Vehicle Lifecycle | MAN1425
There are three methods available to acquire DHS/DBHDD vehicles:
Transfer (within DHS/DBHDD)
The following is information regarding requirements and guidelines for acquiring and operating a state vehicle, followed by instructions on completing the process.
The state of Georgia uses an enterprise (statewide) fleet management system, Holman Insights The system streamlines the vehicle request and acquisition process, provides visibility and tracking of a request as it moves through the process and, after acquisition, tracks the life cycle costs of a vehicle until disposal.
As such, the vehicle request process is automated and written requests are not accepted. HOLMAN Insights is the state’s system of record, and all vehicle requests must be submitted via this system.
In accordance with Section 8 of the Georgia Fleet Management Manual, DHS and DBHDD use HOLMAN Insights for all vehicles. Cost data and reporting data for all DHS and DBHDD vehicles must be captured via the HOLMAN Insights system. For additional information regarding reporting requirements in HOLMAN Insights system, refer to Driver Requirements, Programs, and Recordkeeping section in this chapter.
The Department of Administrative Services Office of Fleet Management (DOAS-OFM) issued Vehicle Request Approval Criteria (refer to Exhibit 16 – GA DOR Motor Vehicle Tag/Title Application (MV-1 Form)) which must be met before agency vehicle requests are presented to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) for further approval. Fleet Manager (FM) will evaluate all vehicle requests using these criteria prior to being presented to DOAS–OFM for review.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Alternative Fuel Transportation program (10 C.F.R. Part 490), also referred to as the Energy Policy Act (EPAct), requires state agencies whose motor vehicle fleet meet certain criteria to purchase 75% of their light duty vehicles as Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV) during the model year. To comply with this federal mandate, DHS strongly encourages requesting organizations to consider the purchase of these vehicle types, as the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) may deny the purchase of non-AFV’s. Complete information regarding the EPAct can be found at, or once on the site’s homepage, by navigating to the Guidance Documents area in the Compliance section.
In addition, any request for vehicle acquisitions requires agencies must show the need for a vehicle replacement, funding is available and be under the agency’s vehicle allocation. In most instances, agencies will be required to surplus an existing vehicle for each new vehicle being requested to ensure vehicle allocations are not exceeded. Agencies will have one year to use a surplus vehicle as a replacement in a vehicle request.
HOLMAN Insights ® is a role-based security system; Access to be requested via
DHS/DBHDD Vehicle Acquisition (Purchase, Transfer, Rental/Lease)
Acquisition via Purchase
Roles and Responsibilities Overview
Role | Responsibility |
Human Service Provider (HSP) |
Requests to purchase a vehicle, purchases the vehicle if approved, and prepares the vehicle for operation |
Regional Transportation Office (RTO) |
Serves as a liaison between the HSP and FM and completes activities in the vehicle purchase process |
Fleet Manager (FM) |
Serves as the primary DHS point of contact at the State Office to execute activities in completing the vehicle purchase process |
Agency |
Participates in the approval process to determine if a vehicle purchase is accepted |
Department of Administrative Services – Fleet Manager (OFM) |
Participates in the approval process to determine if a vehicle purchase is accepted |
Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) |
Participates in the approval process to determine if a vehicle purchase is accepted by verifying budget allocation |
Application | Definition |
HOLMAN Insights |
The online statewide fleet management system that captures and monitors vehicle transactions and utilization. HOLMAN enables the State of Georgia to maximize how critical fleet assets are purchased, maintained, and optimized throughout their useful life. As a central repository for vehicle-related information, this system has comprehensive and specific data pertaining to vehicle mileage, cost, assignment, repair, acquisition, and disposal. |
Process Flow – Acquisition via Purchase
The following process flow illustration depicts the full Vehicle Acquisition via Purchase process from the desire to acquire a new vehicle through the approval process and set up of the vehicle for operation. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area below depicts the HSP role within the process. The HSP specific steps are described after the process flow.
Procedures – DHS/DBHDD Vehicle Acquisition via Purchase
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the HSP and correspond to the steps highlighted in the process flow above.
