1345 Personal Responsibility Requirements

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
TANF Policy Manual

Policy Title:

Personal Responsibility Requirements

Effective Date:

February 2025



Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

MT 72

Updated or Reviewed in MT:



Certain individuals have personal responsibility requirements that affect the ability of recipients to achieve self-sufficiency.

Basic Considerations

Form 196, TANF Family Service Plan (TFSP), outlines all personal responsibilities that a client must meet.

Every grantee relative and every parent (including a pregnant woman or pregnant minor) must complete relevant sections of his or her own TFSP - Form 196, regardless of whether or not they are included in the AU with the children.

The grantee relative or other adult relative with whom the pregnant minor lives must also sign the pregnant minor’s TFSP.

The TFSP- Form 196 must be completed during the initial application process, prior to final approval of the application, reviewed when a change in personal responsibilities occurs, or the case manager deems it necessary to review the plan.

Refer to section 1815-9 TANF Family Service Plan Development, for the contents and review requirements of the TFSP.

Transportation and childcare may be provided as needed to help the child only clients meet the requirements of the TFSP - Form 196.

Completion of the TFSP - Form 196 serves the following purposes:

  • defines the recipient and agency responsibilities in carrying out the terms of the TFSP,

  • emphasizes the contractual nature of assistance, and

  • focuses on the TANF clock and the goal of self-sufficiency.

  • understanding it is strictly prohibited to use the cash assistance funds or TANF DEBIT card to withdraw cash or perform transactions at unlawful places will constitute an intentional program violation (fraud) on the part of the benefit recipient.

Each parent in a two-parent family must complete his or her own TFSP, and each must sign the other’s TFSP.

A minor parent, who is receiving TANF benefits as a dependent child, must complete Form 196 - TFSP, regardless of whether or not the minor’s child is included in the AU. The grantee relative or other adult relative with whom the minor parent lives must also sign the minor parent’s TFSP.

Refer to section 1349, Work Requirements, for the definition of Work Eligible Individuals.

A minor custodial parent who is receiving TANF benefits as a dependent child does not have a work requirement. However, the federal law mandates minor parents to attend school and meet other school attendance requirements.

School attendance for a minor parent is monitored as part of the minor parent’s TFSP.

Non-Custodial, Non-Supporting Parent of a Minor Child

A non-custodial, non-supporting parent is defined as a parent of a minor child who: (1) lives in the state and (2) does not live in the same household as the minor children. If a non-custodial parent is included in a TANF AU they must complete Form 196, TFSP-PRP.

If the non-custodial, non-supporting parent’s minor child is in another TANF AU, the name and case number of the child must be documented.

If the non-custodial parent is a minor parent included in a TANF AU, the grantee relative with whom the non-custodial minor parent lives must also sign the minor parent’s TFSP.

A non-custodial, non-supporting parent included in a TANF AU must attend family planning counseling and participate in parenting skills and financial management classes. In addition, if the non-custodial parent is a minor and has not finished high school or does not have a GED, s/he must attend school or any other appropriate institution in order to earn a diploma or GED. School attendance for a minor parent is monitored as part of the minor parent’s TFSP.

Refer to Section 1347 - School Attendance, for school attendance requirements of minor parents.

Development of the TFSP

The TANF Family Service Plan is developed with the pregnant woman, the parent (including the pregnant minor or minor parent who is receiving cash assistance as a child), and/or grantee relative. The TFSP must be individualized for the AU, with special consideration given to the AU’s TANF Clock.

The worker is responsible for ensuring that the AU fully understands the importance of meeting the requirements and the consequences for failing to do so.

Under no circumstances will the worker check any requirement that the AU does not have, nor will s/he check any requirement that the AU cannot meet because of inaccessibility or lack of support services.

No requirements can be added to the TFSP - Form 196. The personal responsibilities listed are required by either federal or state law and are the only requirements that can be included on the TFSP.

Transportation and childcare may be provided when needed to facilitate fulfillment of personal responsibilities.

Failure to Meet Personal Responsibilities

Failure or refusal to sign the TFSP at application, reviews or when a change occurs results in denial or termination of cash assistance for the entire AU.

Failure or refusal to meet without good cause any personal responsibility requirement agreed to by the AU may result in a sanction to the entire AU.

A minor custodial parent who does not meet the school attendance requirement is penalized, rather than causing a sanction to the entire AU.

Refer to Section 1347, School Attendance.

Refer to Section 1351, Sanctions, for information on good cause, the conciliation process and the sanctions associated with failure to meet personal responsibilities.


Determine which individual must complete his or her own TFSP.

