100 Program Overview | LIHEAP
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Policy Title: |
Program Overview |
Chapter: |
100 |
Effective Date: |
October 2020 |
Policy Number: |
100 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Energy Assistance Program was created by Title XXVI Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (P.L. 97-35), as amended by Title VI of the Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-558) Title V of the Human Services reauthorization Act 1986. Funds provided for this program will be used to assist low income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs.
The purpose of the Georgia Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is to provide appropriate and timely financial assistance to:
Low income eligible households,
Provide long-term, low-cost residential weatherization assistance,
Energy crisis assistance to households experiencing heating or cooling emergencies that are life threatening,
Cooperate with private groups in the development, implementation and administration of home energy assistance,
Agencies must make available access to a copy of this manual to employees working in the Energy Program.
Basic Considerations
Provide benefits to the eligible low income households targeting elderly and homebound households.
Provide emergency energy assistance benefits to low income households in "at risk of harm" home energy related emergencies.
Provide low-cost weatherization home improvements to low income households.
Obtain the participation of the State’s major home energy suppliers.
Provide information and referrals to Energy Assistance Program recipients to help them access resources related to energy.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides financial assistance on behalf of and to households which meet three requirements:
Have a total gross income at or below 60% of the State Median Income Guidelines for Georgia
Be responsible for paying the cost of energy for the household or can verify an energy burden
Be US citizens or lawfully admitted immigrant
Households may receive only one payment per program component within a program year.
This financial assistance will be in the form of payments to home energy suppliers on behalf of eligible household applicants.
Eligible households whose energy suppliers have not signed a vendor supplier agreement will receive benefit payments directly.
The amount of assistance will depend on the projected total annual gross household income and household size.
Subsidized housing residents whose fuel cost is included in their rental payment are not eligible for assistance unless the applicant can verify an energy burden.
Applicants who receive a vendor bill/statement for the main heating source are eligible for assistance.
Renters who live in subsidized housing are eligible for assistance if their utility bill is in their name or the applicant can verify an energy burden.
Applications are to be taken at accessible locations statewide, and in the homes of those who are homebound and unable to travel to any of the sites.
Program Components
Heating Energy Assistance
LIHEAP or Regular Energy Assistance will be provided to households who meet the above criteria and who are not experiencing a life threatening situation because of interruption in energy. The amount of available federal funding determines the amount of the benefit. The state office reviews and recommends benefit level each year based on projection of federal funding.
Cooling Energy Assistance
The LIHEAP Cooling Assistance Program provides a one-time benefit on behalf of an eligible household to the energy vendor during the Georgia’s warm summer months. Clients must meet the eligibility requirements set forth for the current fiscal year’s Heating Program. If it is determined that funding is too limited to make an impact among the general population, more vulnerable households such as the elderly and homebound may be targeted with this program. Benefits for the purchase of a cooling unit are provided to households with inoperable air conditioning and a referral to Georgia Environmental Finance Authority’s (GEFA) Weatherization program. Georgia’s Cooling program will be offered during the months of May and June.
Crisis Energy Assistance
DHS designates funds for Energy Crisis Intervention for each program year. States and local agencies providing LIHEAP are encouraged to have Crisis funds available through the month of March. Agencies may exhaust all Crisis funds prior to March if there are no other funds available. Financial assistance will be in the form of a vendor check written at the local level. The amount of assistance will be determined by household income, which must be at or below 60% of the State median income guidelines. Crisis assistance is provided to LIHEAP households who are in arrearage with their primary energy provider or who have already lost their energy service.
The CRISIS component of the Energy Program has three types of interventions. This component applies to:
A household whose service has been disconnected or can reasonably anticipate imminent disconnection of energy service due to nonpayment. Assistance is provided within 48 hours of application.
Households whose service have been disconnected or can reasonably anticipate imminent disconnection of energy service due to nonpayment and the disconnection create a life-threatening situation. Assistance is provided within 18 hours of application.
Severe weather-related conditions and the crisis are declared by the Governor or designee, or by Federal Emergency Management Authority, Homeland Security or Health and Human Services.
Benefit Amount
Client benefits will be offered at a minimum of $350 and maximum of $400 for all eligible households, based on 60% of the State Median Income (SMI). Eligible households with the vulnerable population of seniors 60 years and older residing within the home will receive the maximum benefit amount of $400. Households may receive a maximum of one heating benefit and one cooling benefit within the same program year. Cooling applicants are eligible for the crisis and life-threatening crisis standard of promptness with appropriate documentation.
Performance Measures
Beginning FFY 2016 states are required to report on three outcome measures. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has cleared Health and Human Services to collect data from LIHEAP grantees (states) to support the following performance indicators
The average reduction in energy burden for households receiving LIHEAP fuel assistance
This data will be collected from the Energy Vendors
The percent of unduplicated households where LIHEAP prevented a potential home energy crisis
This data will be captured on the LIHEAP application
The percent of unduplicated households where LIHEAP benefits restored home energy
This data will be captured on the LIHEAP application