Transportation Service and Payment (Including TRIP$ Application) | MAN1425
This section applies to Human Service Providers (HSP) that are authorized to order Coordinated Transportation Services and to contractors of the DHS Coordinated Transportation. Staff members of authorized HSPs order Coordinated Transportation services. The Regional Transportation Office (RTO) staff provides system access to those authorized to order services within an HSP, as well as to Transportation Provider (TP) staff, to access the trip requests and submit the actions taken on each trip.
Consumer Registration and Initial Transportation Orders
A consumer is registered prior to receiving trips funded by DHS. To register a consumer and order initial services, the HSP determines and enters the information in the TRIP$ application. The appropriate RTO should be contacted for questions and/or further instruction.
Updating Transportation Orders
After the initial Consumer Registration and Transportation Order, the HSP may add trips or change orders by updating the client record or trip order in the TRIP$ system.
Canceling Trips
TPs are required to have a system in place to accept cancellations 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Trips may be cancelled by the ordering agency 24 hours per day, 7 days per week in the TRIP$ automated system. However, if a trip is to be cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the appointment time, the HSP must contact the TP before canceling in the TRIP$ system. Local policies, as determined by the Regional Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC), set the time frames required to prevent a cancellation from qualifying as a no-show. Additionally, these local policies shall dictate which consumers have the authority to cancel trips and which consumers must work with their ordering HSP to cancel trips.
The first leg of any trip not canceled prior to the pre-determined local policy time frame is marked as a no-show and the second leg of the trip will be cancelled by the provider. The HSP is responsible for booking another return trip for the consumer if one is needed after the initial no-show. Refer to the General Trip Information section in this chapter for additional information concerning no-shows, notifications, and permanent cancellation due to no-shows.
It is the responsibility of the ordering HSP to cancel all future trips in the TRIP$ system for consumers that need to be removed from transportation services permanently. Consumers that will no longer receive transportation services should also be inactivated in the TRIP$ system.
Transportation Ordering, Approval, and Invoicing Process (Using TRIP$ Application)
This procedure is intended to offer a reference for Funding Partners/HSPs, and TPs by describing the process to register new transportation clients, order transportation trips, and review and approve completed transportation trips. This section covers the critical day-to-day process of providing trips to customers of the Coordinated Transportation System.
Roles and Responsibilities Overview
Role | Responsibility |
Transportation Services Section State Office (TSS) |
TSS Regional Transportation Office (RTO) |
Human Service Providers (HSP) |
Transportation Providers – (Prime Contractor and/or Subcontractors) (TP) |
Application | Description |
Transportation Request Information Processing System, the application for client registration and trip ordering. |
Process Flow – Transportation Ordering, Approval, and Invoicing Process
The following process flow illustration depicts the process to establish HSPs and TPs in the TRIP$ application, and the process to order and approve consumer transportation using the TRIP$ application. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area in the process flow depicts the TP, Subcontractor, and the HSP roles within the process. The TP, Subcontractor, and HSP specific steps are described after the process flow.

Procedures – Transportation Ordering and Approval Process
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the TP and the HSP and correspond to the steps highlighted in the process flow above. Additional information is provided to explain what happens before and the process activities handled by the TPs and HSPs.
- Steps 1-4 – (TSS and RTO)
In steps 1-4, TSS and RTO setup each HSP in the TRIP$ application. These activities only happen when contract terms are updated and/or when there is a need to add a new HSP to the TRIP$ application.
- Step 5 – Register new clients (HSP)
- Step 5.1 – Search for existing client
When an HSP has a new client that needs transportation services, the HSP first uses SEARCH in the TRIP$ application to see if the consumer already exists in the application. The important fields to use in the search are the new consumers LAST NAME and DATE OF BIRTH using the “Quick Search” option.
- Step 5.2 – Is this an existing client?
If there is not a match, then the new consumer can be added by accessing the “Add Client” section (Step 5.3). If the client already exists then the HSP can book a trip for the consumer.
- Step 5.3 – Enter new client
In the “Add Client” section, add the appropriate information for the consumer. The required fields are: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Client Status, Address Type, Street, City, State, Zip, County, Eligibility List, HSP List, and Emergency Contact Name and Phone
Do not use special characters when entering information. Examples of special characters include: - . \ / * $ & +
. To enter the consumer’s date of birth, use the calendar function in the application.
