3105 Application Processing | SNAP
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Policy Title: |
Application Processing |
Effective Date: |
January 2025 |
Chapter: |
3100 |
Policy Number: |
3105 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
MT-78 |
Updated or Reviewed in MT: |
MT-80 |
The application process begins with the request for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits and ends with notification to the assistance unit (AU) of its eligibility for benefits.
Basic Considerations
The application process includes filing and completing an application, being interviewed, having certain information verified, and processing information in the eligibility system within the required standard of promptness.
Anyone may apply for SNAP benefits including the following individuals:
Head of the AU
Other responsible adult AU members
Authorized representative (Refer to 3120 Authorized Representative)
Authorized representatives for residents of drug and alcohol treatment centers (Refer to 3120 Authorized Representative)
Residents of a group home
IPV disqualified individual if that individual is the only adult member of the AU.
Head of the AU
A SNAP AU, consisting of only one adult member will have that member designated as the head of the AU.
If a SNAP AU consists of two or more adult AU members and one of the adults is a parent to children living in the AU, then the AU may select the adult parent or an adult serving in a parental role to children less than 18 years of age in the AU, as the head of the AU. The adults in the AU must agree on the designation of the head of the AU for SNAP purposes.
An adult is defined as an individual who is:
age 18 and over
head of the AU if under 18
A parent is defined as:
a natural
stepparent, or
a person serving in a parental role
An AU, which consists of no adults, is allowed to select any AU member as the head of the AU. The person selected should be the person with responsibility for the AU’s business affairs.
If the AU does not decide who will be the head of the AU, the assigned Eligibility Specialist will make that determination.
The person designated as the head of the AU should appear as the first entry on the computer database for that case.
SNAP AUs may select the head of the AU at each initial application or recertification (renewal) and when there is a change in AU composition. The agency must explain to all AUs at the time of application and when changes in AU composition occur (which could affect the head of the AU designation) the AU’s right to select a head of the AU. The explanation shall include a discussion of the household’s option to select the head of the AU, the circumstances under which an AU may change its designation, and how that change should be reported. Refer to 3715 Interim Changes for policy on changes in the head of the AU.
Availability of Application Forms
The application form must be provided to the AU upon request. The county office that receives a request for an application form must give or mail the form to the AU and inform the AU of where and how to apply.
Initial Application
An initial application is an application that is filed following any period in which the AU has not been certified for benefits. A recertification (renewal) application is an application filed within the last month of the certification period or within 30 days following the last month of the current certification period.
Refer to Chart 3710.1, Recertification (Renewals), for procedures on how to process applications received within 30 days following the end of a certification period. |
Right to Same-Day Filing
The “Right to Same-Day Filing” allows individuals to begin the application process and have access to SNAP benefits at any time they make a request for assistance.
An individual has the right to file an application on the day of the initial request for benefits. The agency cannot refuse anyone the right to same-day filing and must inform the individual of the right to file an application form on the same day he/she or his/her representative contacts the agency, in person or by phone, expressing interest in obtaining assistance.
If an individual requests an application by mail, the right to same-day filing is met if the application is mailed on the day the person makes the request to the agency. The date of application is the date the application form is received by the agency.
The “Right to Same-Day Filing” affects the following:
date to begin the processing standards
date to begin proration of initial benefits
Filing an Application
An AU may file an application by submitting a completed application in one of the following ways:
in person
through an authorized representative (Refer to 3120 Authorized Representative)
by phone via the Customer Contact Center
by fax or other electronic transmission
by mail
via the Social Security Administration
during a home visit with DFCS staff
through a SNAP outreach partner
through the Georgia Gateway system
If an authorized representative applies on behalf of a customer, the application must be signed by either a responsible member of the household or the household’s authorized representative. |
AUs may be given a copy of their application regardless of the method by which the application is filed (i.e. paper or electronic online format) if requested by the AU.
AUs that complete an online application in person at the local county office may also be given an opportunity to review the information on their application. A copy of the application may be provided via electronic email, the Gateway Portal, or jump drive.
An application is considered filed when it contains an applicant’s name and address, is signed by a responsible member or authorized representative, and is received in the Local County or SSA office. Refer to 3115 Special Considerations for Applications for policy on filing an application at the SSA office.
