1710 Reviews | TANF
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services |
Policy Title: |
Reviews |
Effective Date: |
February 2025 |
Chapter: |
1700 |
Policy Number: |
1710 |
Previous Policy Number(s): |
MT 78 |
Updated or Reviewed in MT: |
MT-79 |
Renewals of continuing eligibility are required for all TANF cases every twelve months.
Basic Considerations
Review Requirements
AUs must be notified that a renewal needs to be completed, allowing them sufficient time to comply with the renewal requirements. The renewal process must be completed by the last day of the month in which the renewal is due.
After completing a Renewal, the TANF case is renewed for a period of 12-months.
If the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the renewal must be submitted online by the last day of the month. |
Renewals may also be completed at other times if the case manager deems it necessary because of a change in the AUs circumstances. To complete the renewal process, the AU must submit a completed renewal form and be interviewed.
90-day reviews are recommended for Individuals that are caring for a disabled household member. This is not a standard TANF eligibility renewal. |
The AU can complete the renewal form by:
submitting a completed Form 508 – SNAP, Medicaid, TANF Renewal Form to the local county office or
using the on-line Renewal Option via Georgia Gateway at: www.gateway.ga.gov.
The AU must submit the renewal form prior to the scheduled interview appointment time.
Timely Renewals
A timely renewal is an application for continued benefits submitted by the AU between the 1st and 15th day of the last month of the renewal period. Eligible AUs are entitled to receive uninterrupted benefits.
A renewal interview completed in the month prior to the last month of the certification period is processed as a timely renewal. |
Untimely Renewals
An untimely renewal is an application for continued benefits submitted by the AU between the 16th and last day of the month of the current renewal period.
AUs filing untimely renewals lose the right to receive uninterrupted benefits.
Standard of Promptness (SOP)
For timely renewals, approvals and denials must be completed by the end of the last month of the current certification period. Eligible AUs must receive notification of their eligibility and notification of receipt of their benefits.
An untimely renewal must be approved in sufficient time for the AU to receive benefits by the 30th day from the date of the renewal application. Denials must be completed by the 30th day from the date of the renewal application.
Electronic Signatures
Electronic signatures utilizing Adobe signature or other E-Signature software will be acceptable for all TANF forms. A completed application consists of a signed application submitted with a name and address. A typed name on the signature line of a paper application is not acceptable.
Who Must be Interviewed
A telephone or face-to-face interview must be conducted with the following individuals:
the parent(s) or grantee relative,
a pregnant woman (including a minor dependent child who is pregnant)
a minor parent who is receiving cash assistance as a dependent child, including a non-custodial, non-supporting minor parent; or
an AU member who has a work requirement
If relevant to the AUs circumstances, a telephone or a face-to-face interview may also need to be conducted with one or more of the following individuals to obtain income/resource information:
alien’s sponsor
ineligible parent who is not a payee
employed minor child in the AU if the caretaker is uncertain of the child’s income
spouse of a married minor
spouse of a caretaker
parent of a minor caretaker
What Must be Reviewed
The following points of eligibility must be reviewed, and verification obtained, if applicable:
living arrangements, including those of a pregnant minor or minor parent
prenatal care
personal responsibility requirements
work requirements
dependent care expenses
financial management
any other point of eligibility subject to change
GRG /MSP eligibility.
Voter Registration
It is the policy of the Department of Human Services (DHS) that all Office of Family Independence (OFI) programs must offer voter registration services to all applicants and recipients whenever they apply for services, renew services, or submit a change of address, whether in person, electronically, via the telephone, facsimile, or mail.
Voter registration services include distribution of:
Application for Voter Registration
Assistance in completing the form if requested
Acceptance and transmittal of completed Voter Registration Application and the Agency Recap Forms to the Secretary of State.
Include the Agency Voter Registration Declaration Statement and Application for Voter Registration with each renewal package.
Document recipient’s acceptance or declination of the voter registration service.
For additional information about voter registration, refer to 1008 Voter Registration of the policy manual.
Appointment Notice
A system-generated appointment notice or a manual Form 173A- Appointment Letter is used to schedule a face-to-face or telephone interview. The letter must contain the following information:
that a review is necessary to continue eligibility,
the consequences of failing to comply with the renewal process,
the date on which the AU must be available for a telephone interview or appear for a face-to-face interview with the case manager,
the AUs responsibility for rescheduling a missed interview,
the AUs responsibility to provide all required verification,
the AUs right to a fair hearing,
the address of the county office completing the renewal, and
the name and direct telephone number of the case manager.
Missed Appointment
If the AU misses the scheduled appointment and does not contact the agency by the end of the certification period, the case may be closed manually as early as the next business day. The TANF case is automatically closed at the end of the certification period.
If the AU contacts the agency prior to the end of the certification period, the action must be stopped and the AUs circumstances reevaluated. Any OI/OP resulting from this missed appointment will be considered a valid overpayment.
Refer to 1705 Notification for additional information regarding Timely Notice and possible overpayment.