- Step 1 – Evaluate current vehicle inventory (HSP)
The HSP reviews the current vehicles and determines if a new vehicle is needed to meet the requests of the transportation services and its consumers. The vehicle purchase request must qualify per the approval criteria (refer to Exhibit 17 – Vehicle Request Approval Criteria). The HSP should refer to Appendix 8 – Vehicle Acquisition via Purchase Checklist for a checklist of process steps to complete the addition of a new vehicle to the fleet through a purchase.
- Step 2 – Is the new vehicle allowed per the vehicle count? (HSP)
The HSP will determine if the vehicle being offered may be accepted into its inventory. The vehicle count must remain at a 1:1 ratio and therefore another vehicle must be surplus in order to complete a new vehicle request. If the vehicle is not within the vehicle count, the HSP may not pursue the request.
- Step 3 – Is this a new or used vehicle purchase? (HSP)
The HSP determines whether the purchase is for a new or used vehicle. The purchase of a vehicle that had a previous owner is categorized as a used vehicle and will need to receive approval from the RTO and FM, as well as complete a mechanical inspection prior to pursuing a formal request to purchase the vehicle.
Per Policy 10 section 5-4: “unless granted specific authority by OFM, all automobiles purchased by agencies must be new; however, agencies may request authorization to purchase used automobiles”. Once reviewed by the RTO and FM, approval to purchase a used vehicle must be obtained from the DOAS Office of Fleet Management. A new vehicle is one that is brand new and has no previous owner. For a new vehicle, skip steps 4-12 and continue to step 13.
- Step 4 – Obtain a copy of the Title (HSP)
The HSP obtains a copy of the Title from the vendor.
- Step 5 – Sends copy of the Title and supporting documents (HSP)
The HSP sends the copy of the Title and supporting documents, such as photos, pricing, etc., to the RTO to determine if the vehicle can be accepted into its inventory.
The state cannot accept vehicles under conditions that may restrict use, assignment, or disposition, or that have existing liens upon them. - Step 6 – (RTO)
The RTO reviews the vehicle type and condition and determines if the vehicle purchase request can continue. If not, continue to step 6.1; if yes, proceed to step 7.
- Step 6.1
By e-mail, the RTO notifies the HSP of the denial.
- Step 6.2
The HSP receives the notification of denial. The process ends.
- Step 7 – (RTO)
The RTO communicates to request to the HSP to complete a mechanical inspection on the vehicle being considered for purchase.
- Step 8 – Complete a mechanical inspection (HSP)
The HSP takes the vehicle to a certified mechanic for a mechanical inspection. The HSP pays for the inspection.
A certified mechanic for the purposes of the DHS TSS Transportation Manual is the following:
Current Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified mechanic,
HOLMAN Insights certified vendor mechanic, or
A mechanic certified through a technical school or college.
- Step 9 – Send mechanical inspection report (HSP)
The HSP sends the inspection report and verification of any identified repairs that were identified on the report and completed by the “certified mechanic” to the RTO. The HSP maintains a copy of the inspection report and verification for its records.
- Steps 10-12 – (RTO)
The RTO receives the information from the HSP for the mechanical inspection. The RTO determines whether the vehicle acquisition should continue in HOLMAN and notifies the HSP of the outcome.
- Step 13 – Create a vehicle request (HSP)
The HSP creates a vehicle request using HOLMAN Insights. The HSP contacts the RTO, who will in turn contact the FM for access. The entry page for logging in can be found using the following web address:
To acquire HOLMAN Insights access, the HSP notifies the RTO, who will notify the FM for access.
- Steps 14-15 – (RTO)
The RTO receives the request notification from HOLMAN Insights and reviews the provided documentation. The RTO makes a determination on whether to approve the request. If the RTO does approve the request, the request continues through the approval process. If the RTO does not approve the request, the RTO updates the request in HOLMAN Insights with the status and a notification email is sent to the HSP. The HSP continues to step 15.1.