- Step 6 – Enter trip order (HSP)
To schedule a consumer’s trip in the TRIP$ application, the HSP first ensures the trip does not already exist and then enter the specific trip information.
- Step 6.1 – Search for existing trip
It is important for the HSP to first confirm that a trip request does not already exist for a consumer when entering a new trip request. Go to “Trip” on the Main Menu to access “Search Trip.”
- Step 6.2 – Is it an existing trip?
If the trip does not exist, enter the trip request (step 6.3); if it does exist, update or revise the trip (step 6.4).
- Step 6.3 – Enter trip information
To enter a new trip, go to “Trip” on the Main Menu and select “Book a Trip.” Select the consumer name by placing a check mark in the box to the left and “Request a Trip” to start the request process.
Always validate that a Subcontractor has been added to the request. - Step 6.4 – Update or revise trip
The HSP can make changes to existing trips in the TRIP$ application. Typical updates could include: adding or removing consumers from a group trip, changing Subcontractors, Trip Type, and/or Special Accommodations, canceling a trip, and updating Trip Origin or Trip Destination.
- Step 6.5 – Notify TP of new, revised, or updated trip
Always notify the TP via email if a new trip has been added or modified. In many cases, TPs use a separate routing or dispatch application that need to be updated.
- Step 7 – Review trip manifest (TP - Subcontractor)
At a designated daily time determined by the TP, the TP generates a TRIP$ transportation manifest and review for duplicates, new customers, and subscription changes.
- Step 7.1 – Run trip manifest report
On a daily basis, the TP reviews the trip manifest for the trips scheduled for the next day. The manifest is in the Reports section of the TRIP$ application main menu.
- Step 7.2 – Review for duplicates
A duplicate could occur where there is an exact match for name, time, AND destination. Any duplicate trip shall be removed before routing. Confirmed duplicate trips need to be marked as canceled in the TRIP$ application during Step 10.
- Step 7.3 – Review for new customers
It is important to check for new customers because TPs need to update their dispatch / routing software applications with the new information.
- Step 7.4 – Review for subscription changes
It is important to check for subscription updates because TPs need to update their dispatch / routing software applications with the new information.
- Step 7.5 – Save manifest file
TSS recommends that TPs save a copy of their daily manifests in case there are disputes that need to be resolved at a later point in time. Daily transportation manifests in TRIP$ are not guaranteed to be accurate as trips entered or canceled after the predetermined cutoff times are not reflected in the manifest.
- Step 8 – Dispatch trips (TP - Subcontractor)
TP’s internal process for dispatching the daily trips.
- Step 9 – Move client (TP - Subcontractor)
TP’s internal process that covers the actual movement of the consumers on the requested trips.
- Step 10 – Mark trip outcome (TP - Subcontractor)
Once a scheduled trip has been completed, it is the TP’s responsibility to update the outcome of the trip in the TRIP$ application through the Trip Approval/Update Trip Status screen. This must be done whether for completed trips, no-show occurrences, or for cancellations. Marking the outcome of the trip must be completed by the next business day after the scheduled trip.
- Step 10.1 – Confirm trip type
The Subcontractor confirms that the “trip type” and the passenger are a correct match. For example, a Division of Aging Services-related trip should have the passenger marked as a Division of Aging Services consumer.
- Step 10.2 – Update trip hours
If the trip hours were different from what was originally planned, update the hours. If the services were provided by the Subcontractor, the Prime Contractor reviews and the Subcontractor updates as needed.
- Step 10.3 – Mark trip status
The final status of the trip can be recoded as either: “Provided,” “No Show,” or “Cancelled.”
Once a trip status is updated it is removed from the screen.
Use the “Comment” section to explain any issues that would help another reviewer understand with situations related to “No Shows” or “Cancelled” trips.
