18.6 Wrap-Around Services | CWS
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Chapter: |
(18) Support Services to Preserve or Reunify Families |
Policy Title: |
Wrap-Around Services |
Policy Number: |
18.6 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
1016.15 |
Effective Date: |
March 2020 |
Manual Transmittal: |
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:
Explore community-based services, Medicaid covered services, Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF), services offered through partner agencies such as Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), Department of Community Health (DCH), Department of Public Health (DPH), and other resources at no cost to the family before using Wrap-Around contracted services.
Provide Wrap-Around services (through contracted providers) for families receiving:
Family Preservation Services;
Permanency Services (for children placed with kinship caregivers, in DFCS or CPA foster homes, congregate care settings); or
Aftercare services when children are reunited with birth families.
Unless otherwise specified per court order, the duration of aftercare services provision cannot exceed six (6) months. Aftercare services must be court-ordered and may be extended up to an additional six (6) months without a waiver in accordance with policy 10.27 Foster Care: Aftercare.
Offer Wrap-Around services to eligible families based on their individualized needs in accordance with the criteria outlined in the COSTAR manual (also see Practice Guidance for a description of these services).
Refer to the COSTAR manual for fee schedules, contract requirements and funding limitations and applicable waivers above the funding limits. -
Have an approved Service Authorization prior to initiating Wrap-Around services.
Obtain approval from the Regional Director prior to authorizing a Wrap-Around provider to supervise a child overnight when a placement cannot be found.
Document service provision in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of receipt of provider reports/summaries. If services are being provided in accordance with a case plan, document the services and progress in the case plan.
Refer the family for Wrap-Around services and monitor service provision in accordance with the requirements of policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision.
Monitor Wrap-Around services and expenditures in accordance with the criteria outlined in the COSTAR manual.
Ensure providers and staff respect families’ rights to confidentiality and protected health information through adherence to the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other confidentiality laws in accordance with policy 2.5 Information Management: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 2.6 Information Management: Confidentiality/Safeguarding Information.
Social Services Case Manager
Determine the family’s eligibility for Wrap-Around services.
Complete a Service Authorization in Georgia SHINES and obtain approval to initiate Wrap-Around services in accordance with the Georgia SHINES Job Aid: Comprehensive Job Aid for Service Authorization in Forms and Tools. Document the provider’s acceptance of the referral in Georgia SHINES.
Emailed referrals must be encrypted. To encrypt the email, type DHSEncrypt in the Subject line. -
Complete a Service Authorization for Wrap-Around services in Georgia SHINES in accordance with the Georgia SHINES Job Aid: Comprehensive Job Aid for Service Authorization in Forms and Tools.
Email (encrypted) the Service Authorization/Referral Form to the service provider upon approval.
To encrypt the email, type the following in the Subject: DHSEncrypt. -
Upload the Service Authorization/Referral Form with the Provider Only section completed indicating the provider’s acceptance or non-acceptance of the referral, to Georgia SHINES External Documentation upon receipt.
Document the Wrap-Around services provided to the family in Georgia SHINES:
Include the family’s level of participation and any behavioral changes resulting from the services in the Log of Contacts within 72 hours of occurrence.
Review and upload all provider reports/summaries into External Documentation in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of receipt.
Update the Case Plan in accordance with policies 8.3 Family Preservation Services: Case Planning and 10.23 Foster Care: Case Plan, as applicable.
Social Services Supervisor
Assist the SSCM in determining if Wrap-Around services are appropriate.
Review and approve the Service Authorization.
Ensure timely completion and submission of the referral to the service provider in accordance with the requirements of policy 19.17 Case Management: Service Provision.
Review Georgia SHINES to ensure services are being provided in accordance with the established guidelines and the SSCM is providing appropriate follow up.
Assist the SSCM in monitoring services.
Practice Guidance
Emergency Placement
Emergency Placement is used for a State approved Wrap-Around provider for miscellaneous costs associated with caring for a child in foster care overnight when no other placement can be found. Costs may include, but are not limited to hotel, meals, basic clothing, diapers or special needs (toothbrush, soap, deodorant). The SSCM and SSS should determine the extent and level of assistance needed, whether one or two providers are needed, and the level of training needed to meet the child’s needs and ensure his/her safety and well-being. For any supervision services provide the contractor with the following:
Supervision Plan detailing activities for the child during the day (see the COSTAR manual for requirements of the supervision plan).
Child Passport; and
Universal Application.
Crisis Intervention
Crisis Intervention is designed to provide an immediate service to stabilize families who are experiencing a disruption or a breakdown in their normal pattern of functioning. Crisis intervention should be used to stabilize the crisis and reduce effects of future crisis. Services cannot exceed 5 consecutive (five) days. Services should include, but are not limited to:
Assessing and identifying the crisis an impact on the individual and/or family
Face to face Counseling
Development of a plan for problem solving
Development of new coping skills
Brief education/role playing of potential future situations
Recommendation of community resources
In-Home Case Management
In-Home Case Management assists families with completing the defined goals and steps of the case plan. Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Coordinating community services
Advocating for service provisions
Coordinating and supervising visitation with parent, kinship caregivers or siblings
Preparing families for reunification
Monitoring placements for safety and stability following reunification
Basic behavioral management for family
Parent aide services and/or parenting classes
Coordinating and/or facilitating Family Team Meetings (FTMs)
Preparing children for adoption (excluding child life histories)
Developing and discussing life books
Basic methods of discipline
In-Home Intensive Clinical/Therapeutic Services
In-Home Clinical/Therapeutic Services provides therapeutic and/or clinical services for a family in preparation of the safe return of a child and/or to maintain and stabilize a child’s current placement. Services cannot exceed 6 months and a waiver is required if the services exceed 6 months. Services may include, but not be limited to, the following:
Outpatient drug treatment and support services to the parent/caregiver and/or child
Therapy and/or counseling
Domestic violence counseling
Anger and stress management/counseling
Enhanced behavior management for children
Grief management, loss and/or separation issues
Enhanced methods of discipline