13.14 Asset Inventory

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(13) Independent Living Program

Policy Title:

Asset Inventory

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

December 2014

Manual Transmittal:





The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will properly account for and safeguard all Independent Living Program (ILP) assets by tracking ILP disbursements, monitoring the supply of ILP assets, and bi-annually reconciling ILP assets.


Asset Approval and Tracking Process

In order to ensure fiscal responsibility and track ILP disbursements and assets, the Independent Living Specialist (ILS) will:

  1. Obtain approval from the State ILP Manager/Designee prior to making any purchase with Independent Living Program Funds to:

    1. Ensure the asset(s) purchase is essential;

    2. Reduce purchase overages; and/or

    3. Minimize storage fee expenditures.

  2. Complete the ILP Event Purchase Request Form and submit the completed form to the State ILP Manager/Designee for approval;

  3. As the preferred priority, complete the ILP asset purchase(s) by using the purchase order process as outlined in Department of Administration Services Georgia Procurement Manual Chapter 6 - Award Process Section 6.3 State and Supplier Finalize Contract Award - 6.3.1 Purchasing Order or using the State of Georgia’s VISA® Purchasing Card (P-Card), if deemed necessary;

  4. Track the asset purchase by completing the ILP Inventory Asset Log to include:

    1. A description of the item;

    2. Quantity purchased;

    3. Date of purchase;

    4. Vendor purchased from;

    5. Cost of the item(s)

    6. Funding source;

    7. Location of the purchased asset (see Field Fiscal Services Administration Manual Section 1200: Equipment)

  5. Update the ILP Inventory Asset Log as purchases are added or deducted from the inventory;

  6. Update the ILP Incentive Log as assets are distributed to eligible youth.

Approvals for purchases will only be granted through the submission of the ILP Purchase Request Form. Upon approval, the purchase order and P-Card process may be initiated

Upon receipt of an ILP purchase request from the ILS, the State ILP Manager/Designee will:

  1. Review the purchase request to ensure the items requested are essential and that funding is available for purchases;

  2. Approve or deny the purchase request within 10 business days of receipt;

  3. If pre-approved, and upon submission from the ILS, review the ILP Event Purchase Request Form to verify that the items pre-approved are consistent with items actually being requested for purchase;

  4. Return the approved PR form to the ILS within 10 business days of receipt.

Gift Card Distribution and Tracking

A gift card is considered an ILP asset and must follow the above procedures for approval and tracking prior to making any purchases or distributing the gift cards to eligible youth. In order to maintain and track the gift cards purchased with ILP funds, the ILS will:

  1. Maintain a Gift Card Log of all gift card numbers (see Field Fiscal Services Financial Manual Section 2308.1 Direct Benefits: Employability Services Programs - TANF Gift/Gas Card Policy/Procedures);

  2. Update the Gift Card Log as the cards are disbursed to eligible youth to include:

    1. The date the gift card was disbursed to the youth;

    2. The name of the youth;

    3. UAS Program Code used to purchase the Gift Card; and

    4. A signature from the youth acknowledging receipt of the Gift Card

  3. Secure unused Gift Cards in a locked area;

    Unused Gift Cards should be included in the ILP Inventory and Asset Log.
  4. Complete a monthly Gift Card Reconciliation Report and provide a copy to Regional Accounting and the ILP Business Operations Specialist.

The ILP Business Operation Specialist (BOS) will perform a full accounting reconciliation of all ILP assets at least bi-annually.

Practice Guidance

ILP Business Operations Specialist

The ILP Business Operations Specialist (BOS) is a state-level position that reports to the State ILP Manager. The BOS is primarily responsible for managing the fiscal operations and budget of ILP including Chafee funds and Educational Training Vouchers. The BOS may serve as the designee to sign purchase orders, authorizations for disbursements, and ILP event approval and purchase request forms.

Promotional Items

Promotional items are a type of asset designed to promote and further the Independent Living Program. These promotional items still follow the asset approval process; however, these items are not tracked nor do they require a signature as they are distributed. The State ILP Manager will determine if a purchase qualifies as a promotional item based on the planned use of the product, cost, and quantity. The ILS will add the promotional items to the ILP Inventory and Asset Log as “PROMO” for record keeping purposes.