1530 Treatment of Income-by-Income Type

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
TANF Policy Manual

Policy Title:

Treatment of Income-by-Income Type

Effective Date:

February 2025



Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

MT 78

Updated or Reviewed in MT:


The chart below lists types of income alphabetically and provides the following information:

  • the source/type of income

  • whether the income is earned or unearned

  • a description of the income

  • whether the income is included (I) or excluded (E) in determining financial eligibility and benefit amount.

Refer to Chart 1510.1, Treatment of Resources by Resource Type, for information concerning how to treat income that is still available to the AU after the month of receipt.

Chart 1530.1 - Types of Income

Adoption Assistance (Title IV-E and State)

UNEARNED – payment received for the adoption of special needs children


Advance Payment

UNEARNED – payment received for future expenses that does not represent a gain to the AU.


EARNED – prepayment of wages or salaries


Agent Orange Payment

UNEARNED – payment made to a Vietnam veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange, and to the surviving spouse and/or children of a deceased Vietnam veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange


Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), PL 100-241

UNEARNED – payment received from a native corporation, including cash dividends on stock received from the corporation, up to $2000 annually.


Payment received that exceeds $2000 annually.



UNEARNED – court-ordered payment from an estranged or former spouse to the other spouse



EARNED/UNEARNED: income from the AmeriCorps Network of programs, which encompasses AmeriCorps USA, AmeriCorps VISTA, and AmeriCorps NCCC

AmeriCorps income includes the following:

  • living allowance stipend (EARNED)

  • on-the-job training allowance (EARNED)

  • childcare allowance (UNEARNED)

  • auxiliary aid (UNEARNED)

  • educational money (UNEARNED).


Annuity (Supplemental Retirement Plan)

UNEARNED – recurring payment received from an investment plan


Black Lung Benefits

UNEARNED - Benefits paid to miners and their survivors under the provisions of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act.


Blood (sale of)

EARNED – money received from the sale of blood


Boarder Income

EARNED – direct payment for food and shelter, less the cost of doing business.

Include as income the amount received more than $70.00 per boarder per month.


Disregard as income the first $70.00 received per boarder per month.

*Refer to Section 1540 Self-Employment.



EARNED - Wages paid more than usual or expected wages.

*Refer to Wages in this chart.


Cafeteria Plan

EARNED – also known as a flexible benefit plan, it allows an employee to pay for certain employer benefits, e.g., insurance or spending accounts, with pre-tax dollars.


Income can be allotted by an employer with which an employee may purchase benefits. If selected benefits cost less than the amount allotted by an employer, an employee may be able to receive the difference in cash.


Capital Gains

EARNED or UNEARNED – profit gained from the sale of capital assets.

Capital assets include resources such as real estate, stocks, securities, and equipment that are typically held for long periods of time.

A capital gain is realized when the asset sold has appreciated in value from the original purchase price.

*Refer to Section 1650 Budgeting Lump Sum Income.


Census Bureau

Fieldwork updating addresses and interviewing residents.

Temporary, no medical benefits


Charitable Donation from Private Non-Profit Organizations (not state or federally funded)

UNEARNED – donation given to the AU by a charitable, non-profit organization, e.g., a church etc.

Donations of $300 or less received in a federal fiscal quarter.


Donations exceeding $300 received in a federal fiscal quarter


Charitable Donation from Federally or State Funded Organizations

UNEARNED - Donations paid to an AU from organizations receiving state or federal funds


Child Care Attendant

EARNED - income received for providing childcare services.

Consider the income as follows:


  • as self-employment if attendant provides childcare services in his/her own home/place of residence


  • as wages if attendant provides services in the home of the child.


Child Care Payments

UNEARNED – payment made under Title IV of the Social Security Act to a childcare provider on behalf of the AU.

These payments include Transitional Child Care, At-Risk block grants, and childcare payments made under Section 5801 of the Social Security Act.


