and the specialized rate radio buttons in Georgia SHINES. For further details on the supporting documentation required when submitting a request for a specialized rate (see policy 12.3 Adoption Assistance: Adoption Assistance Application Specialized Rate).
  4. Contact the SSAU Program Consultant for assistance in expediting the Adoption Assistance Application when efforts to obtain required evaluation(s) or statement(s) have failed due to lack of cooperation by the treatment provider or due to Amerigroup not approving an evaluation based on medical necessity criteria.

  5. Review the Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES following the SSAU determination. If the application is:

    1. Approved:

      1. Negotiate the adoption assistance rate in accordance with policy 12.5 Adoption Assistance: Negotiating the Adoption Assistance Agreement.

      2. Review and sign the adoption assistance agreement in accordance with policy 12.6 Adoption Assistance: Reviewing and Signing the Adoption Assistance Agreement with the Adoptive Parent(s).

    2. Denied/Deferred:

      1. Send the Notification of Decision Related to Adoption Assistance to the prospective adoptive parent(s).

      2. Review and sign the deferred adoption assistance agreement in accordance with policy 12.6 Adoption Assistance: Reviewing and Signing the Adoption Assistance Agreement with the Adoptive Parent(s)).

The SSAU Program Consultant will:

  1. Review the Adoption Assistance Application and supporting documentation for accuracy and completeness.

  2. Reject the application in Georgia SHINES documenting what information is required to make an eligibility determination if the Adoption Assistance Application is incomplete.

  3. Assist the SSCM in expediting the Adoption Assistance Application when efforts to obtain any required documents have failed due to lack of cooperation by the treatment provider or Amerigroup not approving an evaluation based medical necessity criteria.

  4. Within 30 days of receiving the Adoption Assistance Application and all supporting documentation/information determine:

    1. Special needs eligibility; and

    2. Adoption assistance eligibility.

Private/Independent Adoption

The SSCM of the pre-adoptive parents’ county of residence will:

  1. Discuss the following with the pre-adoptive parent(s):

    1. The application for adoption assistance can only be initiated after a petition to adopt has been or is in the process of being filed with the court;

    2. Whether they are requesting ongoing monthly adoption assistance benefits or non-recurring funds only.

    3. The eligibility criteria for adoption assistance in a private/independent adoption:

      1. The child must be deemed Title IV-E eligible and meet the special needs requirements; and

      2. The adoption assistance agreement must be signed prior to adoption finalization.

    4. Whether the child is currently receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits:

      1. Is the child SSI eligible, has SSI been applied for on the child’s behalf, and does the child receive SSI?

      2. SSI eligible children automatically meet IV-E eligibility requirement related to adoption assistance but must still meet special needs criteria.

  2. Provide the pre-adoptive parents with the form Adoption Assistance for Independent Adoptions Information for Adoptive Families.

  3. Have the pre-adoptive parent(s) complete the Request for Adoption Assistance (Non DFCS-Involved Adoption).

  4. Gather the following from the pre-adoptive parent(s) to make a Title IV-E and special needs determination:

    1. Verification that a petition for adoption has been filed;

    2. TPR court order or voluntary surrender documents (if applicable);

    3. Verification of SSI eligibility for the child (if applicable); or

    4. Court orders regarding the child’s removal from the birth/legal parent(s) indicating temporary custody, guardianship or permanent custody, including any shelter care orders for children previously in foster care; and

    5. Information to complete the following forms:

      1. The IV-E Application for Adoption Assistance - Non-DFCS Adoption;

      2. Removal Home Income and Asset Checklist - Non-DFCS Adoption.

    6. If the pre-adoptive family indicate the child’s special need(s) is based on a physical, mental, or emotional disability, obtain:

      1. An Adoption Assistance Treatment Professional Report form completed and signed by the child’s treatment professional and dated within 90 days of the Adoption Assistance Application

        Upon request from the SSCM, the SSAU Program Consultant will consider accepting an Adoption Assistance Treatment Professional Report form dated within 180 days, if the SSCM can verify that the child’s level of needs and treatment services have not changed since the date the form was completed.
      2. The most recent psychological evaluation(s) to support child’s diagnosis.