- Steps 15.1 – 15.3 – Receives notification of request denial (HSP)
The HSP receives a notification of the denial from HOLMAN Insights. The HSP chooses whether to pursue the request further or ceases its efforts. The HSP may modify the vehicle request by resubmitting information in the HOLMAN Insights application (Step 13).
- Steps 16-33 – (RTO, FM, Agency, OFM, and OPB)
The request continues through approval process to the FM, the Agency that it will serve, OFM for insurance requirements, and OPB for budget verification. If at any point any organization denies the vehicle request, the organization updates the request in HOLMAN Insights with the status and a notification email is sent to the HSP. The HSP continues to step 15.1.
If all organizations approve the request, the FM, OFM, and HSP receive the email notification of the approval in HOLMAN Insights. The OFM emails the HSP with further instructions for completing the purchase.
- Step 34 – Purchase vehicle (HSP)
The HSP purchases the vehicle from the vendor.
- Step 35 – Receive vendor paperwork (HSP)
Upon purchase, the vendor where the vehicle is purchased will issue to the HSP a completed:
For vehicles owned by DHS, these documents must list the owner exactly as follows:
GA Department of Human Services
47 Trinity Avenue, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30334For vehicles owned by DBHDD, these documents must list the owner exactly as follows:
GA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
Floyd Building - West Tower
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30334It is very important that the owner and address be correctly listed on these forms. The appropriate agency is the owner on record and will receive the vehicle title by U.S. Postal Service mail.
- Step 36 – Submits Title and other documentation (HSP)
The HSP e-mails a copy of the documents below, then mails the original documents via certified USPS, UPS or FedEx to the RTO no later than 15 days after receipt of the purchased vehicle. The aforementioned includes the following:
Department of Motor Vehicle Safety Application for Tag and Title (Form MV-1)
Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin (MSO)
Non-Leased Vehicle Odometer Disclosure Statement (Form GA-25)
- Steps 37-39 – (RTO and FM)
The RTO sends the relevant information to the FM to obtain an assigned state vehicle number. The state vehicle number assignment is drawn from a spreadsheet, maintained by the FM. Upon receipt, the RTO forwards the assigned vehicle number to the HSP.
- Step 40 – Create asset in system (HSP)
The HSP creates a vehicle record (asset creation) in HOLMAN Insights upon receipt of the vehicle number.
If a WEX fuel program card will be used, check the box to apply for the WEX card program. For additional information on the WEX card, refer to the WEX (Fuel) Program Overview section in this chapter.
Refer to Exhibit 20 – Sample Asset Creation Form for a sample of the entry fields required to be completed.
- Step 41 – Request “Report My Driving” sticker for vehicle (HSP)
The HSP requests a “Report My Driving” sticker from Driver-Check via the secure website (refer to Exhibit 21 – Sample Driver-Check Sticker Application). The sticker must be affixed to the vehicle prior to operating the vehicle. The HSP should contact their RTO in the event they need access to the “Driver-Check” website.
- Step 42 – Apply for emissions certification (HSP)
If purchasing a used vehicle more than 3 model years old, an emissions inspection is needed prior to the RTO’s application for tag and title. The HSP visits a local emissions testing center to receive an emissions certification. You can visit for more information about emissions testing requirements.
Vehicle emissions testing is required annually in the thirteen metropolitan Atlanta counties (Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, Paulding, and Rockdale).
The three most recent model year vehicles are exempt from emissions testing each year. For registration in 2023, this includes all 2021 and newer model year vehicles.
Additionally, vehicles that are 25 model years or older are exempt from emissions testing. This includes 1998 or older model year vehicles for 2023 registration.
Certain vehicles are exempt from emissions testing, therefore do not require an emissions inspection. Those vehicles include:
Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 8,500 pounds.
If the tag office states the vehicle must be tested, the motorist must complete the GVWR Letter Application and present the vehicle for a visual inspection at a Georgia’s Clean Air Force (GCAF) Customer Service Center. Once the GVWR letter is issued, the motorist can use the GVWR letter when registering the vehicle in lieu of presenting proof of inspection. -
Vehicles operated exclusively on diesel or another alternative fuel, e.g., natural gas, propane, etc.
