15.5 ICPC Placement Supervision | CWS
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Chapter: |
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children |
Policy Title: |
ICPC Placement Supervision |
Policy Number: |
15.5 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
1010.6 |
Effective Date: |
February 2015 |
Manual Transmittal: |
2015-01 |
O.C.G.A. § 39-4, Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
ICPC Regulation 11, Responsibility of States to Supervise Children
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will provide supervision for children placed into Georgia pursuant to an approved Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) request, if supervision is requested by the sending state, and:
The sending agency is a public child placing agency;
Georgia DFCS completed the home study for placement of the child; and
The child’s placement is not in a residential treatment center or a group home.
When Georgia is the receiving state, the assigned Social Services Case Manager (SSCM) will be responsible for supervising ICPC placements in the same manner as any other placement.
When Georgia is the sending state, the assigned SSCM is responsible for receiving written supervisory (progress) reports from the out-of-state agency at least once every ninety (90) days. These progress reports are to ensure the safety and well-being needs of the child(ren) are continually assessed in the receiving state unless and until:
Authorization is received for the transfer of legal custody to the relative, adoptive home or foster home providing for the child’s care;
Georgia DFCS is relieved of legal custody and responsibility for supervision of the child by the Juvenile Court exercising jurisdiction.
If progress reports from the other state are not received, the Georgia ICPC Administrator should be contacted for assistance. |
Supervision of Children Placed into Georgia
Supervision shall begin when the child is placed in Georgia pursuant to an approved home evaluation, approval or provisional approval of the placement and the Georgia ICPC Administrator has received an ICPC form Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B) from the sending state indicating the date of the child’s placement. Supervision can and should begin prior to receipt of the Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B) if the Georgia ICPC Administrator has been informed by other means that the child has been placed pursuant to an approved placement.
Supervision shall continue until any of the following conditions apply:
The child reaches the age of majority or is legally emancipated;
The child’s adoption is finalized;
Legal custody of the child is granted to a caregiver or a parent and jurisdiction is terminated by the sending state;
The child no longer resides at the home approved for placement of the child subject to the approved ICPC home study request;
Jurisdiction over the child is terminated by the sending state;
Legal guardianship of the child is granted to the child’s caregiver; or
The sending state requests in writing that supervision be discontinued, and the Georgia County DFCS office and Georgia ICPC Administrator concur.
Supervision of a child in Georgia may continue, notwithstanding the occurrence of one of the events listed above, by mutual agreement of the sending state and Georgia ICPC State Offices. -
Supervision shall include the following components and occur as outlined:
Face-to-face visits with the child by the assigned SSCM at least once each month and beginning no later than 30 days from the date on which the child is placed or 30 days from the date on which the Georgia ICPC Administrator is notified of the child’s placement, if notification occurs after placement has occurred;
A majority of the required visits shall occur in the child’s home;
The purpose of face-to-face visits is to help ensure the on-going safety and well-being of the child and to gather relevant information to include in written reports provided to the child welfare agency in the sending state who exercises legal authority for the child(ren) subject to the ICPC case;
If significant issues of concern are identified during a face-to-face visit or at any time during a child’s placement, the SSCM providing supervision shall promptly notify the assigned Georgia ICPC Administrator who in turn shall notify the sending state ICPC Compact Administrator in writing;
Assist the sending state in locating appropriate resources for the child and/or the placement resource;
Provide written notification to the sending state’s ICPC Office of any unmet needs of a child placed in Georgia.
Providing a Written Supervision Report for Children Placed into Georgia
A written supervision report shall be completed by the SSCM providing supervision and uploaded to Georgia SHINES External documentation at least once every ninety (90) days following the date of the receipt of the Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B) requesting supervision. Following uploading the supervision report to Georgia SHINES External Documentation the SSCM will send notification of the report via email to the assigned Georgia ICPC Administrator and ICPC@dhr.state.ga.us. The Georgia ICPC Administrator will retrieve the report from Georgia SHINES External Documentation and forward to the sending state’s ICPC Compact Administrator. More frequent reporting may be provided if agreed to by the SSCM providing supervision and approved by the Supervisor and Georgia ICPC Administrator.
At a minimum, supervision reports sent to the sending state ICPC Compact Administrator shall include the following:
Date and location of each face-to-face contact with the child since the last supervision report was completed;
A summary of the child’s current circumstances, including a statement regarding the ongoing safety and well-being of the child;
A statement of the child’s school attendance and a summary of the child’s academic performance along with copies of any available report cards, education-related evaluations or Individual Education Plan (IEP) documents;
A summary of the child’s current health status, including mental health, the dates of any health-related appointments that have occurred since the last supervision report was completed, the identity of any health providers seen, and copies of any available health-related evaluations, reports or other pertinent records;
An assessment of the current placement and caregivers (e.g., physical condition of the home, caregiver’s commitment to child, current status of caregiver and family, any changes in family composition, health, financial situation, work, legal involvement, social relationships, child care arrangements, etc.);
A description of any unmet needs and any recommendations for meeting identified needs;
If applicable, the supervising SSCM’s recommendation regarding continuation of the placement, return of legal custody to a parent or parents with whom the child is residing and termination of the sending state’s jurisdiction, finalization of adoption by the child’s current caregivers or the granting of legal guardianship to the child’s current caregivers.
