Creating a new AsciiDoc File in IntelliJ IDE

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File Names

A file’s name is used to create its page URL. Changing a file’s name will break links, cross-references (xrefs) in other files, and incoming links to the page from external websites.

When a file name is changed all cross-references (xrefs) links in all other policy files would need to be updated to the new name. This is why it is important that the file name be correct when initially created.


  • Use all lowercase letters.

  • Do not use blank spaces. Separate words with hyphens.

  • Save AsciiDoc files with the .adoc extension.

  • Do not use symbols or special characters.

  • Do not include references to a version of the file in the File Name.

    • For example, 3000-v1.adoc or 3000-9-20-2024.adoc


  1. In IntelliJ IDE open the Project you need to create a new file in.

    Please ensure you have the correct branch open to perform any updates.
  2. In the file folder view section of IntelliJ navigate to the correct folder. This will typically be the pages folder for Policy Updates.

  3. Right-click on that folder to open the context menu, expand the New section, and select AsciiDoc File

    train new file 1

  4. This will generate a prompt to enter the file name. Please ensure the file name follows the requirements outlined above.

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  5. Once you have entered the file name press the Enter key to create the new file.

  6. This will generate a prompt to add the file to the Git. Click Add button to add the file to the repository. train new file 3

  7. This will open the newly created blank AsciiDoc page.

  8. To create the Title enter the = and a space and type in the Title of the new page and add any of the required attribute fields.

    Example AsciiDoc Header
    = 2000 General Program Overview
    :chapter-number: 2000
    :effective-date: December 2022
    :mt: MT-68
    :policy-number: 2000
    :policy-title: General Program Overview
    :previous-policy-number: MT 57
  9. With the new file open you can fill in the new Policy document text.

  10. The next step is to update the nav.adoc file to include the newly created file.

  11. In IntelliJ in the same branch open the nav.adoc file. The file structure is a hierarchical listing of all files for a project to facilitate website navigation.

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  12. The new AsciiDoc file should be added to the nav.adoc file where appropriate using an xref:: to associated to the new filename.

    The hierarchical may be different depending on your project and ensure the correct indentation level is used for the new file.