Bi-fuel or flexible fuel vehicles must be tested if one of the fuels burned is gasoline. -
Motorcycles, recreational vehicles (RVs) and motor homes.
- Step 43 – Notify of asset creation in HOLMAN (HSP)
The HSP notifies the RTO by e-mail of the asset creation in HOLMAN Insights.
- Steps 44-47 – (RTO and FM)
The RTO notifies the FM of the asset creation in HOLMAN Insights.
The RTO visits the local county tag office and applies for the license plate (tag) and title. Where applicable, the RTO brings a copy of the emissions certification or verification of exemption. The license plate (tag) is provided to the RTO, while at the local tag office, and the title is mailed to the FM.
The RTO prepares and sends the vehicle packet to the HSP. This includes the following items:
One license plate (tag)
Two sets of number decals (for the front and back of the vehicle respectively)
Two state seals
One insurance card
One logbook, for administrative vehicles only (Appendix 10 – DHS Administrative Vehicle Log)
- Step 48 – Mount plate (tag) onto vehicle (HSP)
The HSP mounts the plate (tag) onto the vehicle. The RTO may assist the HSP in properly applying the items to the vehicle (Exhibit 22 – Vehicle Identification/Markings).
- Step 49 – Apply state seals and vehicle number stickers (HSP)
The HSP applies the state seals and vehicle numbers onto the vehicle (Exhibit 22 – Vehicle Identification/Markings).
- Step 50 – Apply property decals (HSP)
The HSP applies the property decals onto the vehicle (Exhibit 22 – Vehicle Identification/Markings). Apply the property decal on the inside of the driver’s door frame next to the manufacturer’s identification plate.
DBHDD sends the property decals directly to the DBHDD vehicle operators after the vehicle has been acquired. The FM sends the DBHDD Asset Manager copies of the TSS inspections for DBHDD titled vehicles as they are completed. DBHDD will use the data to verify the vehicles that have a decal and will follow-up and send decals to those vehicles missing this sticker.
For DHS, the FM will alert DHS Asset Management there is a vehicle added and provide the necessary information to load it into PeopleSoft. The property decal will be provided by DHS Asset Management or FM. The vehicle operator applies the decal when it is sealed and numbered.
- Step 51 – Apply “Report My Driving” sticker (HSP)
The HSP applies the “Report My Driving” sticker onto the vehicle (Exhibit 22 – Vehicle Identification/Markings). The sticker is received in the mail following the request in Step 41.
- Step 52 – Place insurance card and procedures in vehicle (HSP)
The HSP places the insurance card and procedures in the vehicle. If the vehicle is for administrative use, also include a logbook.
- Step 53 – (FM)
The FM receives the original title, via USPS, and stores it in the vehicle files at the State Office.
References and Related Documents
Document | Detail | ||
Vehicle Acquisition via Purchase process map |
Document describing step by step activities by a task owner to purchase a vehicle and add it to the fleet |
HOLMAN Insights |
A user manual can be obtained by visiting: A training webinar is available on YouTube by searching for the terms HOLMAN Insights Vehicle Request Training Webinar. |
Checklist of steps for RTO to acquire approval and purchase a vehicle to be added to the fleet. |
Document to track the use of administrative vehicles. |
Exhibit 16 – GA DOR Motor Vehicle Tag/Title Application (MV-1 Form) Exhibit 16 – GA DOR Motor Vehicle Tag/Title Application (MV-1 Form) |
State-issued form for a tag and title application. |
Guide for DHS and DBHDD on the criteria for approving vehicle requests. |
Document indicating origin of vehicle from the original seller. |
Exhibit 19 – Non-Leased Vehicles Odometer Disclosure Statement (Form GA-25) Exhibit 19 – Non-Leased Vehicles Odometer Disclosure Statement (Form GA-25) |
Form filled by dealer selling the vehicle indicating the odometer reading. |
Sample screen shot image of the fields needing to be completed in HOLMAN Insights |
This is for the Report My Driving Program.