Homeless AUs do not have to provide an actual address but must provide sufficient information to establish residency in the State of GA. The applicant/recipient’s (A/R) statement is acceptable unless conflicting information is known to the agency. |
Electronic Signatures
Electronic signatures utilizing Adobe Signature or other E-Signature software will be acceptable for all SNAP forms. Examples of electronic signatures are the use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN), a computer password, clicking on an “I accept these conditions” button on a screen, or clicking on a “Submit” button on a screen. Adobe Signature, DocuSign, and Dropbox Sign are common software that offer E-Signature. A completed application consists of a signed application submitted with a name and address. A typed name on the signature line of a paper application is not acceptable.
Withdrawing Applications
An AU may voluntarily withdraw its application at any time prior to an eligibility determination. If an application is withdrawn, contact the AU by phone or mail to confirm the withdrawal. Documentation of the reason for withdrawal, if stated by the AU, should be provided in the case file. Send a notice of ineligibility notifying the AU that the application was denied because of the withdrawal. The AU may reapply at any time after withdrawing the application.
Cooperation with the Application Process
The AU is required to cooperate with the application process by completing and signing an application, participating in an interview, and providing the required verification.
If the AU fails to cooperate because of an inability to do so, then the assigned Eligibility Specialist must provide assistance with the application process.
If the AU refuses to cooperate, the application is denied. A refusal to cooperate occurs when the AU can cooperate, but clearly demonstrates that it will not take actions that it can take and that are required to complete the application process. To be denied for refusal to cooperate, the AU must refuse to be interviewed and refuse to provide information that is required to make an eligibility determination.
Resident of an Institution
When a resident of an institution is jointly applying for SSI and SNAP prior to leaving the institution, the filing date of the application is the date of release of the applicant from the institution. Applications for these applicants are processed in accordance with normal processing standards, including entitlement to expedited services.
Outreach Applications
When an application is received from SNAP outreach partners such as the Food Banks, the filing date of the application is the date the application is received by the State Office or any local DFCS office.
These applications are processed according to normal processing procedures and are entitled to expedited services if applicable. Eligibility staff are encouraged to complete telephone interviews when completing these applications to ensure households receive benefits by the appropriate standard of promptness. Refer to “Interviewing Requirements” in this section below.
Expedited Screening
Screen all SNAP applications (including applications filed within 30 days following the end of an expired certification period for expedited services using the expedited processing criteria in 3110 Expedited Application Processing. Refer to 3710 Recertifications (Renewals) for policy on processing recertification (renewal) applications.
Interviewing Requirements
The interview at initial application can be a telephone or face-to-face interview. The applicant can request a face-to-face interview, or the agency can determine that a face-to-face interview may be appropriate. If the client indicates a hardship, the client must be given a telephone interview.
Conduct an interview with the applicant prior to making an eligibility determination (i.e. approval or denial). The face-to-face interview may be held at the local county office, at the home of the AU (if prearranged), or at any other mutually acceptable location. If a location cannot be agreed upon, then the interview must be held in the local office.
The type of interview conducted (e.g., telephone or face-to-face) must be documented.
Discuss all points of eligibility with the applicant during an interview. Inform the applicant about the program orally and by using appropriate information pamphlets and other printed materials.
Document in the case notes the results of the interview.
Interview applicants on the date of application, when possible. Document the interview appointment in the eligibility system or file the appointment letter in the applicant’s case file.
Scheduling Interviews
Schedule an interview for all applicants who are not interviewed on the day they submit their applications.
The interview must be scheduled to accommodate the needs of AUs with special circumstances, such as the following:
working AUs
AUs with elderly or disabled members
AUs with ill members
AUs in rural areas or who have transportation issues
AUs in prolonged severe weather
AUs residing on reservations
AUs with adult members who do not speak English.
The interview must be scheduled as promptly as possible following the date of application to ensure that an eligible AU receives an opportunity to participate within 30 calendar days following the date of application.
The Eligibility Specialist must schedule a specific date and time for an interview for every applicant.
The interview is scheduled to ensure the AU is provided service in a timely manner.
If an applicant is interviewed on the date of application, then no scheduled appointment is required. If it is later discovered that the AU failed to keep the scheduled appointment on the date of application, then a notice of missed interview (NOMI) must be sent to the AU. The initial appointment for the date of application should be documented in the Gateway system or written documentation provided on the appointment letter. |
Refer to the subsection “Issuing a Notice of Missed Interviews” in this section.
