3350 Work Registration

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
SNAP Policy Manual

Policy Title:

Work Registration

Effective Date:

January 2025



Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):


Updated or Reviewed in MT:



The work registration status of each applicant and recipient is determined during the eligibility process.

Basic Considerations

The work requirement has three parts: registration, participation, and sanction. The eligibility functions are registration and sanctions for non-compliance.

Work Registration

The eligibility worker must explain the general work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the rights and responsibilities of work registered AU members, the sanctions for failure to comply with general work requirements during the initial interview, recertification (renewal) interview, periodic report or an interim change. The eligibility worker must explain ABAWD work requirements to households that include ABAWDs. Form 859, SNAP Consolidated Work Requirements Notice, must be given to work registrants, which includes mandatory registrants and ABAWDs in every county. The notice must be given to ABAWDs to explain the participants' rights and responsibilities under the ABAWD time limit.

If the Gateway system does not generate the above required form, the worker must mail the form to the individual and document this action in the Gateway system’s “client level case note feature.”

The work registration status of each AU member is determined as follows:

  • at initial application,

    The work registration status of the applicant, at the interview, must be determined prior to certification of benefits under expedited processing procedures. The applicant’s work registration status is not delayed due to expedited application processing unless the authorized representative files the application on behalf of the applicant.

    The work registration status of other AU members may be delayed, if necessary. Refer to 3110 Expedited Application Processing.

  • at interim change

  • at every recertification (renewal) interview.

  • at periodic report IF a change is reported that impacts work registration

The work registration status of an AU member is either:

  • exempt from work registration, or

  • determined to be a work registrant

IPV and SSN disqualified AU members and ineligible AU members are not subject to work registration requirements. An exempt AU member is not required to comply with general work requirements for SNAP.

Exemptions from Work Requirements

An AU member is exempt from work requirements if she/he meets one of the following exemptions:

If an AU member meets more than one exemption or exception, apply the one that has the longest benefit for the individual.
  • under age 16.

    If a child turns 16 during the certification period, register unless otherwise exempt, at the next recertification (renewal).
  • age 16 or 17 and not the head of AU.

    Only a 16 or 17-year-old, who is the head of the AU and does not meet an exemption, is a mandatory registrant.
  • age 60 or older.

  • is registered and complying with Employment Services as a TANF recipient.

  • physically or mentally unfit for employment:

  • Unfitness for employment criteria

    • Unfitness may be a temporary incapacity or a permanent disability. A person who is ill, injured, or incapacitated may be unfit for employment. Obtain verification from a medical source or certified mental health provider.

    • Pregnant women who are high risk are considered to be unfit for employment and are exempt from work requirements. Verification from a medical source is required.

    • Chronically Homeless Definition: Individuals who are homeless and do not have a permanent residence are NOT automatically considered to be unfit for employment or exempt from work registration. The eligibility worker must make every attempt to verify unfitness for employment using acceptable means, such as documentation from a medical professional or social worker.

      • Individuals who are considered chronically homeless and are unfit for employment are exempt from work registration and may have the following circumstances:

        • are sleeping under a bridge, sidewalks, parks, benches, or the street

        • have an employment history that is inconsistent, sporadic, or shows little to no employment

        • have an employment history that is not consistent with self-sufficiency such as wages that cannot support independent living

        • may struggle with drug and/or alcohol abuse

        • may struggle with undiagnosed mental or physical health issues

If an individual’s unfitness for work is obvious to the worker, the worker must exempt the individual without requiring a statement or verification from medical professionals. The worker must document what the individual states and the information provided regarding the individual’s circumstances to establish unfitness.

  • Examples of unfitness for employment as a temporary exemption from work requirements may include, but are not limited to the following:

    • the observation of a cast on a broken leg

    • information, provided by the client, of a scheduled surgery or recuperation from surgery

  • Receipt of or certification for a temporary or permanent disability benefit such as SSI, RSDI, VA, Railroad Retirement, Worker’s Compensation, is sufficient verification of incapacity or disability.

  • AU members who file joint applications for SSI and SNAP at the SSA office are not required to register for work while the initial SSI decision is pending. This policy does not apply to SSI decisions that are in appeal. AU members who apply for SNAP and state that they have filed for SSI and/or SSA benefits are required to provide a medical statement to verify incapacity or disability.

