13.8 State Identification

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(13) Independent Living Program

Policy Title:

State Identification

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

1012.11, 1012.12, 1012.13

Effective Date:

July 2024

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 40-5-100 Personal Identification Cards; Contents
O.C.G.A. § 49-5-8 Powers and Duties of the Department
Title IV-E of the Social Security Act § 475(5)(I)
Public Law (PL) 109-13 Real ID Act of 2005
PL113-183 Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Assist each youth in foster care and young adult in extended foster care (EFC) with obtaining a state identification (ID) card issued in accordance with federal and state “Secure ID” requirements to facilitate access to services, benefits, and opportunities to support their successful transition to adulthood:

    1. Within 90 days following the youth in foster care 14th birthday;

    2. Within 90 days of a youth ages 14-17 entering foster care; or

    3. Within 90 days of a young adult in extended foster care (EFC) signing a Voluntary Placement Agreement (VPA) for Extended Foster Care (VPA-EFC), if they do not have a state ID or valid driver’s license.

    A state ID or a driver’s license issued by the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) meets the “Secure ID” requirements. Per Georgia law, DDS shall not be authorized to collect a fee for an identification card from a child or youth who is in the legal custody of DFCS or from a young adult receiving EFC. However, DDS will charge a fee for youth/young adults who wish to obtain a driver’s license (see policy 13.9 Independent Living Program: Driver’s Education and Licensure).
  2. Verify that each youth exiting foster care at age 18 or older if they participate in EFC has a state ID in accordance with policy 13.4 Independent Living Program: Transition from Foster Care.

    Title IV-E of the Social Security Act requires that youth receive a state identification card issued in accordance with the requirements of section 202 of the REAL ID Act of 2005 when they are leaving foster care at age 18 or older if they participate in EFC services.
  3. Verify the youth or young adult’s foster care or extended foster care status by completing the Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status for State Identification form for submission to DDS to obtain a state ID.

  4. Provide verification of the youth or young adult’s foster care or EFC status by completing the Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status for State Identification form and provide to the youth/young adult or applicable caregiver for submission to DDS to obtain the state ID.

    The Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status for State Identification form is valid for 30 calendar days from the date of the form. DDS will not accept an expired form.
  5. Assist youth and young adults in obtaining the documentation needed to obtain their state ID.

    Any eligible applicant child or youth 14 to 17 years of age who is in the legal custody of the DFCS shall not be required to have a parent, guardian, or responsible adult sign or verify the application for a state ID.
  6. Incorporate the goal to obtain a state ID into the Written Transitional Living Plan (WTLP).

  7. Review progress of required activities to obtain the state ID at monthly purposeful contacts. Discuss action items and barriers with the youth and their placement resources.

  8. Ensure youth or young adult update their state ID within 30 calendar days of an address change (i.e., placement change).

    A new completed Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status for State Identification form must be presented to DDS, along with proof of the new address.
  9. Document all activities in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of occurrence.


The Social Services Case Manager (SSCM) will:

  1. Explain to the youth/young adults the importance of them obtaining a state ID to support their successful transition to adulthood, including but not limited to:

    1. Officially verifying their identity, which is required for various activities like opening a bank account, applying for a job, enrolling in educational programs, or even something as simple as proving age for certain purchases.

    2. Facilitating access to services, benefits, and opportunities, including government assistance programs, health care services, housing assistance, public transportation discounts, and more.

    3. Assisting with daily functioning as an adult, including signing leases, traveling, voting in elections, entering certain establishments.

  2. If youth/young adult does not currently have a valid state ID or driver’s license:

    1. Complete the Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status for State Identification form.

      1. If a youth is age 14-17, the form must be signed by the SSCM, youth and the DFCS representative that will be accompanying the youth to DDS to obtain their state ID.

        For the purpose of obtaining the state ID, a DFCS representative may include the youth’s placement resource, SSCM or other DFCS staff, child placing agency or child caring institution staff.
      2. If a young adult is in EFC, the form must be signed by the SSCM and the young adult.

        A DFCS representative is not required to accompany a young adult in EFC to DDS to obtain their state ID.
      3. The youth/young adult must retain the original Verification of Foster Care/Extended Foster Care Status for State Identification form to present to DDS, along with any other required documentation (see below).

      4. Upload copy of Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status for state ID form to Georgia SHINES.

    2. Assist the youth/young adult and caregiver (if applicable) in obtaining the documents required by DDS to obtain their state ID (for a complete list of DDS Acceptable Real ID Documents visit dds.georgia.gov/real-id-documents-list):

      1. Proof of Identify - U.S. Citizens (one document):

        1. Certified copy of Birth Certificate; or

        2. U.S. Passport; or

        3. Certificate of Naturalization.

      2. Proof of Georgia Residency verifying the youth/young adult’s Georgia residential address (two documents):

        1. School records or transcripts showing the youth’s residential address;

        2. A letter from the placement provider (child placing agency or child caring institution) on their official letterhead that includes the youth’s name, date of birth, the residential address where youth is placed, and the name and phone number of an official representative of the agency/facility.

          These documents must be originals, not copies.
      3. Proof of Social Security (if required):

        1. A social security card issued by the Commission of the Social Security Administration; or

        2. A W-2, SSA-1099, or Paystub that shows the youth’s full social security number.

      4. Proof of Identity and Lawful Status - non U.S. Citizens (one document for identity and one document for proof of lawful status):

        1. Visit dds.georgia.gov/real-id-documents-list for the list of applicable documents.

    3. In conjunction with the caregiver, where applicable, assist the youth/young adult, with completion of the online application for the state ID with DDS. The placement resource may also assist youth ages 14-17 with the online application.

      The application may be completed online, however the youth/young adult must go in person to finalize and complete the application process, which includes presenting the Verification of Foster Care or Extended Foster Care Status form and the other required documents outlined above. For directions on how to apply online go to DDS dds.georgia.gov/how-do-i-id-card.
    4. Provide the youth/young adult and DFCS representative the location of the local DDS office to apply/continue application for the state ID in person.

  3. Follow up with the youth/young adult and placement resource during monthly purposeful contacts on the status of the youth/young adult obtaining their ID.

  4. Verify that the youth/young adult has obtained their state ID and discuss with them and the caregiver secure storage of their state ID.

  5. Update the WTLP with the youth/young adult’s progress obtaining their state ID.

  6. Coordinate with the Independent Living Specialist (ILS) to assist with the cost of obtaining a replacement state ID card if needed.

Social Services Supervisor

  1. Provide guidance to the SSCM regarding assisting the youth/young adult in obtaining a state ID.

  2. Review case documentation and the youth/young adult’s WTLP to ensure that all activities related to the youth/young adult obtaining a state ID card are documented and occurring timely.

  3. Verify the youth/young adult has obtained their state ID within the required timeframe, including received their state ID, prior upon their exit from foster care or EFC.

Practice Guidance

Identification for Youth in Foster Care

States establish requirements that seek to ensure that the person requesting proof of identification is truly the person who is the subject of the document.[1] These requirements have become progressively more stringent in federal and state law and can often make it difficult for youth/young adults in foster care to access the vital records they need to make a successful transition to adulthood or prevent homelessness. This is because many of these youth/young adults may not have access to the information or documents needed. For these youth/young adults, the challenge of obtaining an ID can be almost as daunting as trying to navigate in today’s world without it. It is critical that SSCM, ILS and the caregiver work together with the youth to obtain an ID.

1. Proving I Exist: Strategies for Assisting Youth in Obtaining Identification Documents by Laura Kolb and Jenny Pokempner, American Bar Association October 2, 2017