- Step 11 – Confirm trip outcome (TP – Prime Contractor)
After the Subcontractor updates the trip status, the workflow in the TRIP$ application submits the completed trips to the Prime Contractor to review and approve. It is the Prime Contractor’s responsibility to confirm the outcome of the trip in the TRIP$ application through the Trip Approval/Update Trip Status screen. Confirming the Subcontractors' entry for the outcome of the trip must be completed by the next business day after the scheduled trip. Prime Contractors may use data provided by their Subcontractors to confirm the trip outcome.
- Step 11.1 – Confirm trip type
The Prime Contractor confirms the “trip type” and the passenger are a correct match. For example, a Division of Aging Services-related trip should have the passenger marked as a Division of Aging Services consumer.
- Step 11.2 – Update trip hours
If the trip hours were different than originally planned, update the hours as necessary. If the services were provided by the Subcontractor, the Prime Contractor reviews and the Subcontractor updates as needed.
- Step 11.3 – Mark trip status
The final status of the trip can be recoded as either: “Provided,” “No Show,” or “Cancelled.”
Once a trip status is updated it is removed from the screen.
Use the “Comment” section to explain any issues that would help another reviewer understand with situations related to “No Shows” or “Cancelled” trips.
- Step 12 – Review accuracy of trip update status (HSP)
After the Prime Contractor confirms the Subcontractor’s trip status entries, the workflow in the TRIP$ application submit the completed trips to the HSP to review and approve. It is the HSP’s responsibility to confirm the outcome of the trip in the TRIP$ application through the Trip Approval/Update Trip Status screen. Confirming the Prime Contractor’s entry for the outcome of the trip must be completed by the next business day after the scheduled trip.
- Step 12.1 – Check status
The HSP verifies all trip information – checking dates and times, Approval Status, Trip Type and Hours. The HSP can either select “Approved” or “Unapproved” after the review.
- Step 12.2 – Approve trip?
If the trip is approved, the trip is completed in the TRIP$ application. If the trip is not approved, the HSP moves to Step 12.3.
- Step 12.3 – Update trip status with rejection reason
If “Unapproved” is selected, the HSP updates the “Comments” section with a reason the trip was “Unapproved.” “Unapproved” trips are routed via workflow back to the Prime Contractor to review and update – see Step 13.
- Step 13 – Resolve trip rejection status (TP – Prime Contractor)
If an HSP updates a particular trip to “Unapproved' status, the trip re-enters the Prime Contractors TRIP$ application Approve and Update queue.
- Step 13.1 – Audit trip record
The Prime Contractor works with the Subcontractor to review the “Unapproved” reason in the “Comments” box.
- Step 13.2 – Update trip status
Once a decision is reached on the status to address the HSP’s concerns, the Prime Contractor updates the trip status AND provide the outcome of the review in the “Comments” section.
- Step 14 – Generate the Invoice Backup Report (TP)
The Invoice Backup Report (Exhibit 9 – Sample Invoice Backup Report) needs to be generated and submitted to the RTO by the 10th working day of each month.
Go to Reports on the TRIP$ application Main Menu and select “Invoice Backup Report”
Select Transportation Provider, Confirm Fiscal Year and Region #, enter Start and End Date (*required)
Select the HSP
Select “Export to Excel”
Save document
- Step 15 – Generate the Invoice Summary Report (TP)
The Invoice Summary Report (Exhibit 10 – Sample Invoice Summary Report) needs to be generated and submitted to the RTO by the 10th working day of each month.
Go to Reports on the TRIP$ application Main Menu and select “Invoice-Summary”.
Select Transportation Provider, Confirm Fiscal Year and Region #, enter Start and End Date (*required)
Click on “Draft Invoice” button to display report on screen or “Export to Excel” button to display report in Excel. Review for accuracy
Add items to the invoice that are not maintained in the TRIP$ application, e.g., bus passes
Save documents
- Step 16 – Prepare Program Report (TP)
The TP prepares the Program Report (Appendix 4 – Monthly Program Report – Trip, Miles, and Hour Analysis) each month with the total number of miles, hours, and reimbursement for each agency/program. TPs obtain this information from Prime Contractor or Subcontractors.
- Step 17 – Prepare In-Kind Cost Report (TP)
The In-Kind Cost Report (Appendix 5 – Report of Certified or In-Kind Cost) should be prepared by the TP when funds requiring a match are used.