  • If a person is chronically ill, as determined by the worker, when a physical or mental impairment, either by itself or in conjunction with age or other factors, prevents the person from engaging in employment or participating in the SNAP Works Program. The worker must document their observation of the physical state and observed behaviors of the individual.

Unfitness for employment is established, assessed, determined, and re-evaluated at each recertification (renewal).

  • a student at least 18 years of age enrolled at least half-time in a GED program, home schooling registered with the department of education, high school, on-line courses, post-secondary education, seminary, or trade school.


  • a refugee student at least 18 years of age participating in a recognized refugee educational/training at least halftime.


  • a student at least 18 years of age enrolled at least half-time in an institution of higher education, such as a business, technical, trade, or vocational school that normally requires a high school diploma or equivalency certificate for enrollment in the curriculum or if the student is enrolled in a regular curriculum at a college or university that offers degree programs regardless of whether a high school diploma is required. Refer to 3245 Students.

Definition of Enrollment - A student enrolled in a school, training program, or institution of higher education remains exempt during normal periods of class attendance, vacation, and recess unless the student graduates, is suspended or expelled, drops out, or does not intend to register for the next normal school term, excluding the summer term.

A student in an institution of higher education must first meet certain student exemptions to be an eligible student. For purposes of the work registration student exemption, verification of school enrollment is required if the student is enrolled in an institution of higher education. Refer to 3245 Students.
If the enrollment is part of the SNAP Works Program and the work or training activity details are defined in the SNAP Works Individual Employment Plan (IEP), then the SNAP Works participant continues to be a work registrant AND is not considered a student. Re-register at every recertification (renewal) period.
  • responsible for the daily care of a child under the age of 6. A parent or other AU member responsible for the care of a dependent child under 6. If the child has his or her 6th birthday during a certification period, the eligibility worker must work register the individual responsible for the care of the child at the next recertification (renewal), unless the individual qualifies for another exemption.

  • responsible for the care of an incapacitated individual. Verify through a medical source that the incapacitated individual requires care. The incapacitated individual does not have to reside with or be a member of the SNAP AU.

  • employed or self-employed person works a minimum of 30 hours weekly on a job expected to last 30 days.

  • receives weekly earnings equal to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours, including self-employment. If a temporary break in employment is not expected to last longer than 10 workdays, the exemption continues.

  • a VISTA volunteer.

  • a migrant or seasonal farmworker under a contract agreement with an employer or crew chief to begin employment within 30 days.

  • a regular participant in a drug addiction or alcohol treatment or rehabilitation program.

  • an individual who applies for or receives Unemployment Compensation Benefits (UCB). AU’s statement is accepted for the UCB application unless the statement conflicts with information known to the agency.

Work Registrants

An AU member, who is between the ages of 16 through 59, who does not meet one of the work registration exemption criteria above is a work registrant.

In Georgia, work registrants are defined by two categories:

  • Mandatory Registrant; or


Work registrants are required to adhere to general SNAP work requirements, which include registering for work and complying with the following work requirements:

  • Register for work at the time of application and every 12 months thereafter.

  • Provide sufficient information for the agency to determine the employment status or job availability of the individual.

  • Participate in the SNAP Works Program, if assigned and as required by the program.

  • Accept an offer of employment paying at least the minimum wage at a site or plant that is not subject to strike or lockout at the time of offer.

  • Report to an employer if the employment meets the requirements for suitable employment.

  • Continue employment of 30 hours or more a week without voluntarily quitting or voluntarily reducing work hours to less than 30 hours per week.

Mandatory Registrants

An AU member is a mandatory registrant if he/she meets one of the following:

  • Under age 18

  • Pregnant, but not high risk

  • 51 - 59 years of age (effective September 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023)

  • 53 - 59 years of age (effective October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024)

  • 55 - 59 years of age (effective October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2030)

  • residing in a SNAP household with a household member under age 18, even if the household member under 18 is not eligible for SNAP benefits.