Child Nutrition Payments

UNEARNED – value of meals provided to a child in day care through the Child Nutrition Amendment of 1978.


If the payment is for a child of the attendant, treat the entire amount as unearned income.


If the payment is for any other child, treat as self-employment income, using the following guidelines:

  • If more than one child is included in the payment, allow each child a pro-rata share of the total payment.

  • When determining the cost of doing business, do not exceed the SNAP allotment for one child.

Refer to Section 1540 Self-Employment.


Child Support

UNEARNED – income received from an absent parent for the support of his/her child.

Payments may be made to the AU in one of the following ways:


  • from the probation office


  • directly from the absent parent


  • non-gap payments from CSE


  • gap payments from CSE.



EARNED – A payment, usually a set fee or percentage, made to an employee for his/her service in facilitating a transaction such as buying or selling goods. A commission may be paid in lieu of or in addition to a regular salary.

*Refer to Wages in this chart.


Contracted Employment Income

EARNED – Wages earned over a period of more than one month are averaged over the number of months for which the wages are intended.


Contribution or Gift (cash)

UNEARNED – money given to the AU as a gift from individuals or organizations.

*Refer to Charitable Donation from Private Non-Profit in this chart. *Refer to Charitable Donation from Federally or State Funded Organizations in this chart.


Crime Victim Compensation Program

UNEARNED – money paid through federal or federally-funded state or local programs that covers the costs incurred by victims of crimes


Deemed Income

UNEARNED – a portion of the income of a non-AU member that is considered available to the AU.

Refer to Section 1605 Basic Budgeting.


Deferred Compensation Plan

UNEARNED – money paid from a deferred compensation fund, typically on a regular schedule.

Payments from the fund usually become available upon the fund owner’s retirement from employment or after the fund owner attains a certain age.


Disability Payment

UNEARNED – money paid to an employee by an insurance company or a source other than the employer.

*Refer to Sick Pay in this chart.


Disaster Relief Act of 1974 and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988

UNEARNED – funds paid for disaster relief, to save lives, or to protect property, public health and safety because of a major disaster or natural catastrophe.


Federal Emergency Management Assistance (FEMA) payments for a major disaster or natural catastrophe.


FEMA payments for rent, mortgage, food, and utility assistance that are made to homeless people when there is no major disaster or natural catastrophe.


Disaster Unemployment Assistance

UNEARNED - Public Law 100-707 authorizes the President under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to pay unemployment assistance to any individual unemployed as a result of a major disaster for the weeks of unemployment for which the individual is not entitled to any other unemployment compensation.



UNEARNED – share of company profits received by a policyholder or shareholder


Diverted Income

UNEARNED: TANF grant that is diverted to an employer for giving TANF client an opportunity to be trained or gain an employment.

*Refer to Subsidized Employment in this chart.


Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

EARNED – tax credit that may be received as an advanced payment with a regular paycheck.

Refer to Earned Income Tax Credit in Resource Chart 1510.1 for treatment of EITC received as an income tax refund.


Educational Grant, Loan, Scholarship

UNEARNED – payment for educational assistance for an individual enrolled at a recognized institution of post-secondary education, school for the handicapped, vocational program or a program that provides for completion of a secondary school diploma or GED.

Educational income includes the following:

  • Basic Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG)

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs Adult Education, Higher Education, GED, Job Training and Technical School programs

  • Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship

  • College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

  • Federal Airlines Loan Program

  • Federal Direct Student Loan Program (FDSLP) (formerly GSL or FFELP, includes Federal Direct Stafford Loan, Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Consolidated Loan, PLUS Program

  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

  • Federal Work Study Program TRIO Grants such as Upward Bound, Robert E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement, Student Support Services

  • High School Equivalency Program (HEP)

  • Hope Scholarship

  • National Early Intervention Scholarship and Partnership Program

  • PELL grant

  • State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG).