      3. The most recent developmental evaluation(s) to support developmental diagnosis.

      4. The most recent medical evaluation(s) to support any significant medical diagnosis;

      5. Other current relevant supporting documents such as the Trauma Assessment, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Babies Can’t Wait assessment (if applicable).

      For a child who requires minimal professional services or evaluations for his/her specific need(s), this should be indicated in the additional comments section of the Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES.
  5. Create a PAD stage in Georgia SHINES using the guidelines outlined in the Georgia SHINES Job Aide: Stage Progression Case – Intake to PAD.

    The PAD stage can be created at any point during the application process following the pre-adoptive parent(s) expressing his/her interest in applying for Adoption Assistance Application benefits. Documents can be added into Georgia SHINES External Documentation as provided by the adoptive parent(s).
  6. Complete the Non-Incident AFCARS Information page in Georgia SHINES located on the child’s Person Detail Page as a 3rd level tab in the PAD stage.

  7. Upload all the supporting documentation and the completed forms obtained from the adoptive parent(s) into Georgia SHINES External Documentation.

  8. Assign the Rev Max Eligibility Specialist as secondary to the PAD stage.

  9. Make a request to Rev Max Unit via email to complete the Adoption Assistance Funding Summary page.

  10. Complete the non-incident Adoption Assistance Application in the PAD Stage in Georgia SHINES upon receipt of the system generated alert that the Adoption Assistance Funding Summary page has been validated by Rev Max:

    1. Special needs type requested - select one of the following two special needs criteria, where applicable.

      1. A child who has been in the care of a public or private agency or individual other than the legal or biological parent for more than 24 consecutive months; or

      2. A child who is a member of a sibling group of two or more placed in the same home.

        If a basic rate is requested and the child does not meet one of the special needs criteria above or the application will include a specialized rate request, select “A child with a physical, mental or emotional disability, as validated by a licensed physician or psychologist” and indicate the type of disability and the specific diagnoses.
    2. Non-recurring adoption assistance request; and

    3. Specialized rate request (if applicable).

      If specialized rate is requested, select both the basic and the specialized rate radio buttons in Georgia SHINES. For further details on the supporting documentation required when submitting a request for a specialized rate see policy 12.3 Adoption Assistance: Adoption Assistance Application Specialized Rate.
  11. Complete the Adoption Assistance Narrative and upload into Georgia SHINES External Documentation.

  12. Review the Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES following the SSAU eligibility determination:

    1. If the application is approved:

      1. Negotiate the adoption assistance rate in accordance with policy 12.5 Adoption Assistance: Negotiating the Adoption Assistance Agreement; and

      2. Review and sign the adoption assistance agreement prior to adoption finalization in accordance with policy 12.6 Adoption Assistance: Reviewing and Signing the Adoption Assistance Agreement with the Adoptive Parent(s).

    2. If the application is denied, send the Notification of Decision Related to Adoption Assistance to the adoptive parent(s).

The SSAU Program Consultant will:

  1. Review the Adoption Assistance Application and supporting documentation for accuracy and completeness.

  2. Reject the application in Georgia SHINES documenting what information is required to make an eligibility determination if the Adoption Assistance Application is incomplete.

  3. Within 30 days of receiving the Adoption Assistance Application and all supporting documentation/information determine:

    1. Special needs eligibility; and

    2. Adoption assistance eligibility.

Non-Recurring Only

The SSCM of the pre-adoptive parents’ county of residence will:

  1. Discuss with the pre-adoptive parent(s):

    1. The application for adoption assistance can only be initiated and processed after DFCS has obtained verification that an adoption petition has been or is in the process of being filed with the court;

    2. The decision to request Non-Recurring Only adoption assistance benefits;

    3. The eligibility criteria for Non-Recurring Only adoption assistance benefits:

      1. The child must meet the special needs requirements; and

      2. The adoption assistance agreement must be signed prior to the adoption finalization.

  2. Provide the pre-adoptive parents with a copy of Adoption Assistance for Independent Adoptions Information for Adoptive Families handout.