The ineligible member under 18 must reside in the SNAP AU and may be an ineligible AU member such as an ineligible alien or a sanctioned AU member.
  • a homeless individual who is fit for employment. A homeless individual is defined as someone who lacks a fixed and regular nighttime residence, or an individual whose primary nighttime residence is one of the following:

    • a supervised shelter that provides temporary accommodation,

    • a halfway house or similar institution that provides temporary residence for individuals to be institutionalized,

    • temporary accommodations are provided for not more than 90 days in the residence of another individual,

    • OR a place not designed for the ordinary use for regular sleeping accommodations such as a hallway, bus station, a lobby or any other place that would normally not be acceptable for sleeping

  • a veteran; a veteran is considered an individual who served in the United States Armed Forces (such as Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard), an individual who served in a reserve component of the Armed Forces, someone who was discharged or released from any branch of the Armed Forces, regardless of the conditions of the discharge or release, or a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, Environmental Scientific Services Administration, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

  • an individual who is 26 years of age or younger and was in foster care on their 18th birthday

  • does not meet any other exemptions/exceptions

Some work registrants are required to participate in work activities to remain eligible. Refer to 3380 Failure to Comply with Work Requirements for policy regarding compliance for work registrants. Refer to 3355 Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) for a definition of compliance for ABAWDs subject to the time limits.

All applicants or recipients who do not meet a work registration exemption are required to meet the work requirements listed in this section. Chart 3350.1, Work Registration Exemptions, identifies the exemptions and verification requirements for all applicants or recipients exempt from work registration. This list is not all-inclusive. Chart 3350.2, Work Registrants, lists the appropriate description for all work registrants.

SNAP Employment & Training (E&T) Program

The SNAP Works Program is the program responsible for implementing the employment and training (E&T) work requirements. Refer to 3345 SNAP E&T Work Requirement Overview. The SNAP Works Program is a voluntary program that operates in all 159 counties.

The SNAP Works Program is offered to SNAP recipients who meet SNAP Works Program eligible criteria. Program services are provided through contracted SNAP Works direct service partners. Refer to 3345 SNAP E&T Work Requirement Overview for more information.

Voluntary Registrants

Voluntary registrants are SNAP recipients who are exempt from work registration and choose to volunteer to participate in the SNAP Works Program’s training activities to gain self-sufficiency through economic independence. Voluntary registrants are not required to register for work or comply with work requirements and are not sanctioned for non- participation in the SNAP Works Program.


Child under 16

Age 16 & 17 and not head of the AU

Age 60 or older

Registered and complying with TANF employment services

Unfit for employment with medical verification, unless obvious (documentation required)

Receiving disability benefits (SSI, RSDI, VA, Railroad Retirement), SDX, BENDEX, Worker’s Compensation, etc. An award letter is required.

SSI and SNAP Initial Application filed at the SSA Office. Verification of SSI and SNAP application status is not required if information is forwarded from SSA.

Student enrolled at least half-time in high school or other primary studies. Verification of school enrollment is required.

Student enrolled at least half-time in an institution of higher education. Verification of school enrollment is required.

Refugee participating in a recognized refugee education/training program at least half-time. Verification of participation is required.

Caretaker of a dependent child under the age of 6 included in the SNAP AU.

Caretaker of an incapacitated individual. The need for continuous care must be verified by a medical source.

Employment at least 30 hours a week or earning at least equal to federal minimum wage times 30 hours. Verification of work hours and wages is required

Vista Volunteer. Verification of volunteer status is required.

Migrant or seasonal farmer. Verification of contract agreement to begin employment within 30 days is required.

Participation in a drug and alcohol treatment program. Verification of participation is required.

Receiving UCB or (have applied for or been approved for UCB). Verification of application for benefits required if questionable.


ABAWD individuals are work registrants who reside in time-limited counties and must meet the ABAWD Work Requirements to remain eligible. ABAWDs are:

  • age 18 – 50 (effective September 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023)

  • age 18 – 52 (effective October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024)

  • age 18 – 54 (effective October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2030)

  • not pregnant

  • not physically or mentally unfit for employment

  • not included in the AU with a child under age 18

Refer to Section 3355, ABAWDs.

MANDATORY REGISTRANTS are work registrants who are:

  • Under age 18 or ages 53 - 59 and does not meet any other exemptions/exceptions

  • Pregnant, but not high risk

  • 51 – 59 years of age (effective September 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023)

  • 53 – 59 years of age (effective October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024)

  • 55 – 59 years of age (effective October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2030)

  • Residing in a SNAP household with a household member under age 18, even if the household member under 18 is not eligible for SNAP benefits.

The ineligible member under 18 must reside in the SNAP AU and may be an ineligible AU member such as an ineligible alien or a sanctioned AU member.
  • Veterans

  • Homeless (but fit for employment)

  • 26 years of age or younger and were in foster care on their 18th birthday