19.18 Targeted Case Management | CWS
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Chapter: |
(19) Case Management |
Policy Title: |
Targeted Case Management |
Policy Number: |
19.18 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
7.5 |
Effective Date: |
October 2015 |
Manual Transmittal: |
2016-09 |
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) will:
Provide Targeted Case Management Services (TCM) to families during active Family Preservation Services and Permanency (Foster Care) cases.
Maintain the completed Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form (TCM) in each active case file.
Denote one entry in Georgia SHINES every month as a TCM contact.
When applicable, TCM activities will be reported for the random moment time study. -
Conduct TCM Reviews each month.
Document all TCM activities in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of the occurrence.
Social Services Case Manager
Obtain consent for TCM services from the caregiver in a Family Preservation Services case by documenting this consent via signature on the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form.
Obtain consent from the caregiver from whom the child was removed for placement in out-of-home care (foster care) by documenting this consent via signature on the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form.
The SSCM may sign the form in lieu of the caregiver when DFCS has legal custody of the child. -
When applicable, note on the form a caregiver’s refusal to sign the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form. In addition, ensure the date and reason for the refusal is noted.
Regardless of refusal and subsequent lack of consent, TCM Services must still be provided in order to ensure child safety and well-being needs are met. -
Identify and document the first date (beginning date) of TCM eligibility for a client on the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form.
Provide TCM services (nutritional, behavioral, substance abuse needs and other medical needs) throughout the calendar month (see Practice Guidance for description of TCM services).
Each month, select only one documentation entry in Georgia SHINES as the TCM service activity each month.
Each month, when both County A and County B are providing services, each county shall select one documentation entry in Georgia SHINES as a TCM service activity.
Social Services Supervisor
Review the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form to determine the accuracy at the onset of a case and subsequently when changes need to be made to the form.
Review documentation each month to determine if case management activities meet the TCM requirements and assist in achieving case plan outcomes.
Conduct two TCM reviews per Social Services Case Manager (SSCM) assigned to the Supervisor each month using the TCM Review Guide - Permanency and Family Preservation Services.
Provide guidance to the SSCM regarding the provision of TCM services.
Practice Guidance
DFCS provides TCM services to all clients. TCM is defined as activities that will assist individuals in gaining access to services as well activities that assist in managing these services during a Family Preservation Services or Permanency (Foster Care) case. TCM services include nutritional interventions, behavioral interventions, substance abuse interventions and medical interventions. The direct medical services are defined as:
Nutritional Needs - discussion with WIC representatives; discussion with school and/or physician regarding child’s special nutritional needs (i.e., child with diabetes, child diagnosed as failure to thrive, child with food allergies, etc.)
Behavioral Needs - discussion with psychiatrist regarding recommendations for medication management; discussion with psychologist/school counselor/provider regarding child’s behavior.
Substance Abuse Needs - discussion with the substance abuse counselor regarding treatment of the child’s or the parent’s addiction; discussion with the provider regarding the child’s or parent’s compliance with the treatment plan.
Other Medical Needs - discussion with medical personnel regarding diagnoses, treatment and/or compliance with medication.
The direct medical services may be an identified need of a child and/or the family. The discussions above are examples of TCM services and are not all-inclusive.
TCM service delivery is synonymous with case management activities related to the identification of needs and case planning. Case plan goals should reflect TCM related goals. Case management activities and documentation should demonstrate a TCM client’s referral and linkage to services. In addition, case management activities and documentation should reflect an assessment of the sufficiency of services and the progress related to enhancement of protective capacity to ensure the safety and well-being of a child.
TCM Documentation
TCM documentation should include the following:
Linkages to formal or informal supports such as a contracted service provider based on identified needs;
Monitoring and follow-up related to case plan goals/steps;
Case plan progress, including changes in caregiver protective capacity;
An assessment of the sufficiency of services being provided;
The provision of additional services, when applicable; and
An assessment of child safety and well-being.
Activities that are not TCM Services
The following activities cannot be performed or documented as TCM services:
Investigation, legislative advocacy or training;
Services provided while a child/youth is incarcerated, e.g., YDC (Youth Development Campus), etc.;
Activities related to determining IV-E Foster Care or Adoption Assistance eligibility or any action directed at gaining or collecting child support for the child;
Transportation of a caregiver, guardian, child or youth by a DHS/DFCS employee;
Any court related activity, including preparation of court reports or participating in the judicial proceedings (with the exception of developing the case plan with the client);
Administration of Foster Care, Adoptions or any type of preventive service (activities not pertaining to a specific client, such as education about child abuse prevention activities or recruitment of foster homes);
Providing employability services that enable clients to obtain employment through assessment, preparation, planning and job development;
Providing Family Support Services to a family;
Post-Adoption finalization services and family planning; and
Staffing of a case between DFCS staff.
TCM can only be indicated if the SSCM is staffing a case with an auxiliary service provider (e.g., mental health, daycare, teacher and family services worker). -
Documentation or time spent completing paperwork.
TCM Client
A TCM client is defined as follows:
Family Preservation Services (FPS): The primary caregiver in the family who is receiving Family Preservation Services.
Permanency: The child who is receiving foster care services.
If a sibling group enters foster care, each child is identified as a separate TCM client. If part of a sibling group enters foster care and other siblings remain in the home in an active Family Preservation Services case, TCM services will be provided and captured during both Permanency and Family Preservation Services interventions. -
Youth ages 18-21 participating in Extended Youth Supportive Services.
When a child in foster care reaches his/her 18th birthday and decides not to opt out of foster care, a new Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form must be signed by the youth as the TCM Client. The TCM eligibility date or beginning date for TCM services will be the date of the youth’s 18th birthday.
TCM Eligibility
Clients receiving services in Family Preservation Services and Permanency (Foster Care) are eligible for TCM services. Clients are registered as TCM clients when the child is receiving CPS or Permanency (Foster Care) services necessary to protect them from abuse or neglect.
The first date of eligibility (the beginning date on the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form) is determined as follows:
CPS - The date of the joint/transfer staffing from Investigations to Family Preservation Services.
Permanency (Foster Care) - The date placement authority was obtained (legal or voluntary).
Extended Youth Support Services - The date of the 18th birthday of youth ages 18-21.
Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services
Guidelines for Consent to Receive TCM Services:
A Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services form must be accurately completed, including signature by the caregiver, and maintained in a Family Preservation Services or Permanency case.
The SSCM shall sign the Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form if the caregiver consents but does not sign. -
An accurate Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form is completed on each child in foster care. The child in foster care is identified as the client.
An accurately completed Consent to Receive Targeted Case Management Services Form must be uploaded in Georgia SHINES External Documentation.