- Step 18 – Submit Invoice Packet to RTO (TP)
Submit the invoice packet via email to the RTO no later than the 10th working day of each month for invoices to be paid to the TP and/or Subcontractor for trips made on behalf of the TP.
The invoice packet should include:
Invoice Backup Report from TRIP$
Invoice Summary Report from TRIP$
Program Report – TRIP$, Miles, and Hours
In-Kind Cost Report, if applicable
The RTO reviews the draft invoice (see Exhibit 11 – Sample Draft Invoice) provided by the TP and compares it against the draft invoice summary report in the TRIP$ application. In case of errors or questions, the RTO emails the TP to resolve or correct the issues and the TP resubmits the corrected documents in the Draft Invoice packet.
Once the above process steps are completed by the TP, the RTO and TSS Operations Manager manage the Accounts Payable process to generate a payment to the TP.
References and Related Documents
Document | Description |
Web-based client registration and trip ordering system user guide. |
Sample of invoice submitted by the TP for payment for services rendered. |
Summary of all transportation services trips provided in a given time period, organized by agency/program. |
Summary of all transportation services trips provided in a given time period. |
Appendix 4 – Monthly Program Report – Trip, Miles, and Hour Analysis |
Summary of total number of miles, hours, and reimbursement for each agency/program. |
Report completed when funds requiring a match are used. |
Financial Reporting Process
This procedure is intended to offer a comprehensive reference to Funding Partners and HSP by describing TSS’s annual, quarterly, and monthly financial reporting processes. TPs are not directly involved in the Financial Reporting processes.
The financial reports are an important opportunity to understand what is funded annually and how the funds are being used on a monthly and quarterly basis. In some cases, decisions need to be made about reducing transportation trips if funds are used faster than expected.
This procedure provides an overview of the Financial Reporting process and includes detailed information for process activities that relate directly to Funding Partners and HSPs. Three Financial Reporting processes are included in this section:
Annual Funding Allocation Setup and Review
Monthly Funding and Use Reporting
Quarterly Funding and Use Reporting
Roles and Responsibilities Overview
Role | Responsibility |
Transportation Services Section (TSS) |
Creates and distributes the quarterly funding reports and annual plan summary for Funding Partners. |
TSS Regional Transportation Office (RTO) |
Coordinates region-level annual allocations with Regional Funding Partners and compiles and distribute monthly financial reports for Regional Funding Partners and HSPs. |
State Funding Partners |
Review and approve annual funding plan and provide input as needed on quarterly financial reports. |
Regional Funding Partners / Human Service Providers (HSP) |
Review and provide input on monthly financial reports and use monthly reports to manage and monitor the use of funds and number of trips allowed. |
Process Flow 1 – Annual Financial Plan Allocation Setup and Review

The following process flow illustration depicts the process to prepare, review, and approve the Annual Funding Allocation plan. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area(s) in the process flow depict the Regional Funding Partners/HSP and the State Funding Partners roles within the process. The Regional Funding Partner/HSP and the State Funding Partners specific steps are described after the process flow.
Procedures 1 – Annual Financial Plan Allocation Setup and Review
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the State Funding Partners and the Regional Funding Partners/HSPs and correspond to the steps highlighted in the Process Flow above.
- Steps 1 – 3 (TSS)
On an annual basis, TSS creates an Annual Financial Plan (Exhibit 12 – Sample Annual Financial Plan) for each Funding Partner detailing how the Funding Partner’s funds are allocated across the state. TSS sends the report to the State Funding Partners and the Regional Funding Partners to review.
- Step 4
- Step 4.1 – Review Annual Financial Plan allocation (State Funding Partner)
Funding Partners review the information and provide feedback if there are issues.
- Step 4.2 – Notify TSS State Office of any issues (State Funding Partner)
Funding Partners should notify TSS of any issues with the annual report. TSS responds to the request and provide the appropriate report updates as needed.
- Step 4.3 – Review Annual Financial Plan allocation (Regional Funding Partners and HSPs)
On an annual basis, the RTO prepares an Annual Financial Plan for the Regional Funding Partners and HSPs detailing how the funds are allocated across the region. It is important for the Regional Funding Partners and HSPs to review this information and provide feedback if there are issues.