Document provided to illustrate the placement of state decals, stickers, property numbers etc. |
Acquisition via INTRA-Agency Transfer (DHS Transfer to DHS or DBHDD Transfer to DBHDD)
Vehicles may be acquired from other organizations within the same department operating vehicles that are surplus to their needs. For vehicles used in the DHS Coordinated System, all vehicles shall be in good working condition in accordance with the DHS contract to be eligible for a possible transfer.
Roles and Responsibilities Overview
Role | Responsibility |
Vehicle Owner |
TSS Regional Transportation Office (RTO) |
Role | Responsibility |
HOLMAN Insights |
The online statewide fleet management system that captures and monitors vehicle transactions and utilization. HOLMAN enables the State of Georgia to maximize how critical fleet assets are purchased, maintained and optimized throughout their useful life. As a central repository for vehicle-related information, this system has comprehensive and specific data pertaining to vehicle mileage, cost, assignment, repair, acquisition and disposal. |
Process. Flow – DHS/DBHDD Vehicle Acquisition via INTRA-Agency Transfer
The following process flow illustration depicts the process to transfer vehicles. The transfer can either be from DHS to DHS or DBHDD to DBHDD. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area below depicts the current Vehicle Owner’s role within the process. The Vehicle Owner’s specific steps are described after the process flow.

Procedures – DHS/DBHDD Acquisition via INTRA-Agency Transfer
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the Vehicle Owner/Operator and correspond to the steps highlighted in the process flow above. Additional information is provided to explain what happens before and after the process activities handled by the Vehicle Owner/Operator.
- Step 1 – Conduct vehicle inspection (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
The Vehicle Owner/Operator completes an inspection of the vehicle by completing the Appendix 22 – DHS Vehicle Requirements and Monitoring Form.
- Step 2 – Collect vehicle information (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
The Vehicle Owner/Operator shall collect and document the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Odometer reading, and the Vehicle Make, Model, and Year.
- Step 3 – Notify RTO of intent to transfer vehicle (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
Using the information from Step 1 and Step 2, the Vehicle Owner/Operator completes and submits the Appendix 12 – RTO Vehicle Transfer/Surplus Questionnaire via email to the RTO. The Vehicle Owner/Operator also submits the completed inspection to the RTO.
- Steps 4-6 – (RTO)
The RTO will review the Questionnaire and the inspection form and work with the Vehicle Owner/Operator to determine if the transfer request is approved.
If the request is approved, the RTO will update the vehicle’s new location in HOLMAN Insights and notify the Vehicle Owner to complete the transfer to the new owner.
If the transfer request is not approved the RTO will discuss surplus options with the Vehicle Owner.
- Step 7 – Transfer vehicle to new location (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
The current Vehicle Owner/Operator completes the actual transfer of the vehicle to the new owner.
References and Related Documents
Document | Detail |
Document for RTO to complete when submitting a vehicle for transfer or surplus from the network. |
Physical vehicle inspection report. |
Vehicle rental or leasing is available to state agencies/organizations under limited circumstances. Organizations may enter into lease agreements for vehicles in lieu of purchasing only with prior approval. Please contact the FM for additional information. Leased vehicles are considered Administrative vehicles. Refer to the Administrative Vehicles section located in this chapter for more information.
Vehicle Surplus (Disposal/Turn-In) of State-Owned Vehicles
General Vehicle Disposal Guidelines
The Department of Administrative Services Surplus Property Division (DOAS-SPD) is responsible for redistributing and/or disposing of all state-owned property, including vehicles.
The RTO reserves the right to determine disposal of a vehicle via surplus. All requests to the RTO for surplus vehicle turn-ins without an accompanying vehicle request will be evaluated for condition and if in good condition, possible in-region transfer will be made instead of disposal via surplus.
