14.13 Family Re-evaluation

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(14) Resource Development

Policy Title:

Family Re-evaluation

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

November 2024

Manual Transmittal:



O.C.G.A. § 12-5-134 (J) Standards for wells and boreholes (Georgia Water Wells Standards Act of 1985)
Public Law (PL) 113-183 Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:

  1. Complete a comprehensive, written, Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) Update regarding the overall quality and functioning of each approved caregiver every two years, prior to the expiration of the home’s current approval period, and under the following circumstances:

    1. There are significant changes in a household that impact the caregivers’ ability to meet the Safety and Quality standards (SQS) and the issues of concern cannot be adequately addressed through an addendum to the most recent Family Evaluation

    2. Previously approved caregivers request to return to service within five years of a voluntary closure.

  2. Ensure all components of the SAFE Update follow the SAFE model (see Practice Guidance: Updating a SAFE Home Study).

    1. The SAFE Update must be completed by a home study practitioner (HSP) who is certified in the SAFE model. The HSP may be a certified DFCS staff member, Child Placing Agency (CPA) staff member or approved contractor.

    2. The SAFE Update process must be supervised throughout by a supervisor who is certified in the SAFE model and has successfully completed the SAFE Supervisor Training.

    3. All home study interviews must be conducted in the applicant’s home.

    4. Each household member must be interviewed.

    5. Obtain input from children not currently placed in the home but were household members at some point during the previous approval period, when practical and appropriate.

    6. The SAFE Update must include a recommendation for re-approval or disapproval and the signature of the final approving authority.

      1. The final approving authority must be a SAFE certified DFCS County Director/Designee or CPA Director/Designee.

      2. The date the SAFE Update is signed by the final approving authority is the official date of approval.

      3. If the SAFE Update is not approved timely, the foster home status must be changed from full approval status in Georgia SHINES accordingly (see policy 14.15 Resource Development: Household Approval Status).

  3. Afford qualified individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the DFCS foster care and adoption programs (see policy 1.5 Administration: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504 and Reasonable Modification).

  4. Evaluate applicants and their household members compliance with the SQS.

  5. Perform applicable safety screening of all adult household members.

  6. Conduct a fingerprint-based criminal records check (CRC) on all caregivers and adult household members in accordance with policy 19.8 Case Management: Criminal Records Checks.

  7. Obtain information from the primary and secondary caregivers regarding their health.

    1. If primary or secondary caregivers (as applicable) have any medical, cognitive, or other condition that will affect their ability to care for a child, or a chronic medical condition, then they must be medically re-evaluated during each re-evaluation period until the condition is controlled.

    2. If primary or secondary caregivers (as applicable) do not have any medical, cognitive, or other condition that will affect their ability to care for a child, or a chronic medical condition, obtain an attestation affirming this information.

  8. Request primary and secondary caregivers undergo drug screening at any time there is reasonable suspicion of substance misuse (see policy 19.25 Case Management: Drug Screens). Caregivers shall not be approved if positive results are reported for any illegal drug.

  9. Evaluate the primary and secondary caregivers’ financial stability.

  10. Verify that primary and secondary caregivers have completed the required amount of continued parent development.

  11. Verify that primary and secondary caregivers have current certification in First Aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), for the ages of the children that are approved for placement and for the ages placed in the home.

  12. Suspend completion of a SAFE Update on caregivers who are the subject of an active Policy Violation Assessment or Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation. If no disposition has been reached by the time the SAFE Update is due, then the home shall be moved to ‘unapproved’ status until a decision can be made regarding the future approval status of the home.

  13. Review the Caregiver Child Safety Agreement with caregivers and obtain their signatures as confirmation of the review.

  14. Review the Confidentiality and Privacy Standards Agreement with caregivers and obtain their signatures as confirmation of the review.

  15. Restrict the use of or disclosure of information concerning applicants and their household members, including maintain the privacy of protected health information (see policies 2.5 Information Management: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 2.6 Information Management: Confidentiality/Safeguarding Information).

  16. Provide written notification to caregiver(s) regarding their approval status within one business day of the approval decision.


DFCS Caregiver Recruitment and Retention Specialist / CPA Resource Development Staff

  1. Track when SAFE Updates are due for completion to ensure each is approved prior to the last day of the current approval term.

    1. Under the Resource Development Staff Dashboard in Georgia SHINES, users can select the ‘Retention’ tab to view homes for which SAFE Updates are due.

    2. Under the Resource Development Staff Dashboard in Georgia SHINES, users can select the ‘Compliance’ tab to view homes for which SAFE Updates are overdue.

  2. Initiate a SAFE Update at least 90 calendar days prior to the expiration of the current approval term to allow adequate time to gather medical evaluations, criminal history records checks, etc., if needed.

  3. Provide caregivers at least 90 calendar days’ notice of the need for any medical evaluations or criminal records checks for themselves or household members.

    Documentation of the physical exam on a health care provider’s form with comparable information is also acceptable.
  4. Gather information from Social Services Case Managers (SSCMs) who have supervised placements in the foster home during the period being evaluated.

  5. Gather information from children that were placed in the home during the previous review period, when practical and appropriate.

  6. Conduct safety screening on all adult household members (see policy 19.9 Case Management: Safety Screenings).

  7. Conduct a fingerprint-based CRC of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database on all caregivers and all adult household members in accordance with policy 19.8 Case Management: Criminal Records Checks. This includes household members who reached the age of 18 during the re-evaluation period.