EARNED – work-study program earnings from a program operated by a secondary or post-secondary school in which a student works and earns money during the school year


Employment Service Funds

UNEARNED – payment made to an AU member for reimbursement of costs that are related to participation in work activities.

Reimbursable costs include, but are not limited to, dependent care, transportation, and incidental expenses.


Energy Assistance other than Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act (LIHEAA)

UNEARNED – payment or allowance made under federal, state, or local law for the purpose of assisting the AU with the cost of heating and/or cooling its home.

Payments can be one of the following:

  • federal or state assistance paid only once for weatherization, emergency repair, or replacement of heating or cooling devices; or


  • energy assistance payments made under a state law.


Enhanced Relative Rate (ERR):

UAS Code 542, 548

Provides an initial monthly financial payment to assist with the basic care of a child in Georgia DFCS custody placed with a caregiver who meets the TANF degree of relationship, while the caregiver completes the foster family home approval process.


Farm Allotment

UNEARNED – payment received from government-sponsored programs, such as Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services, which are a gain or a benefit to the AU



EARNED – payment received from agricultural labor.

*Refer to Section 1540 Self-Employment.


Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)

UNEARNED - payment that provides an additional

$600.00 weekly to any individual eligible for any of the Unemployment Compensation programs - State and Federal. The Georgia Department of Labor is distributing this additional payment to those currently receiving State or Federal Unemployment Benefits.


Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Payment

UNEARNED – payment received under Public Law 91-646 as a reimbursement for having one’s real property acquired for a program or project undertaken by a Federal agency or with Federal financial assistance


Flexible Benefit Plan

EARNED – refer to Cafeteria Plan in this chart


Foster Care Payments (IV-B or Title XX)

UNEARNED – per diem payments received on behalf of a foster child or foster family.


Foster Care Payments (IV-E)

UNEARNED – per diem payments received to provide for the needs of the foster child. Exclude as income to the child.

*Refer to Section 1205 Assistance Units, to determine TANF eligibility of the recipient of Foster Care Payments.



EARNED/UNEARNED – wages/monies withheld from a debtor by an employer/entity to pay the debt owed to a third party


General Assistance

UNEARNED – payment received by the AU from county funds administered by a local DFCS office. Consider it as Assistance Based on Need. (ABON)


General Assistance Vendor Payment

UNEARNED – payment made on behalf of the AU to a third party from county funds, as above


Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI)

UNEARNED – A program in which every eligible individual or family would receive a set amount of money regularly based on need. Its purpose is to ensure all people have the means to purchase necessities and improve their quality of life. Program may be funded by private funds or a mixture of public (state or federal) and private funds.

*Refer also to Universal Basic Income in this chart.


Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Utility Reimbursement

UNEARNED – utility reimbursement paid by HUD or FMHA to an AU that receives housing assistance and is responsible for paying its utilities separately from its rent


Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rental Refund

UNEARNED – rental assistance paid to or on behalf of an AU.

Payments are sometimes distributed by the Georgia Residential Financial Authority (GRFA).


Income Tax Refund

UNEARNED - money paid to taxpayers from the state or federal government.

If any portion of the refund includes Earned Income tax credit, refer to Earned Income Tax Credit in this section.


Indian Tribe Payment

UNEARNED – payment made to native Americans based on federal statutes, including the distribution of judgment and settlement funds and receipts from lands held in trust. Federal statutes that provide for payments to members of various Indian tribes include specific Public Laws.

While the income is in a trust, all income is excluded.