  3. Have the pre-adoptive parent(s) complete the Request for Adoption Assistance (Non DFCS-Involved Adoption) form.

  4. Gather the following from the pre-adoptive parent(s):

    1. Verification that a petition for adoption has been filed; and

    2. TPR court order or voluntary surrender documents (if applicable).

  5. Create a PAD stage in Georgia SHINES using the guidelines outlined in the Georgia SHINES Job Aide: Stage Progression Case – Intake to PAD.

  6. Upload into Georgia SHINES External Documentation the supporting information received from the pre-adoptive parent(s).

  7. Assign the Rev Max Eligibility Specialist as secondary to the PAD stage.

  8. Make a request via email to Revenue Maximization Unit (Rev Max) to complete the Adoption Assistance Funding Summary for a non-recurring only adoption assistance.

  9. Complete the Adoption Assistance Application in the PAD stage in Georgia SHINES upon receipt of the system generated alert that the Adoption Assistance Funding Summary has been validated:

    1. Check the non-recurring only box located on the top left portion; and

    2. Select the special needs type being requested.

      There will not be a request for a basic rate on the application, since that would not be applicable.
    3. Complete the Adoption Assistance Narrative and upload into Georgia SHINES External Documentation

      When the plan is for an adoption to be finalized in the foreign country or the child is brought to the United States for finalization, the official documentation from the custody holders in the foreign country is sent to the SSAU verifying the child meets the special needs requirements. To verify a physical, mental or emotional disability a written statement by the treating professionals in the foreign country or treating professionals in the U.S. is acceptable. This documentation must be obtained prior to finalization. If the family is unable to obtain this documentation until going abroad, the family must send/fax the documentation from the foreign country to the SSAU prior to finalization of the adoption.
  10. Review the non-incident non-recurring only Adoption Assistance Application in Georgia SHINES following the SSAU determination:

    1. If the application is approved:

      1. Review and sign the adoption assistance agreement in accordance with policy 12.6 Adoption Assistance: Reviewing and Signing the Adoption Assistance Agreement with the Adoptive Parent(s)).

      2. Initiate the payment of the non-recurring adoption assistance payment in accordance with policy 12.7 Adoption Assistance: Initiating the Adoption Assistance Benefits).

    2. If the application is denied, send the Notification of Decision Related to Adoption Assistance to the pre-adoptive family.

The SSAU Program Consultant will:

  1. Review the Adoption Assistance Application and supporting documentation for accuracy and completeness.

  2. Reject the application in Georgia SHINES documenting what information is required to make an eligibility determination if the Adoption Assistance Application is incomplete.

  3. Within 30 days of receiving the Adoption Assistance Application and all supporting documentation/information determine:

    1. Special needs eligibility; and

    2. Adoption assistance eligibility.

The non-recurring only procedure is relevant if the pre-adoptive parent(s) is applying for non-recurring adoption assistance benefits only. If an application for adoption assistance payments is executed, non-recurring benefits will be included within that application.

Practice Guidance

The Adoption Assistance Application will be made as early in the placement process as possible to allow adequate time for careful review of the child’s needs and a preliminary determination of eligibility before the adoptive Placement Agreement is signed. This practice allows the identified adoptive parent(s) to be aware of the child’s eligibility status for adoption assistance early in the process and time for benefits to be discussed and negotiated prior to the adoptive placement. The special needs determination is critical information required for compiling the Child Life History and making placement plans for the child (see policy 11.5 Adoption: Child Life History).

The Adoption Assistance Application eligibility decision will be made by the SSAU for all children. The special needs determination is based upon the child’s assessed needs at the time of the Adoption Assistance Application. Adoption Assistance Application approvals, including specialized adoption assistance rate approvals, expire after one year if the adoptive placement has not occurred. Special needs determination requests and specialized rate requests must be re-submitted annually to the SSAU until adoptive placement occurs. A new special needs determination request must be submitted when a child’s adoptive placement permanently disrupts or dissolves and the permanency plan still includes adoption.