Child Maltreatment Reports for Children Placed in Georgia
The County DFCS office responsible for providing placement supervision shall respond to any report of child maltreatment for a child placed in Georgia in the same manner as it would to a report of child maltreatment for any other child residing in Georgia.
When a report of child maltreatment is received in a County office:
The DFCS County Liaison shall immediately send notification of the report via email to the assigned Georgia ICPC Administrator and ICPC@dhs.ga.gov;
The Georgia ICPC Administrator shall promptly notify the ICPC Administrator in the sending state of any report of child maltreatment of a child placed in Georgia pursuant to an approved placement, regardless of whether or not the report is substantiated.
If it is determined that a child shall be removed from the placement in order to ensure their safety, and it is not possible for the child placing agency in the sending state to move the child at the time that the determination is made by Georgia, the sending state shall authorize the child to be moved or an emergency request shall be made to juvenile court. The child shall be placed with a Georgia placement resource pending the sending state making the appropriate arrangements to retrieve the child The Georgia ICPC Administrator shall promptly notify the sending state when a child is moved to another home or other substitute care facility.
It is the responsibility of the public child placing agency in the sending state to:
Take action to ensure the ongoing safety of a child placed in Georgia pursuant to an approved placement, including return of the child to the sending state as soon as possible when return is requested by the Georgia ICPC Administrator;
Take timely action to relieve Georgia of any financial burden that Georgia has incurred as a result of placing a child into substitute care after removing the child from an unsafe placement in which the child was previously placed by the public child placing agency in the sending state.
Supervision of Children Placed in Other States by Georgia
The County SSCM shall request that supervision begin when:
The child is placed in the receiving state pursuant to an approved home evaluation, approval or provisional approval of the placement and the Georgia ICPC Administrator has sent the Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B) to the receiving state indicating the date of the child’s placement.
Supervision can and should begin prior to receipt of the Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B) if the receiving state ICPC Compact Administrator has been informed by other means that the child has been placed pursuant to an approved placement.
Supervision shall continue until any of the following conditions apply:
The child reaches the age of majority or is legally emancipated;
The child’s adoption is finalized;
Legal custody of the child is granted to a caregiver or a parent and jurisdiction is terminated by the sending state;
The child no longer resides at the home approved for placement of the child subject to the approved ICPC home study request;
Jurisdiction over the child is terminated by the Georgia Juvenile Court exercising jurisdiction and venue;
Legal guardianship of the child is granted to the child’s caregiver in the receiving state; or
The receiving state requests in writing that supervision be discontinued, and the Georgia County DFCS office and Georgia ICPC Administrator concur.
Supervision of a Georgia child in the receiving state may continue, notwithstanding the occurrence of one of the events listed above, by mutual agreement of the receiving state and Georgia ICPC Compact offices. -
Requesting Supervision for Children from Georgia Placed in Other States
The request for supervision shall be accompanied by a completed Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B) and shall include requests for:
Face-to-face visits with the child at least once each month, beginning no later than 30 days from the date on which the child is placed, or 30 days from the date on which the Georgia ICPC Administrator notified the receiving state of the child’s placement, if notification occurs after placement has occurred;
A majority of the required visits occur in the child’s resource home;
Significant issues of concern that are identified during a face-to-face visit or at any time during a child’s placement are promptly reported to the assigned Georgia ICPC Administrator and County DFCS SSCM;
Written reports to be sent to the Georgia ICPC Administrator for forwarding to the county DFCS SSCM at least once every ninety (90) days following the date of the receipt of the Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC - 100B) requesting supervision. More frequent reporting may be requested if agreed to by the receiving state ICPC Compact Administrator. At a minimum, supervisory reports received by the Georgia ICPC Administrator shall include the following:
Date and location of each face-to-face contact with the child since the last supervision report was completed;
A summary of the child’s current circumstances, including a statement regarding the ongoing safety and well-being of the child;
When applicable, a statement of the child’s school attendance and a summary of the child’s academic performance along with copies of any available report cards, education-related evaluations or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) documents;
A summary of the child’s current health status, including mental health, the dates of any health-related appointments that have occurred since the last supervision report was completed, the identity of any health providers seen, and copies of any available health-related evaluations, reports or other pertinent records;
An assessment of the current placement and caregivers (e.g., physical condition of the home, caregiver’s commitment to child, child care arrangements, current status of caregiver and family, any changes in family composition, health, financial situation, work, legal involvement, social relationships, etc.);
A description of any unmet needs and any recommendations for meeting identified needs;
If applicable, the supervising caseworker’s recommendation regarding continuation of the placement, return of legal custody to a parent or parents with whom the child is residing and termination of jurisdiction, finalization of adoption by the child’s current caregivers or the granting of legal guardianship to the child’s current caregivers.
When placing a child in another state, the County DFCS office shall be responsible for:
Case planning;
The child’s ongoing safety and well-being needs and meeting any identified needs of the child that are not being met by other available means;
Assisting in locating appropriate resources for the child and/or the placement resource.
Forms and Tools
Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children – ICPC Articles
Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children – ICPC Regulations
Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status (ICPC-100B)
Interstate Compact Report on Child’s Placement Status - Instructions (ICPC-100B-I)