1901 Audits and Other Examinations Performed by Outside Entities | IAC
Department of Human Services |
Index: |
POL 1901 |
Revised: |
03/06/2024 |
Next Review: |
04/01/2026 |
The policy of the Department of Human Services (DHS) is to protect, to the greatest extent possible, all resources awarded to and utilized by contractors and grantees in the delivery of services to Agency clients. In addition, as reflected in applicable laws, regulations, agreements, and standards, Internal Audit and Compliance (IAC) is responsible for providing reliable, helpful, and timely information for transparency and accountability of all programs and their operations to Executive Leadership, Legislators, oversight bodies, those charged with governance, and the public need to know whether (1) management and officials manage government resources and use their authority correctly and in compliance with laws and regulations; (2) government programs are achieving their objectives and desired outcomes; and (3) government services are provided effectively, efficiently, economically, and ethically.
The Office of Inspector General Internal Audit and Compliance (OIG-IAC) is responsible for issuing and updating procedures to implement this policy, when necessary.