User Access Maintenance: Create Issue

  1. Log into GitLab & select the Program you are making the updates in.

  2. Click on the Issue Section to navigate to the Issue screen

    train hlpf steps1

  3. On the Issue screen click on the 'New Issue' button

    train hlpf steps2

  4. This will generate the New Issue form to enter the fields for the new issue

    train user create issue

    1. Title (Required): The title should start with the Program Initials and then the update reason or cause.

      1. Naming Convention: [Program Initials] - User Maintenance - [Update Reason]

      2. Example: SNAP - User Maintenance - Adding New Users

    2. Type (Required): Defaults to Issue

    3. Description (Required): Provide which users are being added or removed in this update.

    4. Assignees (Required): Use the drop-down menu to assign the Issue to yourself.

      1. You can assign multiple people if desired.

    5. Epic (Not Used)

    6. Milestone (Not Used)

    7. Labels (Required): Use the drop-down menu to select the Member Management Label

    8. Weight (Not Used)

    9. Due Date (Optional): You can assign a due date to track against.

    10. Iteration (Not Used)

  5. Click on the Create Issue button once all fields have been entered.

  6. This will take you to the Issue screen for the newly created issue to review.