16.2 Performance Based Placement

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
Child Welfare Policy Manual


(16) Room Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO)

Policy Title:

Performance Based Placement

Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Effective Date:

September 2015

Manual Transmittal:





The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will use the performance-based placement (PBP) score to assist in making an informed Room Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO) provider selection decision.


Social Services Case Manager

  1. Access the RBWO Provider Profile;

  2. Review the potential placement providers’ profile and their quarterly PBP grade; and

  3. Use this information to assist in selecting the best RBWO placement for the child.

Practice Guidance

Performance based placement (PBP) scorecards for child placing agencies and child caring institutions are available to assist in making more informed RBWO placement decisions for the children served. PBP grades provide some support and additional information in the decision-making process.

PBP quarterly grades are based on a 100 point scale with an additional 10 incentive points possible. The base and incentive points are based on safety, permanency and well-being goals tailored to each provider type and monitoring reviews conducted by the Office of Provider Management (OPM). Each quarter, providers receive scorecards with breakdowns of their performance on all areas and an overall numerical score with a corresponding letter grade from A-F. The minimum satisfactory overall performance grade is 70/C.

Social Services Case Managers can use PBP grades to help select the best RBWO placement providers. Each provider’s overall numerical score and letter grade is available to staff on the provider’s profile sheet. The provider profile guide is a complete listing of all providers with a description of their services, contact information and their PBP quarterly grades.

In order to review a provider’s complete scorecard, submit a request to OPM at opmtraining@dhs.ga.gov.

Providers who earn less than 70 percent in any three consecutive quarters will be subject to admissions suspensions and other remedies as appropriate in order to address their performance deficits. PBP is one component of risk management that OPM employs to monitor provider performance. Therefore, unless OPM has suspended admissions to a provider, despite quarterly scores below the minimum expected threshold, the provider is still an active approved provider and can be considered for continuing existing placements and future placements.

If you have any questions or need help with PBP, please contact OPM at opmtraining@dhr.state.ga.us.