Use the following procedures when the applicant is given an appointment to return to the local DFCS office for a scheduled interview:
Accept a signed application on the day the applicant appears at the office to apply.
Annotate or date stamp the application with the date the application is received in the county office, not the date of the interview.
Schedule an appointment in time to process the application by the 30th calendar day following the date of application.
Send a “notice of missed interview” if the initial appointment is missed.
Deny the application on the 30th calendar day following the date of application if the applicant misses the appointment and makes no subsequent contact with the agency.
Reschedule the appointment if the applicant misses the initial appointment and contacts the agency within the 30-day processing period to schedule another appointment.
Deny the application any time after the verification deadline or by the 30th day following the date of application.
Give the AU at least 10 calendar days to provide required verification. If verification is not provided by the due date, then the case may be denied the day following the date the verification is due. |
If the verification is received after the denial date but prior to the 30-day SOP, reopen the case and provide benefits back to the original date of application. The EW should process the case within five (5) working days after receiving the verification.
If verification of a deduction is not received by the 10th day, the case may be approved the following day without the deduction.
Issuing Notices of Missed Interview (NOMI)
The agency must send a “Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI)” when an initial appointment has been missed. The AU must be informed that it is his/her responsibility to reschedule a missed interview.
The “NOMI” must be sent in sufficient time to allow the AU to contact the agency and be interviewed prior to the 30th day.
If the initial application interview is rescheduled PRIOR to the initial appointment date, the NOMI is sent for the appointment that was initially scheduled.
The NOMI may be generated either by the Gateway system or as a manually written notice. Copies of any manual NOMIs are maintained in the case file.
Who Must Be Interviewed
Conduct an interview with one of the following individuals:
head of the AU
responsible adult member of the AU
the authorized representative (Refer to 3120 Authorized Representative).
The applicant may bring any person he or she chooses to the interview. |
What the Interview Must Include
Provide or explain the following information to the applicant during the interview:
the services provided by DFCS and the right to apply for them.
what information/verification is required to establish eligibility and the applicant’s responsibility to provide information necessary to establish eligibility and the benefit level, including the following:
expedited criteria
budgeting method
basic eligibility requirements
income limits
resources, if applicable
deductions (shelter, child support paid for a child outside of the home, childcare, and medical deductions)
Clearinghouse and other computer matches
work exemptions (must be explained and documented in the eligibility system)
work registration and employment and training requirements (must be explained and documented in the eligibility system)
simplified reporting requirements and reports of substantial lottery/gambling winnings
assignment and responsibilities of an authorized representative
failure to cooperate with TANF requirements and the effects on SNAP eligibility
the Quality Control processes and procedures, and the importance of cooperating with federal and state reviewers
penalties for intentional program violations (IPV)
information on the Earned Income Tax Credit and how to apply for advanced payments (Provide the applicant with a copy of the IRS brochure)
issuance procedures via Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
appropriate use and limitations of SNAP benefits.
the applicant’s rights to the following:
a fair hearing
prompt action within the standard of promptness
non-discrimination in the processing of the application
how to register to vote
Explain to the applicant that receiving SNAP has no bearing on another program’s time limits.
The interviewer must not simply review the information that appears on the application but must explore and resolve all unclear and incomplete information with the AU. The client must be offered a genuine, private interview in a confidential setting. The interviewer must conduct the interview as an official agency representative and discuss the AU’s circumstances in a confidential discussion.
Screening and Referral to SNAP Employment and Training (E&T)
The eligibility worker is required to screen all AU members who meet the following criteria during the interview to determine if a referral is appropriate to the SNAP E&T Program, also known as SNAP Works:
are 16 or 17 years of age or older and the head of household
are at least 18 years or older
are not receiving TANF benefits
are fit for employment
For each AU member who meets the criteria, the SNAP Screening and Referral Tool page in Gateway (Form 864) must be completed even if they are not available during the interview. If Gateway is down and screening cannot be completed in the system, a manual form 864 must be completed and uploaded.
The Primary Individual (PI) can respond for other AU members that need to be screened if they wish to do so.