Screen the AU for active or previous CPS involvement and document findings on the TANF Family Service Plan.

Screen the AU for the number of TANF months used and document this number on the TFSP.

Screen the AU for the existence of any non-custodial, non-supporting parents of minor children.

Complete the TFSP with each parent, pregnant woman, and grantee relative.

If the individual is a pregnant minor or minor parent, require that the grantee relative or other adult with whom they live be present during the interview. Require that s/he sign the TFSP in addition to the pregnant minor or minor parent.

Require that each parent in a two-parent AU sign each other’s TFSP.

Individualize the TFSP so that it reflects the requirements for that individual and for the children for whom s/he is responsible.

Guidelines for Requirements

Use the following guidelines to determine which personal responsibilities must be met:

  • attend parent/teacher conferences

    • Require of the parent and/or grantee relative if there are children age six and older in the AU.

  • ensure that minor dependent children attend school

    • Require of the parent and/or grantee relative if there are children ages 6 through 17 in the AU. Refer to Section 1347, School Attendance, for attendance requirements.

  • attend parenting classes.

    • Require for all non-custodial, non-supporting parents with minor children.

    • Require if there is any indication of a need.

  • attend financial management counseling classes.

    • Require for all non-custodial, non-supporting parents with minor children.

    • Require if there is a protective payee because of mismanagement of the cash assistance by the grantee relative.

    • Require if there is any other indication of a need.

  • attend life skills classes.

    • Require if there is any other indication of a need.

  • attend addictive diseases counseling/treatment or mental health counseling/treatment

    • Require that any parent, pregnant woman, or pregnant minor, whether included in the AU or not, or other individuals in the AU who are in obvious need of this service, attend an assessment appointment with an MH/DD/AD professional. Require that the individual cooperate with the treatment plan.

      Do not enroll individuals in a counseling or treatment program. Allow professionals to whom assessment referrals are made to make the determination about the need for enrollment in an ongoing program.
  • participate in rehabilitation services

    • Require if there is a pregnant woman, pregnant minor, or any parent, whether included in the AU or not, or other individuals in the AU who are known to be enrolled in a rehabilitation program. Document the results of the assessment and the progress of the treatment on Form 196A of the TFSP Work Plan.

    • Require if there is a pregnant woman, pregnant minor, or any parent, whether included in the AU or not, or any other individual in the AU who is in obvious need of this service, including individuals who are claiming to be unable to work because of an incapacity. Complete a referral to Vocational Rehabilitation for professional assessment. Require that the individual attend that assessment appointment and follow the plan resulting from the professional assessment. Document the results of the assessment and the progress of the treatment on Form 196A of the TFSP Work Plan.

  • comply with a DFCS Child Welfare case plan

    • Require if there is an active Child Protective Services case

    • Require if the individual has a work requirement.

  • attend family planning counseling, which includes counseling on abstinence

    • Require for all parents, pregnant women, and pregnant minors, whether included in the AU or not, and all adults of childbearing age who are included in the AU.

    • Require for all children age 13 or older who are included in the AU.

    • Require for children under age 13 who are included in the AU if there is information that the children have reached childbearing age.

      Family planning is required to be included as part of the TFSP - 196 for all of the above even if the requirement has been met. Good cause and/or why a referral is not made must be documented.
  • Meet the work requirements including requirements to develop the TANF Family Service Plan Work Plan (Form 196A).

    • Require if the individual is work eligible.

Refer to Section 1349, Work Requirements.

Check only those personal responsibilities which are appropriate for that family. Ensure that the parent, pregnant woman, pregnant minor, or grantee relative fully understands the importance of meeting these requirements.

Document why a personal responsibility is not required if a resource or support services are not accessible.

Do not require any personal responsibility that the AU cannot meet because the resource is not available in the community.

Do not add any requirement to Form 196 of the TFSP that is not already listed.

Complete Form 196, TANF Family Service Plan. Provide a copy of the TFSP to the AU.

Review Form 196 of the TFSP at the completion of each activity/personal responsibility requirement, or more often, if a particular responsibility is not completed at the specified time on the service plan.

Follow up on the TFSP requirements at the review by confirming with the AU that all family members are meeting appropriate personal responsibilities.


Accept the AU’s statement that personal responsibilities are met, unless questionable. If questionable, contact the appropriate entity to determine if the family member is cooperating. If not, begin conciliation and/or sanction procedures.

Complete a new TFSP if there are any changes in the AU’s responsibilities.

Review the TFSP and consider conciliation and/or sanction if the agency is aware that the AU is not meeting a personal responsibility requirement.