2610 MAGI Budget Groups / Assistance Units | Medicaid
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Policy Title: |
MAGI Budget Groups / Assistance Units |
Effective Date: |
September 2024 |
Chapter: |
2600 |
Policy Number: |
2610 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
MT 71 |
Updated or Reviewed in MT: |
MT-73 |
The MAGI Assistance Unit (AU) includes individuals for whom health coverage is requested and for whom Medical Assistance coverage is available.
The MAGI Budget Group (BG) consists of tax filers and their tax dependents, or non-tax filers in their home and their spouses, children under the age of 19 (natural, biological, adopted or step), and for children under the age of 19, natural, biological, adopted and stepparents, and natural, biological, adopted and step siblings under the age of 19. The BG also includes any unborn child of an individual included in the BG who is pregnant. The Family Medicaid Non-MAGI Budget group (BG) consists of specified relative relations. Refer to Section 2620 - Non-MAGI Budget Groups/Assistance Units.
Basic Considerations
Certain individuals living/not living in the home are included in the eligibility determination for the MAGI AU members. These individuals as well as all the MAGI AU members comprise the MAGI Budget Group (BG).
In all Classes of Assistance (COAs), only the AU members receive Medical Assistance upon approval of the application.
Budget Group Composition (Tax Filers)
The BG for tax filers consists of the following individuals:
the tax filer
all persons whom the tax filer expects to claim as a tax dependent, who does not expect to be claimed as a tax dependent by another tax filer.
his/her spouse living in the home even if not filing jointly
any unborn child of an individual included in the BG who is pregnant.
Budget Group Composition (Non-Tax Filers)
The budget group for non-tax filers consists of the following individuals that live in the home:
the individual
the individual’s spouse
the individual’s biological/natural, adopted and stepchild(ren) under the age of 19
for any child under the age of 19, include that child’s biological/natural, adopted and stepparents and biological/natural, adopted, half and step sibling(s) under the age of 19.
any unborn child of an individual included in the BG who is pregnant.
The BG size determines the net taxable income limit(s) for a MAGI Family Medical Assistance COA. The taxable incomes of all individuals that would be required to file a tax return regardless of if they actually file a tax return or not, in the BG are used to determine eligibility.
MAGI Medical Assistance does not include taxable income of a child in the BG when the total taxable amount is below the allowable IRS dependent exemption amount regardless of if the child is required to file a tax return and/or if they do file a tax return. The dependent exemption amount is established by IRS yearly and is set each January for the previous tax year. The dependent exemption will be used for the current MAGI Medical Assistance year. |
The threshold for not being required to file a tax return is $6100 for earned income and $1000 for unearned income for tax year 2013.
For tax year 2014, the threshold is $6200 for earned income and $1000 for unearned income.
For tax year 2015, the threshold is $6300 for earned income and $1050 for unearned income.
For tax year 2016, the threshold is $6300 for earned income and $1050 for unearned income.
For tax year 2017, the threshold is $6350 for earned income and $1050 for unearned income.
For tax year 2018, the threshold is $12,000 for earned income and $1050 for unearned income.
For tax year 2019, the threshold is $12,200 for earned income and $1100 for unearned income.
For tax year 2020, the threshold is $12,400 for earned income and $1100 for unearned income.
For tax year 2021, the threshold is $12,550 for earned income and $1100 for unearned income.
For tax year 2022, the threshold is $12,950 for earned income and $1150 for unearned income.
For tax year 2023, the threshold is $13,850 for earned income and $1250 for unearned income.
RSDI income for the tax dependent/child does not count toward the unearned income threshold. Refer to Secton 2499 - Treatment of Income in Medical Assistance. |
Filing a tax return and filing for a tax refund are not the same.
If a pregnant woman requests or receives Medicaid, the unborn child is included in the BG for the case, regardless of COA.
The BG size is increased accordingly, in Presumptive Eligibility (PE) Pregnancy Medicaid and Pregnant Woman Medicaid per her statement only, no medical verification is requested.
The BG size, for all other Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Medical Assistance Class of Assistance (COA), is increased accordingly if the pregnant woman is carrying more than one fetus per client statement.
Do not refer to the Department of Public Health (DPH) for medical verification. DPH is not medically equipped to medically verify the expected births. |
A portion of the resources of the sponsor of a sponsored alien is used to determine eligibility.
Step 1 |
Determine if the individual is a tax filer |
Step 2 |
If individual is a tax filer, include the following people in the BG:
Please review the exceptions to the tax filing rules in Section 2245 - Living With A Specified Relative when determining BG composition. |
Step 3 |
If individual is not a tax filer, the BG must include the following that live in the home:
SSI recipients must be included in the budget group for MAGI COAs, but the income of the SSI recipient is not counted in the budget. For Non-MAGI Medicaid SSI recipients and SSI are not counted in the BG. |
Step 4 |
Exclude the following individuals from the Medical Assistance AU, but include them in the MAGI and Non-MAGI Medical Assistance BG:
Chart 2610.1 - Determining the AU for Each Applicant or Beneficiary

Use the following chart to determine composition of the MAGI AU and BG:
The term child used in this chart includes only those under the age of 19. The terms parent(s), child(ren) and sibling(s) used in this chart includes biological, natural, adopted, half or step. The term caretaker used in this chart is limited to a specified relative relationship. Caretakers are adults that are related to the child (blood, adoption, or marriage), care for the child in their home and are not a parent of that child regardless of if they expect/not expect to claim the child on their tax return. The spouse of a Caretaker may also be eligible for MAGI Medical Assistance and should be included in the BG. However, if a Parent is in the home, the non-Parent adult will not be included in the AU but if they are a tax dependent may be included in the BG. |
Special Circumstance: If the Tax Filer and Spouse living outside the home are filing jointly, then the spouse living outside the home would not be included in the BG of the tax filer or the tax dependent.
Adult (Parent, spouse, or caretaker) is absent from the home because of treatment or training. |
Include the adult in the AU and/or BG when all of the following conditions exist:
Exclude the adult from the AU and/or BG if any of the following conditions exists:
For MAGI Medical Assistance if the tax filer expects to claim any of these adults on their return, the adult continues to be counted in the BG but is not allowed in the AU. For Non-MAGI Medicaid these adults will not be included in the BG nor the AU until they return to the home. |
Adult (parent, spouse, or Caretaker) is absent from the home because of duty in the uniformed forces of the United States. |
Use tax filer or non-tax filer status and include in the BG and AU. |
Child is absent from the home because of treatment or training. |
Include the child in the AU when all of the following conditions exist:
Child is placed in a residential dependent care institution, such as GA Baptist Children’s Home, United Methodist Children’s Home, or GA Sheriffs Boys' ranch. |
Consider the child an AU of one and determine the child’s Medical Assistance eligibility if the following conditions are met:
Child lives alone. |
Consider the child to be an AU of one and determine his/her eligibility for Children Under 19 Years of Age or MN. Continued Medicaid Determination (CMD) to PeachCare for Kids® or Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) when applicable. |
Child lives with a Caretaker; everyone applies for health coverage. |
Determine if the child and the Caretaker are eligible for Parent/Caretaker with Child(ren) Medicaid. Exclude the Caretaker from the AU and BG if not eligible for Parent/Caretaker with Child(ren) Medicaid. Consider the child to be an AU of one and determine their eligibility for Children Under 19 Years of Age or MN. Continued Medicaid Determination (CMD) to PeachCare for Kids® or Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) when applicable. |