19.15 Developing Contact Standards for Purposeful Contacts and Collaterals Contacts | CWS
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Chapter: |
(19) Case Management |
Policy Title: |
Developing Contact Standards for Purposeful Contacts and Collaterals Contacts |
Policy Number: |
19.15 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
N/A |
Effective Date: |
September 2020 |
Manual Transmittal: |
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:
Establish standards (face-to-face purposeful contacts and collateral contacts) at the level necessary to:
Ensure child safety;
Assess safety plan sufficiency and adherence;
Assess and facilitate progress toward case plan outcomes;
Assess safety, permanency and well-being; and
Determine family functioning.
Establish the minimal standards for face-to-face purposeful contacts and collateral contacts, at/or during:
Case transfer staffing (see policy 19.4 Case Management: Case Transfer); and
Initial Family Team Meeting (FTM) (see policy 19.3 Case Management: Solution-Focused Family Team Meetings).
Case Evaluation or case review
Set and approve the contact standards in Georgia SHINES within three business days of establishment or update.
Continue to assess the sufficiency of contact standards to ensure child safety throughout the life of the case.
Social Services Case Manager
Review and analyze the current case record and any DFCS history in accordance with policy 19.10 Case Management: Analyzing DFCS History.
Determine how often purposeful and collateral contacts shall occur, based on the:
Maltreatment identified
Specific present danger situations, impending danger safety threats and/or risk factors
Caregiver protective capacity
Safety plan (out-of-home or in-home)
Child vulnerabilities
Service provisions
Court ordered requirements
Plan of Safe Care requirements, when applicable (see policy 19.27 Case Management: Plan of Safe Care for Infants Prenatally Exposed to Substances or a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD))
Purposeful contacts requirements (see policy 8.2 Family Preservation Services: Purposeful Contacts with Families Receiving Family Preservation Services and 10.18 Foster Care: Purposeful Contacts in Foster Care)
Collateral contacts requirements (see policy 19.16 Case Management: Collateral Contacts)
Set purposeful and collateral contact standards and submit to the Social Services Supervisor (SSS) in Georgia SHINES within three business days of establishment or update.
Re-assess the sufficiency of the contact standards during Case Evaluations and case reviews (see policy 8.4 Family Preservation Services: Case Evaluation and 17.2 Legal: Case Review/Permanency Plan Hearings).
Social Services Supervisor
Guide the SSCM through the process of establishing case contact standards.
Review and analyze the current case record and any DFCS history in accordance with policy 19.10 Case Management: Analyzing DFCS History.
Determine if the purposeful and collateral contact standards are sufficient, consider the following:
Progression toward case plan outcomes or conditions of return;
Does the documentation support the contact standards are sufficient to assess child safety and family functioning;
Court ordered requirement regarding contact standards;
Have additional maltreatment allegations been reported on the parent/caregiver;
Is there an active safety plan;
Purposeful contacts requirements (see policy 8.2 Family Preservation Services: Purposeful Contacts with Families Receiving Family Preservation Services and 10.18 Foster Care: Purposeful Contacts in Foster Care);
Has the child suffered injuries (accident or intentional) since DFCS involvement; and
Collateral contacts requirements (see policy 19.16 Case Management: Collateral Contacts).
Review and approve the contact standards in Georgia SHINES within three business days of establishment or update.
Continue to assess the sufficiency of the contact standards through monthly supervisor staffings, case reviews and Case Evaluations.