501 Employee Orientation

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Department of Human Services
Human Resources Policy #501

Employee Orientation

Release Date:

November 15, 2009

Revised Date:

August 9, 2024

Next Review Date:

August 8, 2026

All new and rehired employees to the Department of Human Services (DHS) are to receive employee orientation.

Section A: General Provisions

  1. Employee orientation is intended to do the following:

    1. Introduce new and rehired employees to the organization;

    2. Provide a systematic approach for sharing general information, philosophies, policies and procedures to enable a smooth integration into the workforce; and

    3. Communicate standards and expectations of employment to new and rehired employees.

Section B: Responsibilities

  1. The Office of Human Resources (OHR) provides general orientation to all new and rehired employees.

  2. In addition to OHR New Employee Orientation (NEO), DHS organizational units may provide specific orientation to new employees. Records, which indicate that each employee has received appropriate orientation, are to be maintained by each organizational unit or as otherwise directed.

For additional information or assistance, please contact your designated Human Resources Representative.