Once the individual begins receiving per capita payments, income from the following is excluded in its entirety per Public Law:

85-794 92-254
93-134 93-531
94-114 94-189
94-540 95-433
95-498 95-499
96-318 96-420
97-95 97-371
97-372 97-376
97-402 97-403
97-408 97-458
98-64 98-123
98-124 98-432
98-500 98-602
99-130 99-146
99-264 99-346
99-377 100-139
100-383 100-411
100-580 101-41
101-618 103-116


Once an individual begins receiving per capita payments, the following types of payments are countable after the exclusion of up to $2,000 in a calendar year, per Public Law:

97-436 100-581
101-277 103-66


Individual Development Account (IDA) and Interest

UNEARNED – funds withdrawn from an account established by or on behalf of an AU to pay for post-secondary educational expenses, a first home purchase, or to start a new business, if the funds are used to pay for a qualified expense



UNEARNED – cash or a noncash item(s) received because of someone’s death (consider accessibility)


In-Kind Support and Maintenance

UNEARNED - any gain or benefit, such as food, clothing, or housing, that is not in the form of money, payable directly to the AU.


In-Kind Items Received In lieu of Wages

EARNED - wages may include the value of food, clothing, shelter, or other items provided in lieu of wages


Insurance Benefits Due to Loss of Income

UNEARNED - benefits paid from an insurance policy due to loss of income.


If payments are designated by the policy owner to cover medical expenses only, consider the payments to be a Third-Party Resource.



UNEARNED – income received on investments.


UNEARNED – interest income accumulated in an IDA account


Irregular Income

EARNED or UNEARNED - income that is received too infrequently or irregularly to be anticipated, regardless of the amount


Job Corps

UNEARNED – payment received because of participation in a Job Corps program.

Job Corps are budgeted as follows:

  • living allowance


  • readjustment allowance – payments made to those participating in Job Corps for at least six months.


The money is placed into an account and paid to the participant upon leaving Job Corps.

  • allotments – money sent to a dependent child from the Job Corps participant.

Do not consider the allotment as child support.


Jury Duty

EARNED – compensation received for serving on a jury


Loans (Personal or Business)

UNEARNED – money received that the borrower must repay to the lender.

A repayment agreement is required for money received to be considered a loan.


Lost Wages Assistance Payment (LWA)

EARNED-payments made consistent with the Presidential Memorandum of August 8, 2020 (“Memorandum on Authorizing the Other Needs Assistance Program for Major Disaster Declarations Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019” [1]) are provided through the authority of section 408(e)(2) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (“the Stafford Act”).

This is a Federal Program that adds $300.00 for each week the program remains federally funded. If one receives unemployment benefits for the approved weeks and is unemployed or working fewer hours due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, he/she may be eligible for these benefits.


Lottery Winnings

UNEARNED – money received because of purchasing a winning ticket in a game of chance.

*Refer to Section 1650 Budgeting Lump Sum Income.


Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act (LIHEAA)

UNEARNED – payment or allowance for home energy provided to or indirectly on behalf of an AU


Lump Sum Payment

UNEARNED or EARNED – money that is received at one time, is non-recurring and exceeds the federal poverty level.

*Refer to Section 1650 Budgeting Lump Sum Income.


Managed Income

UNEARNED – money received and used for the care of a third party.

  • all or any portion of the money used for the care of the third party.


  • all or any portion of the money used by the AU.


UNEARNED or EARNED – money that belongs to the AU, but which is under the control of a third party to ensure the payment of debts owed by an AU member


Medicare Premium Payment

UNEARNED – payment made by DMA to pay for Medicare premiums on behalf of Medicaid recipients


Military Allotment

UNEARNED – payment received by an AU member who is a spouse and/or dependent child of military personnel.


The income is child support if it is for a dependent child.


Military Pay

EARNED – payment received by an AU member who is in the military.

UNEARNED – payment received from military personnel who are not included in the AU.

Refer to Section 1535 Military Pay.


Military Retirement

UNEARNED - Benefits received by military retirees and survivors


Montgomery GI Bill Payments

UNEARNED - VA payments for individuals enrolled in Active Duty or the Selected Reserve of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Air National Guard for up to 36 months of education assistance.


EARNED- If any portion of the funds comes from the individual’s earnings, then the funds are counted as income.