  8. Assess the home’s compliance with the SQS (see policy 14.1 Resource Development: Safety and Quality Standards).

  9. Gather basic data to determine present household status, including significant information on the current household, health, employment, and financial status. Require proof of current motor vehicle license and insurance. Include a verification statement that the documents were reviewed and are current and valid.

  10. Obtain feedback from primary and secondary caregivers. Give caregivers an opportunity to formally review their experience working with DFCS, and to share their view on the fostering experience by completing the Caregiver Feedback Survey.

  11. Confirm that primary and secondary caregivers have completed the required hours of continued parent development (see policy 14.9 Resource Development: Continued Parent Development).

  12. Confirm that primary and secondary caregivers have current certification in First Aid, including CPR, for the ages of children placed in their home.

  13. Interview/obtain feedback from all household members.

    1. Ask caregivers if there have been any 911 calls or arrests at their home. Caregivers must report to DFCS all arrests and 911 calls to their home by the next calendar day following the occurrence.

    2. Include the children who have been placed in the home during the past year, the caregivers’ interaction with these children, and their ability to meet the children’s needs.

    3. Examine the need for childcare services to continue, if applicable.

  14. Submit the completed SAFE Update to the Resource Development (RD) Supervisor and County Director for approval prior to the expiration of the current approval period. Include the beginning and ending dates of the new approval period.

  15. Notify the caregivers of the approval status of their home within one business day of the approval decision.

  16. Update information on the FA Home page in Georgia SHINES.

Social Services Supervisor

  1. Monitor and track SAFE Updates to ensure each is approved prior to the last day of the current approval term.

  2. Verify that all required safety screenings, criminal history records checks, and the Caregiver Home Inspection Safety and Compliance Checklist are completed.

  3. Meet with the Caregiver Recruitment and Retention Specialist (CRRS)/CPA Resource Development (RD) Staff to review the results of the safety screenings, criminal history records checks and Caregiver Home Inspection Safety and Compliance Checklist.

  4. Ensure all SAFE tools are used correctly.

  5. Review the SAFE Home Study Report to ensure that it is thorough and that all issues are identified and discussed prior to final approval.

  6. Complete the SAFE Supervisor Home Study Certification and include in the file.

  7. Ensure caregivers are given the opportunity to read the authorized portion of the Home Study Report pertaining to their family and have so acknowledged by signing the document.

  8. Routinely assess the foundational skills of the HSP (i.e., engagement and forensic interviewing skills; analytical and evaluation skills; writing skills) and provide the education and support necessary to help the HSP strengthen skills as needed.

Practice Guidance

What is the purpose of the SAFE Update?

The assessment of an approved home is an ongoing process between DFCS/CPA and caregivers. A SAFE Update may be completed at any time during an approved home’s approval period but is usually completed just prior to the expiration of the current approval period. The key purpose of the SAFE Update is to utilize information gathered during the approval term to determine if a home continues to be a safe and suitable environment for the placement of children in foster care and meets SQS. Information gathered from various sources (e.g., in-home consultation, feedback from caregivers, case managers, children placed in the home, documentation, safety screening, training logs) is used to conduct a holistic review of the caregiver and household.

SAFE Update Approval Period

No home shall have more than 24 months of approval. If a SAFE Update is completed within 30 calendar days of the due date, then the approval period (starting month to ending month) will remain the same as it was previously. If the SAFE Update is completed more than 30 calendar days early or late, then the approval period must change.

Who is qualified to complete the SAFE Update?

SAFE Certified DFCS staff, SAFE Certified CPA Case staff, or contractors may qualify as a SAFE Home Study Practitioner (HSP) able to complete the SAFE Update. Private contractors must meet the following criteria:

  1. Certification in the SAFE model.

  2. A minimum of a bachelor’s level of education in Social Work, Counseling, Psychology, or a related field.

  3. Ability to understand and implement the philosophy and conceptualizations inherent in pre-service training.

  4. A functional understanding of the agency’s mission.

  5. Ability to provide thorough, well-written home studies with supported recommendations.

Updating a SAFE Home Study

  1. Go to www.safehomestudy.org.

  2. Select ‘Download Reports’.

    In order to download SAFE forms and templates you must have completed the full two-day SAFE training and be a certified SAFE user.
  3. Enter your email address and select ‘validate’ to receive an email that includes a link.

  4. Use the link received via email to access the applicable section of the website.

  5. Select the tab labeled ‘Tutorials’ on the left side of the screen.

  6. Select the PowerPoint and PDF for updating a SAFE home study.

Supplemental Verifications

Primary Caregivers

  1. Copy of Driver’s License – if they transport foster children

  2. Copy of Automobile Insurance – if they own a vehicle and transport foster children

  3. Verification of Household Income

  4. Proof of current utility payment

  5. Proof of current rent/mortgage payment

  6. Pet Vaccination Record

  7. Immunization Records for household members under the age of 18 (unless an exception applies)

  8. Continued Parent Development Training Verification

Secondary Caregivers

  1. Copy of Driver’s License – if they transport foster children

  2. Copy of Automobile Insurance – if they own a vehicle and transport children in foster care.

  3. Continued Parent Development Training Verification

A copy of the following documents may be required if significant events have occurred since the initial family evaluation:

  1. Marriage Certificates/Divorce Decrees

  2. Death Certificates

  3. Water/Sewage Bill/Environmental Statement

  4. Verification of Mortgage or Lease Agreement – if the re-evaluation is due to relocation

  5. Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results – (if not completed during medical exam)

  6. Proof of Citizenship (e.g., birth certificate, naturalization papers, US Passport, Permanent Resident Alien Form/Green Card)

  7. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)/First Aid Certification