If the PI states during the interview they don’t know if the other AU members would want to be referred the eligibility worker should attempt to screen all AU members to determine the appropriateness to be referred to SNAP Works.
If the PI provides screening information for other AU members but is unsure if they are ready to volunteer to be referred, then the eligibility worker should document accordingly.
If the PI states that they do not feel comfortable answering for other AU members regarding a referral, eligibility workers should try to complete the screening and referral process and document accordingly.
If the screening and referral process is not completed at application or recertification for absent AU members, then that should also be documented. In that case, those AU members would need to go through the screening and referral process at the next application or recertification.
Mandatory Forms
Complete, provide and/or mail the following forms when processing a SNAP application:
Form 297, Application for Benefits
Form 297A, Rights and Responsibilities
National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) packet
Form 846, Change Report Form if requested
Form 859, SNAP Consolidated Work Requirements Notice (if work registrants are in the AU)
Form 5460, NPP/HIPAA Notification Form (Refer to 3040 Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).
Complete other forms as needed based on the AU’s circumstances. Complete mandatory Clearinghouse requirements and obtain the required verification.
Standard of Promptness (SOP)
Determine eligibility and, if eligible, provide the opportunity to participate by the appropriate SOP. Participation is defined as the AU having their EBT card, PIN and benefits available in their EBT account by the 7th day for expedited applications and by the 30th day for non-expedited applications following the date of application.
Cases with a 30-day SOP
Calculate the SOP by the following method:
Start with the day following the day the application is received in the county office.
Complete the application as follows, if the SOP falls on a weekend or holiday:
Complete approvals no later than the 29th day or the last workday prior to the 29th day if it falls on a weekend or holiday.
Complete denials on the 30th day or the first workday following a weekend or holiday.
To meet the 30-day SOP for an approved application, the application must be processed in the system by the 29th day.
Cases Pending Over SOP
The cause of delay must be determined and documented in the case if the agency is unable to determine the AU’s eligibility, and the AU is unable to participate by the application SOP. The agency must determine if the delay is caused by the agency’s failure or the client’s failure to meet requirements during the application process.
Agency Delay
An agency delay occurs when the SOP is not met even though the AU has complied with and met all verification requirements.
Client Delays
A client delay occurs when the client fails to do one of the following:
Fails to appear for an initial interview within 30 calendar days from the date of application, and a subsequent interview is postponed at the AU’s request or cannot be rescheduled until after the 20th calendar day, but prior to the 30th calendar day following the date of application and after the interview, additional verification is needed to process the case.
Register mandatory work registrants for work, if the AU has been provided with at least 10 calendar days to respond.
An AU’s initial month’s benefits will be prorated from the date of application to the end of the month of application.
If an AU reapplies at any time after the 30th calendar day following the last month of the previous certification period, prorate benefits for the first month of the new certification period from the date of application. Refer to 3710 Recertifications (Renewals).
If the case was closed for failure to complete recertification (renewal) requirements, refer to Chart 3710.1 for procedures on how to prorate benefits for recertification (renewal) applications. |
Do not prorate the first month’s benefits for migrant and seasonal farm worker AUs unless there is a break of more than one month between the end of their last certification period and the date they apply. |
Certification Period
A certification period is the specific timeframe in which an AU is certified as eligible to receive benefits.
Consider the AU’s circumstances when assigning a certification period. The certification period should be consistent with the AU’s circumstances. Refer to Chart 3105.1, Assigning Certification Periods.
Do not extend the certification period. No AU may participate beyond the expiration of the certification period. Each AU must submit a new application or recertification (renewal) application and must comply with the interview and verification requirements to continue participation in the program. Refer to 3710 Recertifications (Renewals) for procedures on recertification (renewal) applications. Refer to 3730 Periodic Reporting for procedures on periodic reports.
Use the chart below to determine an AU’s certification period. Certify each AU for a specific period.
Type of AU | Maximum Length of Certification Period | ||
Expedited AUs |
Expedited AUs are certified using the normal certification periods provided in this chart, unless the AU was certified under expedited services criteria using postponed verification procedures. Refer to 3110 Expedited Application Processing. |
AU’s with ABAWDS |
Four (4) months
Seasonal and Migrant Farm Workers |
Seasonal and Migrant Farm Workers AUs authorized on or after November 18, 2023, are assigned twelve (12) month certification periods.