Nazi Victim Payment

UNEARNED – payment received by a victim of Nazi persecution.

Per Public Law 103-286, such payment is disregarded in the determination of eligibility for needs-based assistance programs.


Noise Abatement Payments

UNEARNED – non-recurring payment designated for noise abatement work on a dwelling.


Non-Relative Subsidized Guardianship (NRSG): UAS Code 550

UNEARNED - A monthly financial payment that follows a rate/age schedule. NRSG payments are initiated after non- reunification is granted, the child has been placed with the caregiver for at least 6 months under DFCS supervision, and permanent guardianship is transferred to the caregiver. Only children who achieved permanency via a permanent guardianship from Georgia DFCS custody are eligible for NRSG. Other eligibility criteria and restrictions apply.


Overtime Pay

EARNED – Overtime pay is extra income that is paid to employees who work more than 40 hours in a week.


Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program (PEUC)

UNEARNED - payment that allows for up to an additional 13 weeks of benefits added to the end of the regular unemployment benefits. This means claimants may collect unemployment benefits for a longer period than under normal circumstances.


Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

UNEARNED-payment program that will provide unemployment benefits to individuals who are self-employed, gig workers, 1099 independent contractors, employees of churches, employees of non-profits, or those with limited work history who do not qualify for state unemployment benefits. These individuals must be determined not to be eligible to receive state benefits before being evaluated for Federal PUA benefits.



UNEARNED – payment received regularly as a retirement benefit


Railroad Retirement (RR also known as RSDI)

UNEARNED - retirement, survivors or disability income paid to former railroad employees and/or their dependents.

Count gross amount of RR including the amount deducted for Medicare premium



UNEARNED – payment for past expenses that does not represent a gain or benefit to the AU


Relative Care Subsidy (RCS)/Enhanced Relative Care Subsidy (ERCS): UAS Code 553

UNEARNED - Financial support for relatives providing a permanent placement for children in DFCS custody through a permanent custody.

Effective January 1, 2014, RCS/ERCS shall no longer be selected as a financial option for relatives as state law no longer recognizes “live with a fit and willing relative” as a permanent placement for children. Children receiving the subsidy prior to January 1, 2014 shall continue to be eligible to receive it as long as all other eligibility criteria are met and funding continues to be available.

an individual who is receiving Relative Care Subsidy cannot be included in the AU.

*Refer to Section 1205 Assistance Units to determine TANF eligibility of the Relative Care Subsidy recipient.

See also: Enhanced Relative Rate (ERR), Subsidized Guardianship (SG), and Non-Relative Subsidized Guardianship (NRSG).


Rental Income

EARNED/UNEARNED money received on property owned by an AU member and rented to others.

EARNED – If engaged in management of property for an average of 20 hours or more per week

UNEARNED – If engaged in management of property for an average of less than 20 hours per week

*Refer to Section 1540 Self-Employment.


Repayment of Overpayment of Benefits

UNEARNED – money withheld from an income source to repay a previous overpayment. For a non-means-tested program (e.g., RSDI, UCB), count the gross benefit amount minus the repayment amount.


Means-tested programs e.g., SSI, HUD and EA payments are disregarded when considering eligibility for TANF.

Document the reason for overpayment. If you are unable to verify the reason through a third party, use the net amount.


Restitution for World War II Internment of Japanese Americans and Aleuts; PL 100-383

UNEARNED – payment of $20,000 made to U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry or to lawful permanent resident Japanese aliens or their survivors, and to Aleutian Island residents, because of their evacuation, relocation, and internment during World War II



UNEARNED – money paid regularly as a retirement benefit.



EARNED – payment received for a room only.

Include the amount more than $30 per roomer per month unless the verification provided shows expenses exceed $30 per roomer per month.

*Refer to Section 1540 Self-Employment.



EARNED - Fixed compensation for services paid to a person on a regular basis. Most salaries are considered overtime exempt.

*Refer to Wages in this chart.