Follow the steps below to complete a renewal:
Mail the AU an appointment notice to schedule the interview. The appointment notices/letter should be mailed to the AU to ensure receipt by the AU prior to the appointment date.
Conduct a telephone or face-to-face interview with the appropriate individuals.
Offer voter registration services and record the outcome in IES and on the Declaration Statement.
Review all points of eligibility using the completed Form 508, SNAP, Medicaid, TANF Renewal Form or Customer Portal Renewal Application. Obtain verification when required.
Document the information obtained during the interview process in IES.
Mandatory Forms
The following forms must be completed and/or provided to the AU when completing a TANF renewal and document in IES:
Form 508, SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF Renewal form (if renewal is not submitted through customer portal).
Form 297, Application for Benefits, can be accepted for a TANF renewal. However, Form 528, SNAP Periodic Report Form, cannot be accepted for a TANF renewal. -
Form 522, Domestic Violence brochure. If the renewal is submitted through Customer portal or Form 508, the section for Domestic Violence will satisfy the Form 522 requirement.
Conditional Forms
The following forms are completed as necessary when completing a TANF renewal:
Form 138, Notice of Requirement to Cooperate and Right to Claim Good Cause for Refusal to Cooperate in Child Support Enforcement and Third-Party Resources, if deprivation is based on continued absence and there has been a change since the most recent application or renewal. (Form is required if additional child is added).
Form 173, Verification Checklist
Form 173 A, Appointment Letter
Form 194, TANF Assessment for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or Stalking (This form is required to be signed and returned if a waiver is requested for DCSS Cooperation or Work Requirements).
Form 196, TANF Family Service Plan (TFSP)-Personal Responsibility Requirements (PRP) if there has been a change in the AUs PRP requirements since application or last renewal. (Form must be signed and returned).
Form 196A, TANF Family Service Plan (TFSP)- Work Requirement, if there has been a change in the AUs TFSP work requirement since application or last renewal. (Form must be signed and returned).
Form 351, GRG MSP CRISP Work Sheet
Form 354, Expense Statement, (Form 354 is only for work eligible adults. It should be completed if Form 508 is not completed in its entirety).
Form 489, TANF Work Requirement Exemption Form, if there is a child in the home less than 12 months of age. (Form must be signed and returned if the client is requesting an exemption).
Form 785, Family Planning Services Referral, if required Refer to 1345 Personal Responsibility Requirements, for details about requirements to complete Form 785.
ADA RM Form 101, Americans with Disability Act Reasonable Modification Form. (This form may be used, but is not required, if reasonable modifications or accommodations are requested).
ADA RM Form 102 Tracking Form, Americans with Disability Act Reasonable Modification Tracking Form (This form is required when the Reasonable Modification (RM) request cannot be entered and documented in Gateway, or the request for a RM may be potentially denied).
If Form 194, 196 – PRP, 196A – Work Plan, and/or 489 are required, they must be signed and returned. Case Notes must be updated to indicate a required form was mailed if Form 508 is submitted as the renewal. |
Whenever IES can be used to collect or transmit necessary information, it should be used. If IES cannot be used, even if only temporarily, the hard copy form must be used.
Other Forms
Based on the client’s circumstances, other forms may also be completed.
Other forms are completed to verify Points of Eligibility. For example, income verification forms, exemption from work requirement forms etc.
Complete Clearinghouse requirements:
View related records
Document IES: “Additional information verified by a third party or other sources.”
Do not cut and paste Federal Tax Information (FTI) in WebCenter Enterprise Capture (WEC) or IES screens.
Refer to 1410 Security for IRS, FTI, and BEERS Information of the policy manual to learn more about the security of FTI information. |
Update information on the system to reflect changes and to indicate that the review is complete.
Use the following chart as a guide to timely completion of a TANF renewal:
AU files a renewal application on or before the 15th day of the last month of the current certification period (timely renewal) AND has met all renewal requirements |
Process the renewal application by the end of the last month of the current certification period. If the end of the current certification period falls on a weekend or holiday, process the renewal application by the last workday prior to the end of the current certification period. |
AU files a renewal application between the 16th and last day of the month of the current certification period (untimely renewal) AND has met all renewal requirements |
Process the renewal application by the 30th day following the date of the renewal application. |
The AU submits a renewal electronically or via Form 508. |
An Appointment must be scheduled to complete the eligibility interview process. |
The AU misses the scheduled appointment and does not contact the agency by the end of the certification period. |
The case may be closed manually as early as the next business day following the missed appointment. |
The AU misses the scheduled appointment and the case is closed, and the AU contacts the agency for an interview prior to the end of the certification period. |
Reopen the TANF case and complete the interview. If verification is requested and returned, complete the TANF renewal. If verification is not returned, close the TANF case. |
The AU fails to provide requested verification that is required to re-determine eligibility. |
Close the case following expiration of timely notice. |
Client fails to attend renewal appointment. |
Close the case. |
The case is transferred from another county because the AU moved. |
Complete a review within 30 days of accepting the transfer. |