Any requests for vehicle acquisitions will require mandatory surplus of one existing vehicle that meets surplus criteria. Agencies will have one calendar year to use the surplus vehicle as a replacement in a vehicle request.
In accordance with state law, vehicles must be disposed of or may be transferred to another organization through DOAS Surplus Property.
Vehicle Surplus Process
This procedure is intended to offer a reference for Vehicle Owners/Operators by describing the process to surplus vehicles.
A vehicle that is no longer cost effective to operate or is potentially unsafe shall be disposed of promptly. Keeping a vehicle of this nature is not an efficient use of state resources and more importantly, may put occupants at risk.
There are three typical surplus/disposal methods listed below from most common to least common:
Live Auction (AD-Authorized Disposal) – this is a process where the vehicle is towed to an auction location and sold to the public.
On-site Sale (IS-Internet Sale) – this is a process where the vehicle remains at the custodian facility and is sold through an internet auction to the highest bidder.
Redistribution (DNS-Direct Negotiated Sale) – this is a process where a vehicle is first offered at no cost to other state entities then to an eligible local government or a non-profit at a fixed price. Fixed price sales to Vehicle Owners/Operators would only be considered if they are an eligible non-profit organization. Otherwise, they may acquire the vehicle through the public sales process.
Roles and Responsibilities Overview
Role | Responsibility |
Vehicle Owner/Operator |
TSS Regional Transportation Office (RTO) |
Fleet Manager (FM) |
Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) |
Vehicle Buyer / Vehicle Towing Company |
Application | Definition |
Asset Works |
The Department of Administrative Services' (DOAS) application for managing the disposal of assets. |
Process Flow – Vehicle Surplus
The following process flow illustration depicts the process to surplus vehicles. This process flow shows each responsible party and its steps throughout the process. The highlighted area below depicts the current Vehicle Owner/Operator and the Buyer/Towing Company roles within the process. The Vehicle Owner/Operator and Buyer/Towing Company specific steps are described after the process flow.

Procedures – Vehicle Surplus
The procedural steps and details outlined below are those that are the responsibility of the Vehicle Owner/Operator and the Buyer/Towing Company and correspond to the steps highlighted in the process flow above. Additional information is provided to explain what happens before and after the process activities handled by the Vehicle Owner/Operator and Buyer/Towing Company.
- Step 1 – Collect vehicle information (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
The Vehicle Owner/Operator shall collect the following information:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Vehicle Make, Model, and Model Year
Current odometer reading
Completed Appendix 14 – DOAS Surplus Vehicle Inspection Form
Completed Appendix 12 – RTO Vehicle Transfer/Surplus Questionnaire
- Step 2 – Notify RTO of desire to surplus vehicle (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
The Vehicle Owner/Operator shall notify the RTO of the need to surplus a vehicle by sending the RTO an email with the vehicle information and documents from step 1.
- Steps 3-7 – (RTO and FM)
The RTO will review the vehicle information and submitted documents and work with the Vehicle Owner/Operator to determine if the surplus is approved and the best surplus method to follow. The RTO adds a memo in HOLMAN Insights of the intent to surplus. The RTO will also notify the FM to send the vehicle Title to the Vehicle Owner/Operator if approval is given to proceed with the surplus process.
The FM sends the Title to the Vehicle Owner/Operator. The Title is needed by the Vehicle Owner/Operator in order to enter a scanned copy in Asset Works and to provide the original Title to the Buyer/Towing Company.
The FM will also email instructions about the Title to the Vehicle Owner/Operator (Exhibit 23 – Vehicle Title Handling Instructions).
- Step 8 – Enter vehicle information in Asset Works (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
Once the Vehicle Owner/Operator receives the Title from the FM, the Vehicle Owner/Operator can start the surplus process by entering the vehicle information in Asset Works. Detailed information for using Asset Works is found on the DOAS website and searching for Asset Works User Guide.
The Vehicle Owner/Operator shall contact the FM if there are any issues accessing Asset Works.