School Lunch Program

UNEARNED – meals provided to children under the National School Lunch Program, Child Nutrition Act, Special Milk Program, School Breakfast Program



EARNED – income received from a self-employment enterprise, including rental property, and from roomers and boarders.

*Refer to Section 1540 Self-Employment.


Senior Community Service Employment Program

EARNED – payment made to individuals age 55 or older under Title V of the Older Americans Act for part-time employment.

Agencies that receive funds for this program include:

  • Green Thumb

  • National Council on Aging

  • National Council of Senior Citizens

  • American Association of Retired Persons

  • U.S. Forest Service

  • National Association for Hispanic Elderly

  • National Urban League

  • National Council on Black Aging.

*Refer to Volunteer Payment in this chart.


Severance Pay

EARNED – payment received from an employer upon termination of employment.

*Refer to Section 1650 Budgeting Lump Sum Income.


UNEARNED – payment received from a former employer after termination of employment


Shared Household Expenses

UNEARNED – payment made to an AU by a person who shares household expenses, and which does not represent a gain or benefit to the AU


Sick Pay

Payment made to an individual who is out of work because of illness.

EARNED – if paid from the employer’s payroll


UNEARNED – if paid by another source (e.g., insurance)


Social Security Benefits (RSDI)

UNEARNED – Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits received from the Social Security Administration (SSA)

The check should not be used as the sole source of verification of the entitlement amount. If deducted from the check, the amount paid for Part B Medicare premium must be included in the gross benefit.


Spending Account

EARNED - Pre-taxed earnings that are deducted from an employee’s gross wages and placed in an account to pay AU expenses such as childcare and medical costs.

*Refer to Wages in this chart.


State Extended Benefits

UNEARNED - Payments received that are an extension of the State’s Unemployment Compensation from six (6) weeks to twelve (12) weeks.


Stimulus Payment

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act

UNEARNED - The CARES Act provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers and families, small businesses, and preserves jobs for American industries.


Strike Benefits

UNEARNED – payment received by individuals on strike.


Subsidized Employment (Grant Diversion)

Full-time employment in the private for-profit, private non-profit, or public sectors in which the recipient’s wages are subsidized through TANF (grant diversion).

Exclude the TANF grant amount from the gross wages received.


Subsidized Guardianship (SG): UAS Code 552

UNEARNED - A monthly financial payment that follows a rate/age schedule. SG payments are initiated after non- reunification is granted, the child has been placed with the caregiver who meets the TANF degree of relationship, for at least six months under DFCS supervision, and permanent guardianship is transferred to the caregiver. Only children who achieved permanency via a permanent guardianship from Georgia DFCS custody are eligible for SG. Other eligibility criteria and restrictions apply.


Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

UNEARNED – benefits paid by the SSA to aged, blind, or disabled individuals.

Refer to Lump Sums/SSI in Resource Chart 1510.1


TANF from another State

UNEARNED – TANF benefits received from another state.


TANF Regular Corrective

UNEARNED – TANF benefits for a previous month owed to the AU because of agency error.


TANF Special Corrective

UNEARNED – additional TANF benefits intended for a previous month that are owed to the AU because CSE collected child support from the AP



EARNED – voluntary payments above the stated cost of a product or service given in appreciation for the service rendered.

*Refer to Wages in this chart.


Trade Readjustment Allowance

UNEARNED – weekly payment available for up to 52 weeks after an individual’s UCB is exhausted and during a period in which the individual is participating in a full-time training program approved in accordance with the Trade Act


Training Allowance / Stipend

EARNED – payment received from vocational/rehabilitation programs recognized by federal, state, or local governments, to the extent the payments are not a reimbursement or specifically excluded


Trust Fund

UNEARNED – payment from a trust

  • payment distributed to the AU.


  • payment to which the AU has access but is reinvested.


  • income earned by the trust to which the AU does not have access.


