1630 Budgeting the Income of an Ineligible Spouse

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
TANF Policy Manual

Policy Title:

Budgeting the Income of an Ineligible Spouse

Effective Date:

February 2025



Policy Number:


Previous Policy Number(s):

MT 72

Updated or Reviewed in MT:



A responsibility budget is completed to determine the amount of income to deem from an assistance unit (AU) of:

  • a spouse of a pregnant woman with no dependent children

  • an ineligible spouse of a married dependent child

Basic Considerations

An ineligible spouse of a pregnant woman with no dependent children is financially responsible for her.

An ineligible spouse of a married dependent child is financially responsible for him/her.

The income of an ineligible spouse is considered in determining the financial eligibility and benefit amount of the AU.

If the ineligible spouse does not have sufficient income to meet his/her needs, income may be allocated from the pregnant woman with no dependent children or the married dependent child in the AU.


Follow the steps below to determine the amount of income of deem to the AU.

Step 1

Determine the gross countable earned income of the ineligible spouse.

Step 2

Subtract the $250 standard work deduction from the gross countable earned income.

Step 3

Determine the gross countable unearned income of the ineligible spouse.

Step 4

Add the income determined in Step 3 to the income remaining after Step 2.

Step 5

Determine the number of individuals living in the home with pregnant woman with no dependent children or the dependent child’s spouse who are or could be claimed as tax dependents. (Include the unborn child of a pregnant individual).

  • Include in this number an SSI child or adult who is or could be claimed as a tax dependent. Do not include the income of these individuals.

  • Do not include in this number penalized or disqualified individuals, or individuals included in a TANF AU.

Step 6

Add the ineligible spouse to the number determined in Step 5.

Step 7

Subtract from the income determined in Step 4 the appropriate standard of need (SON) for the number of individuals determined in Step 6.

Step 8

Determine the amount of child support and/or alimony contributed by the ineligible spouse to individuals not living in the home and subtract this amount from the income remaining after Step 7.

The child support and/or alimony does not have to be court-ordered but must be verified.
Step 9

Determine the amount contributed by the ineligible spouse to individuals outside the home who are or could be deemed as tax dependents and subtract this amount from the income remaining after Step 8. Verify the amount of the contribution.

Do not include child support or alimony already subtracted in Step 8.

Step 10

If a surplus exists in Step 9, deem the surplus as unearned income to the AU.

If a deficit exists in Step 9, consider allocation to the ineligible spouse if the pregnant woman with no dependent children or the married dependent child has income.

Refer to Section 1635, Allocation to an Ineligible Spouse and/or Child.