1903 A1 Unemployment Compensation Guidelines

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Department of Human Services
Human Resources Policy #1903 A1

Unemployment Compensation Guidelines

Comments to be Listed on the Separation Notice (DOL-800).

  1. Reason for Separation — Classified Employee Dismissal or Separation

    1. Adverse Actions (dismissals) involving reasons listed in State Personnel Board Rule 15 of the such as misconduct, chronic absenteeism, negligence in performing assigned duties, etc. should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Dismissed from a classified position due to misconduct, chronic absenteeism, and negligence in performing assigned duties.

    2. Voluntary Separations based on State Personnel Board Rule 12, such as failure to return from a leave of absence, should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Voluntary separation from a classified position due to failure to return from a leave of absence.

    3. Involuntary Separations based on the Employees' Retirement System Law should be based on reasons cited in the law such as malingering, neglect of duty, etc. and should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Separated from a classified position due to malingering and neglect of duty.

    4. Dismissal Actions Involving Drug Testing (State Personnel Board Rules 9, 15 and 25) should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Dismissed from a classified position due to drug testing.

    5. Working Test separation from a classified position (with less than 5 years of continuous service) involving Interdepartmental Transfer should have a comment similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Separated while on working test.

  2. Reason for Separation — Unclassified Employee Separation or Release

    The Rules of the State Personnel Board should not be referenced in any document since unclassified employees are not covered by Board Rules.
    1. Separation Actions for disciplinary reasons other than those listed in Items 2(b) or 2(c) below, should have a comment similar to the following added to the Separation Notice. No reasons are to be given.

      Example: Separated from an unclassified position.

    2. Separation Actions Involving Drug Testing should have a comment similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Separated from an unclassified position due to drug testing.

    3. Involuntary Separations based on the Employees' Retirement System Law should be based on reasons cited in the law such as malingering, neglect of duty, etc. and should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Separated from an unclassified position due to malingering and neglect of duty.

    4. Releases from employment when employees do not return from leaves of absence should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Example: Released from an unclassified position due to failure to return from a leave of absence.

    5. Releases from employment that do not involve performance deficiencies or inappropriate conduct, and are no fault of the employee, should have comments similar to the following added to the Separation Notice:

      Examples: Released from an unclassified position at the expiration of a time-limited appointment.

      Released from an unclassified position due to one of the following: budgetary constraints, downsizing, reorganization, or termination of program.

  3. Employer’s Name, Address & Telephone Number on the Separation Notice

    1. The Employer’s Name to be listed on the Separation Notice is:

      Georgia Department of Human Services & the specific organizational unit.

    2. The Address and Employer’s Telephone Number to be listed are:

      Office of Human Resources
      2 Peachtree Street NW
      Atlanta, GA 30303
      Phone: 404.656.6750
      Fax: 404.463.0920

Information that may be Disclosed Regarding Separation Actions

  1. Classified employees not on working test may be advised of the factually accurate, job-related reasons for dismissal/separation.

  2. No reasons for separation are to be given to unclassified employees who are separated for disciplinary reasons, except as indicated in Reason for Separation —Separation of Unclassified Employees, Items 2(b) and 2(c) on page 2 of this document.

    Reasons for separation may be provided to unclassified employees who are released for not returning at the end of a leave of absence or for reasons other than performance deficiencies or inappropriate conduct that are no fault of their own (e.g., staff reduction, expiration of a time-limited appointment, etc.).

  3. All factually accurate, job-related information regarding separations is to be provided to the Georgia Department of Labor Representatives.

    Example: Employee refused to carry out assignment, theft, patient abuse.

Unusual circumstances should be discussed with the Office of Human Resources Compliance Management prior to releasing information to the Georgia Department of Labor.