Unemployment Compensation Benefits (UCB)

UNEARNED – payment received from the Department of Labor (DOL) by unemployed individuals.

*Refer to Trade Readjustment Allowance in this chart.



UNEARNED - Reimbursements received under Public Law 91-646, Section 210.


Universal Basic Income (UBI)

UNEARNED – A government funded program in which every eligible individual or family would receive a set amount of money regularly regardless of need. Its purpose is to ensure all people have the means to purchase necessities and improve their quality of life.

*Refer also to Guaranteed Basic Income in this chart.


Vacation Pay

EARNED – Any amount paid to employees for a regularly scheduled period spent away from work or regular duty. It includes amounts paid even if the employee chooses not to take a vacation.


Vendor Payment other than General Assistance Vendor Payment

UNEARNED – money paid by an outside source to a third party on behalf of the AU.

Vendor payments are treated as follows:

  • HUD vendor payments for rent or mortgages.


  • reimbursements made in the form of vendor payments.


  • vendor payments from monies that are legally obligated and otherwise payable to the AU.


  • vendor payments from money that is not owed to the AU.


  • monies deducted or diverted by court order or other legally binding agreement, such as child support and alimony, to go directly to a third party to pay an AU expense.


  • monies deducted or diverted by the AU to go directly to a third party to pay AU expenses.

*Refer to General Assistance Vendor Payments in this chart.
*Refer to Garnishment in this chart.
*Refer to Bankruptcy


Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits (Educational)

UNEARNED – benefit payment received from the VA by a veteran for educational purposes.

*Refer to Educational Grant, Loan, Scholarship in this chart.


Veterans Administration Benefits (Non-Educational)

UNEARNED – disability and/or survivor benefit payment received from the VA by a veteran or a spouse or dependent of a veteran.

Also included are stipends paid for participation in a study of Vietnam-era veterans' psychological problems.


Victim Restitution

UNEARNED – payment received by a victim of a crime from a crime victim restitution program.

  • The value of the payment does not exceed the value of the loss.


  • The value of the payment exceeds the value of the loss. Count the excess value.


  • The payment is a set monthly amount based on a court ruling.


VISTA Volunteer

EARNED – payment received by a VISTA volunteer under Title I of the Domestic Volunteer Services Act

Included are payments from the Urban Crime Prevention Program.


Volunteer Payment

UNEARNED – payment received under Title II of the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973, including the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Foster Grandparents Program and Senior Companion Program



EARNED - Payment given in return for labor, goods, and services rendered. Wages may be paid on monthly, bi-weekly, weekly hourly or daily basis.

Include commissions, tips, overtime, vacation pay, bonus pay, flex benefits, and the employee’s share of FICA when paid by the employer.


Wages of a Child

EARNED – wages, including self-employment income, earned by a dependent child under 19 years of age who is a full- or part-time student in school, as defined in Section 1347, School Attendance


EARNED – wages, including self-employment income, earned by a dependent child under 18 years of age who is not in school


Worker’s Compensation

UNEARNED or EARNED – payment received by an employee injured on the job.


EARNED – if the AU member remains employed during recuperation and expects to return to the job.


UNEARNED – if the AU member does not remain employed during recuperation.

Any portion designated for medical, legal, or related expenses paid or deducted and not controlled by the A/R in connection with claim.


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

*Previously known as Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

UNEARNED – payment, such as the training allowance or grant, that is not designated for services rendered.


EARNED – on-the-job training payment for:

  • Children under age 19 who are enrolled Full Time in a school.


  • Adults over age 18 receiving TANF for their children.


Youth Build Program Payment

EARNED – payment made through the Youth Build Program.

*Refer to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in this chart.


Youth Project Payment

UNEARNED – payment made through projects developed to assist youth in acquiring work skills, including the following:

  • youth incentive entitlement pilot project

  • youth community conservation and improvement projects

  • youth employment.

*Refer to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in this chart.