1601 A1 Progressive Discipline Guidelines

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Department of Human Services
Human Resources Policy #1601 A1

Progressive Discipline Guidelines

Release Date:

March 31, 2024

Revised Date:

August 30, 2024

Next Review Date:

August 29, 2026


Rules of State Personnel Board 478-1-.26 – Adverse Actions for Classified; Employees
DHS Human Resources Policy #504 – Criminal History Record Checks
DHS Human Resources Policy #1006 – Absence from Work
DHS Human Resources Policy #1101 – Classification and Compensation
DHS Human Resources Policy #1201 – Conduct Standards and Ethics in Government
DHS Human Resources Policy #1301 – Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace
DHS Human Resources Policy #1302 – Alcohol and Drug Testing Programs
DHS Human Resources Policy #1504 – Reprimand Review Process
DHS Human Resources Policy #1601 – Progressive Discipline
DHS Human Resources Policy #1601 A2 – Classified Employee Disciplinary and Dismissal Actions
DHS Human Resources Policy #1601 A3 – Unclassified Employee Disciplinary and Dismissal Actions
DHS Human Resources Policy #1901 – Employment Separations

The following information is intended to serve as guidelines only and are being provided to help inform the supervisory decision about appropriate responses to inappropriate conduct or performance. The guidelines are not intended to dictate what disciplinary action, if any, is appropriate for every situation.

Section A: General Information

  1. The principle of progressive discipline involves informing the employee of the problem and allowing the employee an opportunity to correct. If not corrected, then increasingly severe disciplinary measures will be imposed if the current level of discipline fails to satisfactorily correct the problem(s).

  2. The employee’s leadership team shall administer disciplinary action, as needed, in an equitable and consistent manner. The guidelines for disciplinary actions below are provided to assist management in determining the appropriate disciplinary action. The guidelines are not intended to undermine management discretion or the use of judgment and consideration of an employee’s overall work history.

  3. To decide on the most appropriate action, consider the seriousness of the conduct, the existence of a relevant DHS policy, the employee’s work record, the ability of the employee to self-correct, actions taken for similar conduct by other employees, and other applicable circumstances.

Section B: Group 1 Infractions or Conduct

Infractions in this group are considered less serious than those outlined in Groups 2 and 3. Group 1 infractions or conduct may include but are not limited to:

  1. Negligence, Inefficiency of Absenteeism – Inefficiency in performance of assigned duties, failing to complete work assignments or to meet established productivity standards. Infractions may include tardiness, leaving early, returning to work late after lunch or breaks, unscheduled time away from work area for non-job-related activities, excessive breaks, excessive number of absences from work, failure to complete tasks or sleeping on duty.

  2. Non-Work-Related Activities – Engaging in non-job-related activities while on duty that interfere with work. Infractions may include extended personal visits and telephone calls on either state or personal phone and prohibited use of state issued equipment.

  3. Misconduct – Conduct that may diminish the employee’s ability to perform his/her job. Infractions may include any conduct that adversely impacts the employee’s credibility, trustworthiness, or integrity. Some acts of misconduct may involve secondary employment, personal relationship with providers or recipients that are prohibited by law or DHS policy.

Suggested Disciplinary Actions for Group 1 Infractions or Conduct:

  • Memo of Concern and Expectations

  • Written Reprimand

  • Written Reprimand Final Warning

  • Suspension Without Pay

  • Dismissal

Section C: Group 2 Infractions or Conduct

Acts and conduct in this group generally are more serious than Group 1 or could be ongoing. Group 2 infractions include but are not limited to:

  1. Inappropriate, Abusive or Destructive Conduct on Duty – These may be derogatory, disparaging or other insulting remarks or gestures; outbursts or loud verbal exchanges that amount to conduct unbecoming of a public employee. Other examples may be intentional abuse, damage or destruction of any state owned or leased property, equipment, or vehicles, intentional abuse, damage, or destruction of the property of a co-worker.

  2. Insubordinate Conduct– This could include explicit refusal to follow or carry out work-related directives of a supervisor or manager through acts or verbal exchange; failure or refusal to follow supervisor’s instruction or to perform assigned work.

  3. Conduct to Violation of Law or DHS Policy – May include a violation of any DHS policies, such as those related to confidentiality, ethics, use of state property, political activity, safety policies and guidelines, falsification of records, cooperation with investigations and the timely request for proper approval for absences from work.

Suggested Disciplinary Actions for Group 2 Infractions or Conduct:

  • Written Reprimand

  • Written Reprimand Final Warning

  • Suspension Without Pay

  • Dismissal

Section D: Group 3 Infractions or Conduct

Acts and conduct in this group are of the most serious nature. Commission of infractions in this group may result in immediate dismissal. Prior to any such adverse action, the supervisor must consult with OHR. Group 3 infractions include but are not limited to:

  1. Alcohol or Illegal Drug Use on Duty or on State Property – Employees shall not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, possess, use, sell, transfer, or distribute illegal drugs or narcotics, or violate the DHS policy regarding possession of alcohol or alcoholic beverages.

  2. Assault, Fighting or Threatening Conduct – Physically attacking another person which may inflict bodily harm including fighting, hitting, choking, punching, kicking, slapping, pushing, or shoving, touching in an aggressive or threatening manner, or any other form of personal violence.

  3. Conduct to Violation of Law or DHS Policy – May include a violation of any DHS policies, such as those related to falsification of records.

  4. Deliberate damage or destruction to State owned or leased property.

  5. Gambling on State Property – Gambling on state property may consist of friendly wagers, office sports pools as well as high stakes forms of gambling including taking bets from other employees, playing games with cards or dice for money or online gambling. This provision does not apply to games sponsored by the Georgia Lottery Corporation.

  6. Failing to promptly report an arrest or conviction.

  7. Thefts or Stealing – Unauthorized or misappropriation of any materials, records, files, currency, or property of DHS.

  8. Unlawful Discrimination/Sexual Harassment – These examples could include, but are not limited to, acts or conduct that is discriminatory based on race, sex, religion, color, age, national origin, handicap, political affiliation, or any other status or condition protected by applicable state or federal laws; unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors; creating a hostile, bullying, intimidating or offensive work environment.

Suggested Disciplinary Actions for Group 3 Infractions or Conduct:

  • Suspension Without Pay

  • Dismissal

For additional information or assistance, please contact your designated Human Resources Representative.