1205 Use of State Property

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Department of Human Services
Human Resources Policy #1205

Use of State Property

Release Date:

May 30, 2003

Revised Date:

February 19, 2020

Next Review Date:


DHS Human Resources Policy #1201 — Conduct Standards and Ethics in Government

State property is to be used for work-related reasons only. Employees are not to use, misuse or permit the use of state property for anything other than work-related reasons. State property includes, but is not limited to: computers, telephones, cellular phones, fax machines, copiers or other equipment, supplies, vehicles, work areas and furniture.

Section A: Use of State Computers

Email, Internet and other computer tools and equipment are provided to employees for work-related reasons, and must be used for work-related purposes, except as provided in Paragraph 5 below.

  1. The display or transmission of sexually oriented material is prohibited. Other prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, ethnic slurs, racial or other derogatory jokes or remarks, game playing, or anything that may be considered harassment or expressing disrespect for others.

  2. Employees are not to engage in other employment activities while on duty. Conducting personal business or otherwise performing other employment activities using computers is prohibited.

  3. Employees are not to use computers for playing games or conducting inappropriate searches.

  4. Electronic communication may be subject to the Georgia Open Records Act; therefore, all information is to be factually accurate and otherwise appropriate.

  5. Use of the Internet for non-work-related reasons is permitted on a basis similar to that applied to local telephone calls on state telephones, which requires that the use is infrequent, of short duration, and does not interfere with work. This privilege may, however, be withdrawn, if abused.

  6. All information in state computers is subject to inspection by appropriate management at any time. No employee has a privacy interest, in any information contained in a state computer.

  7. Employees are prohibited from allowing access to the Internet on their computer and mobile device by other DHS employees or any other person, unless otherwise authorized.

  8. Employees are prohibited from downloading or installing personal software of any kind on state computers.

Section B: Use of State Phones

  1. Employees are prohibited from making or charging long-distance telephone calls to the Department, unless for work-related reasons.

  2. Employees are prohibited from using a state cellular phone for personal calls.

  3. The receiving and making of local telephone calls of infrequent and short duration are permitted. These privileges may, however, be withdrawn, if abused.

  4. Voicemail messages must be professional and should be updated, as needed to communicate accurate information.

  5. Employees are prohibited from downloading or installing personal software of any kind on state cellular phones.

Section C: Other Equipment and Supplies

  1. Other equipment (including fax machines, copiers, etc.) and supplies are to be used for work-related reasons only.

  2. Employees are not to use equipment or supplies for conducting personal business or outside employment activities.

Section D: Misuse

  1. Employees are responsible for reporting suspected criminal or administrative misconduct regarding misuse of state property to their supervisors, human resources representatives or other appropriate officials.

  2. Employees who misuse state property are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment.

For additional information or assistance, please contact your local Human Resource Office, or email DHS-Policies@dhs.ga.gov.