All other AUs with countable income |
All other AUs with countable income authorized on or after November 18, 2023, are assigned twelve (12) month certification periods.
AUs in which ALL adult members are elderly, or SNAP disabled, and there is no earned income. |
AUs in which ALL adult members are elderly, or SNAP disabled, and there is no earned income authorized on or after November 18, 2023, are assigned twenty-four (24) month certification periods.
Senior SNAP AUs |
Thirty-Six (36) months
Use the chart below to determine how to complete an application.
IF THE | THEN | ||
AU is a resident of the county and files an application in the office of that county, |
Accept and date the application on the day the AU makes the initial request for assistance. |
AU is not a resident of the county in which the application is filed, |
The date of application is the date the application is first received in any office in the county/state. |
AU files a SNAP application at the SSA office, |
Accept and date the application with the date the application was filed at the office of the Social Security Administration (SSA). Refer to 3115 Special Considerations for Applications. |
AU files a SNAP application with a SNAP outreach partner, |
Accept and date the application with the date the application is received by the State Office or any county DFCS office. |
AU moves to Georgia and files a new application AND is currently receiving benefits in another state, |
Accept and date the application. Verify closure of benefits in the other state. Do not approve benefits until it has been established that the other state did not issue benefits for the month of application or that benefits for the month of application were returned to the other state. If benefits were received in the month of application, determine eligibility for the ongoing month. |
AU is applying for SSI prior to release from an institution under the Social Security Administration’s Pre-release Program for the Institutionalized and is permitted to apply for SNAP benefits at the same time. |
SSA shall notify DFCS of the date of release of the applicant from the institution. The date recorded on the SNAP application will be the date of release.
AU files another SNAP application while one is still pending, |
The application has already been accepted and dated in the county in which it was filed or submitted via GA Gateway. The assigned Eligibility Specialist will process the application by the appropriate SOP. If a pending application was denied due to verification and the AU has reapplied, then the assigned Eligibility Specialist will reopen the case using the date verification is received as the date of application. IF all required verification is received after the 30th day but prior to 60 days from the date of application. If verification is received within the initial 30-day period, then the assigned Eligibility Specialist will reopen the case and provide benefits back to the date of application. If a new application is submitted while one is pending completion, the later application must be VOIDED and documentation added to explain why. The assigned Eligibility Specialist will inform the AU that his/her application will be completed based on the originally filed application. |
AU files a SNAP application online through the Gateway Customer Portal, |
The date of application is the date received and documented by the system.
AU fails to attend the initial interview AND has made no contact with the agency to reschedule the interview, |
Deny the application on the 30th calendar day following the date of application.
AU is eligible for the month of application BUT is ineligible for the month following the month of application AND ineligible for the ongoing month(s), |
Issue benefits for the month of application only. Deny the second month and ongoing month’s benefits. |
Application is processed in the month following the month of application AND the AU is eligible for the month of application AND ineligible for the month following the month of application BUT is eligible for ongoing benefits, |
Issue benefits for the month of application. Deny the second month’s benefits. Approve ongoing benefits based on anticipated circumstances. |
AU is ineligible for the month of application BUT eligible for ongoing months, |
Deny for the month of application. Issue benefits for the ongoing months. Do not prorate benefits for the first eligible month. Proration is not applicable because the month of application has been denied. |
IF THE | THEN | ||||||
AU fails to provide verification required to determine eligibility, |
Deny the application any time after the day following the verification deadline, but no later than 30 days from the date of application. Deny the application between the 11th and 30th day of the date of application. If the 30th calendar day falls on a weekend or holiday, the application is denied on the next business day. This denial is not reported OSOP. |
AU fails to provide verification by the due date AND AU provides verification after the due date BUT no later than the 30th calendar day following the date of application, |
Complete the application on the 30th day and prorate benefits from the date of application.
EW should process the case within five (5) business days after receipt of the verification. |
AU fails to provide verification by the 10-day deadline but requests an extension AND the extended deadline is after the 30th day but prior to 60 days from the date of application, |
Prorate benefits from the date all required verification is provided.