Below are additional points to supplement the Asset Works User Guide information:
The “Method” in Asset Works is typically either “IS – Internet Sale,” “AD – Authorized Disposal,” or “DNS – Direct Negotiated Sale).
For Direct Negotiated Sales, the acquiring local government or non-profit’s information shall be added to Asset Works. DOAS will use that information to contact the Buyer and establish a price. -
For Authorized Disposals enter the Vehicle Condition as “Poor” and an odometer reading entry is not required.
Enter the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in both the VIN field AND the Serial Number field.
The Accounting Date = current date
The Accounting Description can remain blank
The Accounting Cost = 0
“Notes 1” and “Notes 2” will appear on the vehicle surplus advertisement as added information. “Notes 3” is information that is only viewed by DOAS.
- Step 9 – Add supporting documents to Asset Works (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
To complete the initial listing in Asset Works, the Vehicle Owner/Operator shall enter required documents to the Asset Works record.
Below are additional points to supplement the Asset Works User Guide information:
There is a limit of 5 photos / documents per asset;
The four recommended photos for Internet Sales are: view from front diver door, view from rear passenger corner, one interior picture with driver’s door open, and one picture of the engine;
The front and back of the Title shall always be submitted;
The Inspection Form shall be submitted for all Internet Sale disposals.
Select “Create New Asset” to enter more than five documents. The NSN group code shall be “Miscellaneous,” the Description shall be “Additional Photos and Documents,” the Condition shall be “Fair,” and add “-“to all other required fields.
Once the documents are submitted in Asset Works the status of the request changes to “Waiting for Approval.”
- Steps 10-12 – (FM)
As part of the Asset Works process, the FM is notified via email of a surplus request in Asset Works. The FM reviews the entered information and approves if the information is entered correctly. The FM will follow up with the Vehicle Owner/Operator if there are any entry issues.
- Steps 13-17 – (DOAS and Towing Company)
After approval is provided by the FM, DOAS review the entered information and establish the next steps based on the surplus method entered. If the request is for “Authorized Disposal” then DOAS will start the process to procure a Towing Company to obtain the vehicle from the Vehicle Owner/Operator.
- Steps 18-21 – (DOAS)
For Internet Sale disposal methods, DOAS will advertise the vehicle for up to 30 days.
If a Buyer is found within 30 days, DOAS will send the Buyer a Bill of Sale and process the payment.
If a Buyer is not found within 30 days, DOAS will notify the Vehicle Owner/Operator to change the Disposal process to “Authorized Disposal.”
- Steps 22-23 – (Buyer/Towing Company)
When a Buyer receives the Bill of Sale (Internet Sale) or the Towing Company is notified to pick up a vehicle (Authorized Disposal), they will contact the Vehicle Owner/Operator to schedule a time to complete the transaction and take ownership of the vehicle. The Buyer signs the Bill of Sale.
- Step 24 – Provide Title to Buyer/Towing Company (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
The Vehicle Owner/Operator shall provide the Title to the Buyer/Towing Company when the vehicle is turned over to the Buyer/Towing Company.
- Step 25 – Release vehicle to Buyer/Towing Company (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
This is the point in the process where the vehicle leaves the Vehicle Owner/Operator’s possession.
- Step 26 – Notify RTO that vehicle is no longer in the fleet (Vehicle Owner/Operator)
Once the Vehicle Owner/Operator is no longer in possession of the vehicle, the Vehicle Owner/Operator notifies the RTO.
- Steps 27-30 – (RTO)
When the RTO is notified that the vehicle surplus process is over, the RTO confirms the vehicle information is correct in HOLMAN Insights. If the vehicle status is not correct, the DOM notifies the FM to resolve the issue.
References and Related Documents
Document | Detail |
Document for RTO to complete when submitting a vehicle for transfer or surplus from the network. |
Inspection to be completed before removing the vehicle from inventory. |
Tips on maintaining a safe and properly running vehicle. |
Document indicating the process for handling the vehicle title transfer to the new owner. |
Asset Works User Guide |
Search the Georgia DOAS website for Asset Works User Guide |