If DFCS determined a child does not meet the special needs criteria but has identified background factors, a deferred adoption assistance agreement can be completed, which will allow for a future request for adoption assistance should the child develop a physical, mental, or emotional disability, as validated by a licensed physician or psychologist. Only DFCS-involved adoptions are eligible for deferred adoption assistance agreements. Children where adoption assistance is deferred are not eligible for non-recurring benefits because they have been deemed “non-special needs”.

Adoption (Private/Independent)

There are four types of private/independent adoptions:

  1. Non-Relative (Third Party) - Adoption of a child usually arranged by an attorney, physician or other individual with the direct involvement of the biological parents; if the child or adoptive parents reside in another state, the provisions of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children must be followed.

  2. Relative - Adoption of a child by a relative (defined as any relation by blood, marriage or adoption).

  3. Step-Parent - Adoption of a child by the spouse of one of the birth/legal parents where the other birth/legal parent is deceased, or his/her parental rights have been terminated either voluntarily or by court action.

  4. Confirming Adoption (Domestication of Foreign Decree) - Adoption of a child who has already been adopted in a foreign country. The purpose being to secure a decree in the United States, which entitles the child to a Georgia birth certificate.

Adoption Assistance Agreement

This is a legal and binding agreement between the agency and the pre-adoptive parent(s) regarding adoption assistance benefits. It establishes types, duration, amount(s) of benefits, and other agreed upon stipulations. A fully executed adoption assistance agreement refers to an adoption assistance agreement that was negotiated with the adoptive parent(s); reviewed and discussed with the adoptive parent(s); and all required signatures (adoptive parent(s), County Director/Designee and authorized department representative) and dates obtained.

Adoption Assistance Narrative

The Adoption Assistance Narrative form summarizes whether the child meets the Georgia’s special needs criteria referencing any documentation provided by the adoptive parent(s) which includes the following:

  1. Whether the child is legally free for adoption and cannot or should not be returned to the home of removal;

  2. Whether the adoptive parents have stated a need for adoption assistance in order to adopt the child;

  3. Any reasons that it may not be in the best interest of the child to seek out other adoptive placements which do not require adoption assistance (i.e. relative placement; close bonds between child and the adoptive parents);

  4. Whether factors or conditions exist, which would make it difficult for the child to be adopted without adoption assistance.

Basic Rate (Adoption Assistance)

This is the basic monthly rate which is provided for children who qualify for adoption assistance.

Deferred Adoption Assistance

If a child does not meet the eligibility criteria of a child with special needs prior to adoptive placement but has background factors which may lead to significant medical, physical, or emotional problems in the future, a deferred adoption assistance agreement is completed with the pre-adoptive parent(s). If significant medical, physical or mental conditions develop at a later date, adoption assistance may be instated if it is determined by DFCS these developed conditions meet the special needs eligibility criteria. Deferred Adoption Assistance is only available for DFCS-involved adoptions.

DFCS Involved Transfer of Custody for the Purpose of Adoption

Refers to children who were either:

  1. Placed from the temporary custody of DFCS into the permanent custody of a specified relative/individual “for the purpose of adoption” at a DFCS-initiated TPR Hearing where all parental rights were terminated; or

  2. Placed directly from the permanent custody of DFCS (where all parental rights have been terminated) into the permanent custody of a specified relative/individual “for the purpose of adoption” as specifically indicated by the court order at a DFCS-initiated court hearing.

Licensed Treatment Provider

This refers to a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or physician who has evaluated and/or treated the child.

Petition to Terminate Parental Rights

This is a formal application filed in writing with the court that requests action and deliberation on terminating rights of a parent. The petition includes facts and grounds for the court to consider in a future hearing regarding termination of parental rights.

Specialized Adoption Assistance Rate

This is an adoption assistance rate that is higher than the basic adoption assistance rate, and is based upon the documented significant mental, emotional and/or physical disability of the child.

Voluntary Surrender of Parental Rights

This refers to when the legal parent(s) of a child relinquishes his/her rights and obligations to his/her child or children. A validated voluntary surrender of parental rights is when the 10- day revocation period has expired.