AU postpones the initial interview until on or after the 20th calendar day from the date of application AND the 10 days to provide verification is after the 30- day SOP, |
Give the AU 10 days to provide verification. Process the application in one of the following ways:
If verification is provided after the deadline but prior to the 60th calendar day from the date of application, prorate benefits from the date verification is provided. |
AU reports a change in circumstances by the 30th calendar day AND the 10 days to provide verification expires after the 30th calendar day AND AU provides verification by the deadline given but after the 30th day, |
Mail a system generated Verification Checklist (VCL)) or Form 173, Verification Checklist, at the time the change is reported, allowing 10 days to provide verification. Authorize benefits upon receipt of verification as described below:
AU reports a change in circumstances by the 30th calendar day AND the 10 days to provide verification expires after the 30th calendar day AND AU fails to provide verification by the deadline given BUT AU provides the verification by the 60th calendar day following the date of application, |
Mail a system generated Verification Checklist (VCL) or Form 173, Verification Checklist, at the time the change is reported, allowing 10 days to provide verification. Deny the application on the day following the deadline to provide verification. Authorize benefits upon receiving verification as described below.
Application is denied on the 30th calendar day because the AU failed to provide verification AND the AU provides verification any time after the 30th calendar day but by the 60th calendar day following the date of application, |
Authorize benefits as follows:
Application is not processed by the 30th calendar day because of the agency’s failure to take action AND the AU is determined eligible at any time prior to the 60th calendar day following the date of application, |
Authorize benefits retroactive to the date of application. |
Application is denied on the 30th calendar day because of agency error AND the AU is determined eligible at any time prior to the 60th calendar day following the date of application, |
Authorize benefits retroactive to the original date of application by updating the Gateway system. Do not require a new application. |
AU refuses to cooperate with completing the application process,
Deny the application at the time of refusal. |
AU withdraws an application |
Deny the application at the time of withdrawal. |
Application is severely delayed and has not been processed in more than 12 months (one year) because of the agency’s failure to take action. |
Authorize benefits retroactive for 12 months (one year) only. If benefits were lost for more than 12 months, notify the AU of their entitlement for the 12-month period, the benefit amount to be restored, any offset of benefits, and how benefits will be restored. Refer to Section 3810, Issuance, for policy regarding underpayment and overpayment of benefits. |
Assist the AU as needed to complete the application form.
The application can be completed by the applicant, an authorized representative, or an agency representative.
Accept a signed application when the AU first makes a request for assistance. DO NOT require an interview or other screening process prior to accepting an application.
Record on the application form the date it is received in the county office. Screen the application to determine the following:
current receipt of SNAP
eligibility for expedited SNAP processing
current receipt of other benefits
Use the following guidelines to schedule an interview with the applicant:
Schedule either a telephone or face-to-face interview.
Reschedule the appointment if the applicant requests to reschedule the appointment prior to the interview. Send the applicant a Notice of Missed Interview for the appointment that was initially missed.
Schedule an interview immediately if the applicant is eligible for expedited services.
Consider the applicant as the primary source of information for the individuals who have requested assistance.
Provide the applicant with the necessary forms to complete the application process.
Refer to other appropriate services as requested by the applicant or as determined by the agency.
Verify information required to determine eligibility for SNAP benefits:
Determine if verification is available from agency sources prior to requesting verification from the AU.
Request verification both verbally and in writing.
Require the applicant to provide the name of the sources from which verification will be obtained.
Inform the applicant of any contacts that will be made with the sources.
Give at least 10 calendar days to obtain the verification.
Give additional time, within 30 days of the initial request, to provide verification if the applicant requests.
Consider verification received for one program to be received for all programs.
Accept the applicant’s statement as verification for some eligibility criteria, when appropriate.
Assist the AU in obtaining verification.
Do not require verification if the applicant’s statement establishes ineligibility.
If the applicant’s statement of income establishes ineligibility, verification from a third-party source is required. Refer to 3035 Verification.
Provide written notification of the eligibility determination. The notice must explain the following:
The basis for the approval/denial.
The initial benefit amount and the ongoing benefit amount.
The certification period.
The reason for the action.
The AU’s right to request a fair hearing.
The telephone number of the county office.
The telephone number of legal services.
For denials, the action the AU must take to reopen the application (if the action is taken within 60 days from the date of application). AND
That the AU must submit a new application if at the end of the 60-day period, the AU has not taken the required action to reopen the application.