112 Retirement Celebrations

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Department of Human Services
Human Resources Policy #112

Retirement Celebrations

Release Date:

July 1, 2003

Revised Date:

May 3, 2024

Next Review Date:

May 2, 2026

Section A: General Provisions

  1. It is recognized that celebrations honoring retiring employees are a valid means of employee recognition and add value to the organization. Nevertheless, DHS employees are accountable to the public for appropriate use of their work time. In view of these considerations, the following provisions will apply to all retirement celebrations held during work hours.

Section B: Process

  1. Supervisory approval is required, in all cases, prior to employees attending retirement celebrations during work hours.

  2. A DHS Division or Office may designate and approve up to three representatives to attend a retirement celebration held during work hours as the Division’s or Office’s official representatives. Such official representatives may attend the retirement celebration with travel reimbursement and without charge to accrued leave.

  3. Additional employees who have received prior approval to attend retirement celebrations held during work hours may use a total of no more than two (2) hours of work time for the purpose of roundtrip travel and attendance at the celebration. Any additional time will be charged to annual leave or compensatory time, if applicable. Any additional travel expenses incurred due to attendance at a retirement celebration will not be reimbursed.

  4. It is permissible to use public funds to purchase a plaque or certificate for the retiree in recognition of the employee’s public service career. Public funds may not be used for additional purchases in connection with retirement celebrations. No funds may be solicited or received from DHS contractors or vendors for such celebrations. Solicitation of funds from employees for such celebrations is permissible, as long as contributions are voluntary.

For additional information or assistance, please contact your designated Human Resources Representative.