- Step 4.4 – Notify the RTO of any issues (Regional Funding Partners and HSPs)
After reviewing the Annual Financial Plan allocation, the Regional Funding Partners and HSPs notify the RTO of any issues with the annual allocations. The RTO responds to the request and provide the appropriate updates as needed.
- Step 5 – (TSS)
At the conclusion of the Annual Financial Plan review process, TSS finalizes the Annual Financial Plan and use as input for the Monthly and Quarterly reports.
Process Flow 2 – Monthly Financial Reporting
The following process flow illustration depicts the monthly reporting process for sharing budget and funding information with Regional Funding Partners and the HSPs. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area(s) in the process flow depict the Regional Funding Partners/HSPs role within the process. The Regional Funding Partners/HSPs specific steps are described after the process flow.

Procedures 2 – Monthly Financial Reporting
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the Regional Funding Partner/HSPs and correspond to the steps highlighted in the process flow above.
- Steps 1 – 7 (TSS and RTO)
On a monthly basis, TSS and the RTO prepare a Monthly Financial Report (Exhibit 13 – Sample Monthly Financial Report) for each Regional Funding Partner / HSP detailing the number of trips taken and dollars used through the report date. TSS and the RTO provide comments as needed on the report.
- Step 8 – Review Monthly Financial Reports (Regional Funding Partners and Human Service Providers)
The RTO sends the Monthly Reports to the Regional Funding Partners and Human Service Provider to review.
- Step 8.1 – Identify site specific issues
It is important to review the reports monthly to understand current projections (surplus or deficit) results and determine if actions need to be taken to address any issues. For example, if funds are not available for future trips, the HSPs shall make sure that trips are not scheduled until the funding issue is resolved.
- Step 8.2 – Can future trips be provided?
After reviewing the reports, the Regional Funding Partners and HSPs decide whether funds are available for future trips. If funds are not available, then go to Step 8.3. If funds are available, go to step 8,4.
- Step 8.3 – Hold trips until funds are available
If the report indicates that funds are not available for future trips, trips shall not be scheduled. The HSP must work with the RTO to discuss options to address the funding shortage.
- Step 8.4 – Is the report accurate?
Even if funds are available for future trips, Regional Funding Partners and HSPs review the report to verify the spending projections match expectations and their understanding of recent trip activity.
- Step 8.5 – Prepare feedback for the RTO
Regional Funding Partners and HSPs contact their RTO to discuss any report issues or in case they need help addressing funding issues.
- Step 9-11 – (RTO)
The RTO responds and addresses any questions from the Regional Funding Partners and HSPs regarding the monthly report. Each report is then stored at the RTO.
Process Flow 3 – Quarterly Financial Reporting

The following process flow illustration depicts the quarterly reporting process for sharing budget and funding information with state Funding Partners. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area(s) in the process flow depict the State Funding Partners role within the process. The State Funding Partners specific steps are described after the process flow.
Procedures 3 – Quarterly Financial Reporting
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the State Funding Partner and correspond to the steps highlighted in the process flow above.
- Steps 1-6 – (TSS)
On a quarterly basis TSS prepares Excel reports (Exhibit 14 – Sample Quarterly Financial Report) that contain information about trips taken, cost for the trips, and total funding information. These reports are distributed to all State Funding Partners.
- Step 7 – Review Reports (State Funding Partners)
It is important to review the reports quarterly to understand current projections (surplus or deficit) results and determine if actions need to be taken to address any issues. TSS includes comments in the report to indicate special areas that should be reviewed.
- Step 8 – Contact TSS to Resolve Issues (State Funding Partners)
If there are questions about the report or the comments in the report, the Funding Partners contact TSS for resolution.
- Steps 9-10 – (TSS)
TSS resolves any questions from the Funding Partners and stores the reports for future reference.
References and Related Documents
Document | Description |
Report that details how the Funding Partner’s funds are allocated across the state on an annualized basis. |
Report that details the number of trips taken and dollars used through the report date. |
Report that contain information about trips taken, cost for the trips, and total funding information. |